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Old 02-16-2008, 03:01 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla


I believe I am having the same problem as two other posters. I am trying to strip drm from a BBC wmv downloaded into iplayer. Your instructions seem to be very clear and I believe I have followed them. When I run drmdbg I do not get a drm folder created nor do I get a .key file created in the folder which contains drmdbg. I have pasted some screen shots into a Word document and hope they will enable you to either confirm what I have done is right or demonstrate what a twat I am (I'll happily be a twat if it leads to a solution). You can get the Word file from here:

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. The screen shots show that I have copied the original downloaded wmv and renamed it copy.wmv but since that I have also tried it with the original file but with no success.

Many thanks.


I've checked and can confirm that drmv2clt.dll exists in C:\WINDOWS\system32\

I've done a search of the hard disk for *.key and nothing is found.
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Old 02-17-2008, 03:06 PM
Saya Otonashi
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

I have totaly same problem as the roadcone and many others.

I know how the process should work becouse IT DOES work in my XP instalation but not with Vista Ultimate.

They key is loaded to drmdbg and WMP is loaded (version of WMP is 11.0.6000.6344 and key version is 11.0.6000.7000) but after attemp to multiscan it simply opens only 1st file in scanned firectory and WMP starts to play it.

Anybody has idea how to solve it?

thanks for all the work guys!
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Old 02-17-2008, 07:30 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

I have encountered a few problems and I was wondering if anyone could give some assistance. I am running Vista and I have located and specified the paths of the key and the dll file. When I open the debugger the Windows Media player does open. I put my protected file into the drm removal kit directory and I use this same directory as my WMV directory. I also have my DRM2 directory set to save files into the drm removal kit directory. The problem I am having is that after I have done all of this, the keys do not seem to be loading. I have tried hitting the Multi Scan button even though the keys do not properly load. When I do this the file does begin to play, but the drm2 directory and drm2.key file iis not created. If anyone could give some advice it would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 02-19-2008, 07:21 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

I've tried to use previous versions of drmdbg without luck

I kept getting "VirtualAllocEx error" when I opened the program

I downloaded the latest version to give it another shot and after messing around with it I was eventually able to have drmdbg find my.key and the .dll file. Then it would pop up with with an error saying WMP and some weird characters...I assume that meant it wasn't able to load WMP.

I tried it a few times then I started getting the "VirtualAllocEx error" again

Now I can't get past that.

I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the version of Vista I'm running.

Anyone had luck with Vista Ultimate in 64 bit mode when running DRMDBG? I'd really like to get this working. I can't find anyone having this problem though.
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Old 02-20-2008, 02:58 AM
Saya Otonashi
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Originally Posted by Neski View Post
Anyone had luck with Vista Ultimate in 64 bit mode when running DRMDBG? I'd really like to get this working. I can't find anyone having this problem though.
I think drmdbg doesnt support 64bit systems...
Comon, Im not able to get it working on 32x, even more impossible on 64x
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Old 02-23-2008, 07:14 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Originally Posted by Mac2492 View Post
  • Restart drmdbg.exe if you changed anything
    • "[Insert Key Path Here] v11.0.6000.7000" should be displayed in the box beside "MultiScan". (With the proper key path inserted, of course)
    • Windows Media Player should open, regardless of whether the keys loaded or not.
  • Press MultiScan after the keys are loaded. (First Note in Step 5)
    Note: The DRM-protected media file will be opened in Windows Media Player and its path will be shown in the box above the "Clear" buton in drmdbg.
  • Take the necessary steps to play the media (validate the license).
  • Once the media starts playing and "DRM2.key" appears in the directory, you can close Windows Media Player and drmdbg.
    Note: The keys should also be displayed in the box to the left of the "Clear" button.
  • Drag the DRM-protected file onto FreeMe2.
    Note: The keys will auto-load from DRM2.key!
  • Enjoy the DRM-free content!
I took out all that works for me. When I start it back up, it does not show the whole path before the v11.0.6000.7000, it just shows the v11.....

Also it will not make the drm2 file. It will attempt to play file, but the pop up that says License Acquisition is a 404 page.

Its a brand new install, I installed Media Player 9, and copied one drm music file over to it. Any ideas?
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Old 02-26-2008, 01:39 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Originally Posted by roadcone View Post
you guys have been no help at all - even ignoring polite pleas for assistance. sad really.
If someone will be able to help, I think he/she will. It just doesn't seem to be an easy question to answer on.
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Old 03-01-2008, 12:33 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Well, today is everyones lucky day. I was having the same problem as a few of you in this thread. I had everything set up right, and drmdbg would open windows media player and play the song, but it wouldnt find the key.

I read in another thread that while the song is playing you right click on it and go to find album info, and it would freeze and you would find the sid. I tried this and absolutely nothing happened when I clicked on find album info (this is the case of all of my songs for some reason).

So I did some messing around and found that if you right click and go to properties, then click on the media usage rights tab, it will freeze windows media player. After it freezes, the sid shows up in drmdbg, and the key file is created.

The person who posted the find album info method only said that the sid would be in the box, so I assumed that a new window would open showing the sid and other info. This is not the case, he meant the bottom box of drmdbg.

So the method is:
  1. put track in drm removal kit folder
  2. open drmdbg and click multiscan. The song will start playing, but you wont get a key or sid.
  3. Go to now playing in windows media player (easiest way to find the song.)
  4. Right click on the song and go to properties.
  5. Click on the media usage rights tab
  6. Windows Media Player will freeze (stop responding) and close.
  7. The sid shows up in the bottom box of drmdbg and the key file shows up in the drm removal kit folder.
The only problem with this is that you can't use any of the automatic methods to do multiple files at one time.
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Old 03-16-2008, 07:35 PM
awaallan awaallan is offline
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

none of this da** stuff works under Windows Vista!!!! period!!! you Geniuses need to learn to test your solutions properly!!!!
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Old 03-18-2008, 11:05 PM
adam1972 adam1972 is offline
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One little change..

Okay after 2 hours of clicking on DRMDBG over and over after having modified the ini file I came up with a solution that worked immediately!
(on Windows XP) INTO

path=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\Cache\Indiv01.key

(on Windows XP) INTO

path="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\Cache\Indiv01.key"

Those quotes made it so that my DRMDBG actually pics up the IBX info when it starts up!

Good luck!
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