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Old 01-27-2008, 11:14 PM
Mac2492 Mac2492 is offline
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HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Player)

I have a request + something that might help you all rolled into one...

Download drmdbg + freeme2 (2008/01/01)
Basically, I packaged drmdbg and FreeMe2 (the latest versions of both, so drmdbg is the January 1, 2008 version) and jotted down some quick instructions on how to use them from start to finish. (It starts at individualization and ends at freeing the DRM-protected content).

P.S. As always, scan for viruses (yes, I'm asking you to scan a file that I posted for viruses). I know that I'm trustworthy, but you don't. Stay safe. =)

That's the "something that may help you". Now here's my request...

Can someone (preferably someone who hasn't even individualized his/her computer yet) please follow the instructions step-by-step and tell me if everything works out? I want to make sure that I didn't miss a step or write down a step incorrectly. I already did the first few steps a while back, so I can't verify that they are correct.

Thanks, and enjoy... At the same time. x,X

Oh, and I take credit for nothing other than the instructions. Even then, you're free to post the instructions wherever (with or without credits... I don't really mind) you want.

For those who already have drmdbg and FreeMe2...
Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg and FreeMe2:
  1. Individualize your computer at:
  2. Open up "drmdbg.exe".
    Note: "drmdbg.ini" should be created in the "DRM Removal Kit" directory".
  3. May not be required! Do no change anything if the settings below already have paths filled in. In "drmdbg.ini", change:
    (on Windows XP) INTO
    path=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\Cache\Indiv01.key
    (on Windows Vista) INTO
    • The path and number of the Individualization keys may vary, but these are the usual locations.
    • The files may be located on a different drive. They should be installed on your system drive by default, so replace "C" with your system drive letter.
    • Number variations will be something like "Indiv02.key", etc... Pick the highest number.
    • The keys are hidden by default... To make them visible, go to: (In Windows Explorer or Control Panel)
      "Tools (Windows Explorer Only) -> Folder Options -> View", then check "Show hidden files and folder" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files".
      Once you find the key, replace the path in "drmdbg.ini" with the proper path.
  4. Restart "drmdbg.exe"
    • "[Insert Key Path Here] v11.0.6000.7000" should be displayed in the box beside "MultiScan". (With the proper key path inserted, of course)
    • A "DRM2" folder with "DRM2.key" should be created in the "DRM Removal Kit" directory.
      Note: Windows Media Player should open.
  5. Put the DRM-protected file into the "DRM Removal Kit" directory.
  6. Open up "drmdbg.exe", then press "MultiScan" after the keys are loaded.
  7. Take the necessary steps to play the media (validate the license).
  8. The keys will be displayed in the bottom box of drmdbg (beside "Clear").
    Note: The only part of the output that is required to decrypt the media is the SID...
  9. Drag the DRM-protected file onto "FreeMe2.bat", then paste its SID when asked to do so.
    Note: Right click, then click "Paste".
  10. Enjoy the DRM-free content!
Please help me find any mistakes. ^,^

Last edited by Mac2492 : 01-28-2008 at 12:49 AM.
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Old 01-27-2008, 11:56 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

IBX file can reside on a different disk. And it definitely resides in a different folder in Windows Vista:
Windows Media Player 10/11: How to determine IBX version
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Old 01-28-2008, 12:02 AM
Mac2492 Mac2492 is offline
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
IBX file can reside on a different disk. And it definitely resides in a different folder in Windows Vista:
Windows Media Player 10/11: How to determine IBX version
The IBX file can reside in a different folder? Darn! >,<...

Also, I'm not sure about drmdbg auto-detecting the IBX files. I think it did it for one of my computers, but it didn't do it for my other one. (Copying and pasting that block of text into the ini file fixed it for me)

I'll add this information into the instructions... =)

(Erm... Do you want credits? I'm just checking, since some people really want credit for everything.)
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Old 01-28-2008, 04:40 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Originally Posted by Mac2492 View Post
Do you want credits? I'm just checking, since some people really want credit for everything.)
Keeping this instruction updated on this page is a good credit for me and the community.

If you really wanna help this web-site, you can click on the "BOOKMARK" button below the posts and add this and any other web-page you like to social bookmarking services. It really helps a lot.

p.s. Please do not change the markup of your post with instruction. It is much easier to read it this way!
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Old 01-28-2008, 08:35 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

After extracting license keys with drmdbg, you get the drm2-i.key file. If you rename it to drm2.key and copy to the FreeMe2 folder, you don't really need to copy SID and paste it.

FreeMe2 has automation tools (for drmdbg + freeme2). You may wanna write other instructions that will use them. Althouth they will be pretty short
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Old 01-28-2008, 01:17 PM
Mac2492 Mac2492 is offline
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
Keeping this instruction updated on this page is a good credit for me and the community.

If you really wanna help this web-site, you can click on the "BOOKMARK" button below the posts and add this and any other web-page you like to social bookmarking services. It really helps a lot.

p.s. Please do not change the markup of your post with instruction. It it much easier to read it this way!
Okay. =)

I don't use any social bookmarking services, but I'll post a link to this page on the other forum that I posted this on.

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
After extracting license keys with drmdbg, you get the drm2-i.key file. If you rename it to drm2.key and copy to the FreeMe2 folder, you don't really need to copy SID and paste it.

FreeMe2 has automation tools (for drmdbg + freeme2). You may wanna write other instructions that will use them. Althouth they will be pretty short
Thanks. I modified the instructions to reflect this. However, I left a (very simple) step out because I included a modified drmdbg.ini file with one setting disabled. (MakeDRM2Dir)

I'll quote my post here.


