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Old 04-21-2008, 02:28 AM
Lops Lops is offline
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Stream recorder- I appreciate your help so far.
I unzipped the files and was able to modify the drmdbg.ini
Now I am having problems creating/finding the keys. I run drmdbg.exe and It will try to open a song, then I get this readprocessMemory_error window
as well as WriteProcessMemory_error from DRMDBG
So Ill close it and open it again. The next time, it will play the song in windows media player, but it does not create/generate/find the key and put it in the field next to CLEAR on the drm tool. here is a picture.
Please help.
thanks so much
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Old 04-22-2008, 08:03 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

i am getting that same read and write memory error... the funny thing is i had this working just last week but i had to re-install windows because of some other stuff... now i am getting the read/write errors just like your screenshot... maybe its because windows is on my D:\ drive now? I have D:\ in my paths and everything.. i dont understand.. anyone???
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Old 04-23-2008, 12:16 AM
adam1972 adam1972 is offline
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MS seems to have patched their DRM

I just noticed after several attempts to remove some DRM ( I was able to this morning) that DRMDBG no longer functions. I remembered that MS told me this afternoon that there was an upgrade to some security files and I would not be able to access my media if I did not update them.... so I said OK. It placed an indiv02.key into my DRM folder.

The Version Went from:

I renamed the DRM folder as a test and re-individualized once again... the new indiv01.key is now version 11.0.6000.6324 and went from being 832kb to 1151kb.

Now I get those memory and write errors as well...... Any help?
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Old 04-26-2008, 11:24 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

My IBX version is now 11.0.6001.7000. I recently installed Vista SP1. Does anyone know if there are any plans to update drmbg to accommodate this?
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Old 04-27-2008, 07:42 PM
qvr qvr is offline
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

I'm getting the same read and write error also when trying to use drmdbg. I'm not sure what's going on.
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Old 04-30-2008, 05:49 AM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

I'm also getting the same read/write error. The problem for me is, that it won't create the DRM2 folder and the DRM2.key in it eventhough I have changed the attributes so it should be able to write in it. Any solutions?
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:57 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

i typed the paths into the drmdbg.ini file. I also am viewinf the hidden files but I am unable to locate the key file. I go to documents and settings>allusers>drm but then there is not a cache file to look in. How do I find the key to put in for the path?
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Old 05-02-2008, 02:39 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Originally Posted by Mac2492 View Post
I have a request + something that might help you all rolled into one...

Download drmdbg + FreeMe2 (2008/01/01)

Basically, I packaged drmdbg and FreeMe2 (the latest versions of both, so drmdbg is the January 1, 2008 version) and jotted down some quick instructions on how to use them from start to finish. (It starts at individualization and ends at freeing the DRM-protected content).

P.S. As always, scan for viruses (yes, I'm asking you to scan a file that I posted for viruses). I know that I'm trustworthy, but you don't. Stay safe. =)

That's the "something that may help you". Now here's my request...

Can someone (preferably someone who hasn't even individualized his/her computer yet) please follow the instructions step-by-step and tell me if everything works out? I want to make sure that I didn't miss a step or write down a step incorrectly. I already did the first few steps a while back, so I can't verify that they are correct.

Thanks, and enjoy... At the same time. x,X

Oh, and I take credit for nothing other than the instructions. Even then, you're free to post the instructions wherever (with or without credits... I don't really mind) you want.

For those who already have drmdbg and FreeMe2...

Please help me find any mistakes. ^,^
i really appreciate this tutorial that you have provided.
i tried, it worked at first.. (i mean i managed to get the sid thingy).. but when i copied to cmd, my freeme2 will stop working and close.

so i deleted, and tried all over again.. i cant get the sid thingy anymore. provided a screenshot for reference.
i read thru the thread, and realised some users have the same problem as me too. would really appreciate it if anyone can provide some help. i seriously have no idea what is wrong.

btw, i'm using vista
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Old 05-03-2008, 09:17 PM
bounci.rabbit.123 bounci.rabbit.123 is offline
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

I am also having the problem of drmdbg not giving me any key output. However, when I looked at the media usage rights, it said that that "the media usage rights cannot be backed up". does that mean that it doesn't store the information in indiv01.key, which is why i can't get any keys from drmdbg?
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Old 05-03-2008, 09:44 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

What version of IBX do you have?
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