Okay, I modified the instructions to reflect the simpler method of using these tools. I actually left a modified version of "drmdbg.ini" in the folder that has NO PATHS. Instead, it just switched to "MakeDRM2Dir" value "0". This will prevent it from creating a DRM2 folder with the DRM2.key file inside. Instead, it simply creates DRM2.key inside the base directory.

As always, don't forget to scan for viruses.
Instructions only... (I can't edit them into the first post because they're so different.)

Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg and FreeMe2:
  1. Individualize your computer at:
  2. Put the DRM-protected file into the DRM Removal Kit directory.
  3. Open up drmdbg.exe, then open up drmdbg.ini created in the "DRM Removal Kit" directory.
  4. May not be required! Do no change anything if the settings below already have paths filled in. In "drmdbg.ini", change:
    (in Windows XP) INTO

    path=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\Cache\Indiv01.key
    OR (in Windows Vista) INTO

    • The path and number of the Individualization keys may vary, but these are the usual locations.
    • The files may be located on a different drive. They should be installed on your main system drive by default, so replace "C" with your main system drive letter.
    • Number variations will be something like "Indiv02.key", etc... Pick the one with the highest number.
    • The keys are hidden by default... To make them visible, go to:
      "Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View (Tab)", then check "Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files"
    • Once you find the individualization key, replace the path in "drmdbg.ini" with the proper path.
  5. Restart drmdbg.exe if you changed anything
    • "[Insert Key Path Here] v11.0.6000.7000" should be displayed in the box beside "MultiScan". (With the proper key path inserted, of course)
    • Windows Media Player should open, regardless of whether the keys loaded or not.
  6. Press MultiScan after the keys are loaded. (First Note in Step 5)
    Note: The DRM-protected media file will be opened in Windows Media Player and its path will be shown in the box above the "Clear" buton in drmdbg.
  7. Take the necessary steps to play the media (validate the license).
  8. Once the media starts playing and "DRM2.key" appears in the directory, you can close Windows Media Player and drmdbg.
    Note: The keys should also be displayed in the box to the left of the "Clear" button.
  9. Drag the DRM-protected file onto FreeMe2.
    Note: The keys will auto-load from DRM2.key!
  10. Enjoy the DRM-free content!
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Old 01-30-2008, 05:01 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Hello, I got here by googling "unprotect drm wmv", because I have some movies that I had bought a "lifetime" license to use, but then, the company did something to make the license not able to validate, so I can't watch them.

I thought that the process you described here would enable me to make them so that the drm license check would simply not occur, but I think I now understand that I have to have a valid license to enable the process to run, and show me the "key", which I can then paste into the prompt in the Freeme2.bat script. So, it's kind of a catch-22. I can remove the DRM check if I can first pass the DRM check, right? So, it looks like I'm still not going to get past that.
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Old 01-30-2008, 11:16 PM
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Mac2492- I followed your instructions but could not get the "DRM2.key." This may be stupid question but what am I supposed to put in the "DRM2 DIR" box? Is that my problem? here a a couple of key facts:

1. My system is Individualized

2. My paths are as follows in the drmdbg.ini (And i did check this using show hidden folders and files):
3. The top box shows up with my path and "v11.0.6000.7000"

4. my WMV DIR points to the folder containing the drm locked music

5. when i hit multiscan the box above the clear button fills in with the song but the box to the left of the clear box remains blank.

6. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium.

7. I have read through several forum threads but have not figured it out yet...
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Old 01-30-2008, 11:49 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Originally Posted by skitzoid View Post
I thought that the process you described here would enable me to make them so that the drm license check would simply not occur, but I think I now understand that I have to have a valid license to enable the process to run, and show me the "key", which I can then paste into the prompt in the Freeme2.bat script. So, it's kind of a catch-22. I can remove the DRM check if I can first pass the DRM check, right? So, it looks like I'm still not going to get past that.
You need a valid license to play the file, but you don't need to enter it into any DRM removal software. Just make sure you can play the file, 'coz it is a must have before unprotecting media files.
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Old 01-31-2008, 04:48 PM
Mac2492 Mac2492 is offline
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Re: HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Pla

Originally Posted by dr29 View Post
Mac2492- I followed your instructions but could not get the "DRM2.key." This may be stupid question but what am I supposed to put in the "DRM2 DIR" box? Is that my problem? here a a couple of key facts:
The "DRM2 DIR" option simply lets you choose where "DRM2.key" will be created. Preferably, you should set it to a place that you can find. (Otherwise, you won't be able to find DRM2.key. >,<)

By default, it is set to to folder that drmdbg is located. Also, the option to create a separate folder for the "DRM2.key" is enabled by default. Let's say that drmdbg is located in C:\drmdbg. By default, the DRM2.key file would go inside C:\drmdbg\DRM2\DRM2.key.

In the "simplified kit", I made a very simple adjustment to the ini file that disabled the "Create DRM2 Dir" option by default. Thus, the key would simply appear in the same folder as drmdbg.

If the file isn't being created at all, then the problem might be that drmdbg just isn't finding the keys. (Which is why it doesn't export anything...)

As for your problem... Some people have been reporting that Yahoo! Music isn't working with drmdbg. One user reported that FairUse4WM 1.3 works for some reason.

Do you use Yahoo! Music?

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 02-01-2008 at 12:05 AM. Reason: added links to drmdbg, fairuse4wm, yahoo music
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