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Old 03-24-2011, 09:58 AM
IKnowNothing IKnowNothing is offline
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Re: (4od), UK Recording Problem

Originally Posted by blazegmc View Post
i was using StreamTransport to download from 4od and itv player for months, but lastnight i notice its no longer working..

the only uk site that still works is the bbc iplayer. im wondering if its the latest update to flash thats killed it because i find it hard to see how every single streaming service will change at the same time.

i used hotspotshield to try some american sites and its the same problem with them too..

im going to downgrade to a different flash version and see if that fixed the problem.

i might be wrong about the flash update, i dont really know a lot about how it all works, but if streamtransport is really dead its a very sad day indeed.
I have a feeling that StreamTransport is dead or at least has been beaten.
I too have been using Stream Transport for 4OD with issue for months and this week it has stopped working. However I have, today, tried a number of other programs and NOTHING seems to be able to download 4OD.

Does anyone have a method that works with programs shown 23/3 that has worked today?
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Old 03-24-2011, 06:13 PM
Marco Marco is offline
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Re: Any way to capture video from the new 4OD service?

I'm having the same problem with 4OD and ITV player. BBC iplayer is still working at the moment. I wonder if someone is selling an anti-video capture "solution" to the networks, and the Beeb (BBC) is taking its time getting clearance to pay out for it. It seems weird that both channels have suddenly stopped working this week. By the way, I have the old version of Flash, so the upgrade isn't the problem.

I guess we have to wait for someone to come up with a way of beating this new streaming technology. But while the Beeb still works, I'll be grabbing as much as I can before it stops working too. Sad week, so much still to grab.
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Old 03-26-2011, 03:29 AM
IKnowNothing IKnowNothing is offline
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Re: Any way to capture video from the new 4OD service?

Originally Posted by getflv View Post
Please download latest GetFLV to download channel4 videos and give us your feedback.
I'm trying now and so far it's been running 30 minutes and hasn't even found a file size in the downloader - let alone downloaded anything :-(

It did find 2 streams with different URLs (same title) which I'm trying to download without success.

BBC works fine (just to check I'm set up correctly)
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Old 03-26-2011, 10:03 AM
getflv getflv is offline
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Re: Any way to capture video from the new 4OD service?

Originally Posted by IKnowNothing View Post
I'm trying now and so far it's been running 30 minutes and hasn't even found a file size in the downloader - let alone downloaded anything :-(

It did find 2 streams with different URLs (same title) which I'm trying to download without success.

BBC works fine (just to check I'm set up correctly)
Please tell us the webpage url of your video. We will check it and help you.
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Old 03-26-2011, 04:05 PM
Marco Marco is offline
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Re: Any way to capture video from the new 4OD service?

I installed GetFLV, and the same thing as Iknownothing happened to me. But at least ITV player played in the browser window - it just makes StreamTransport freeze up. Nothing appeared in the bottom panel to actually start downloading.

I tried a few videos from this page, and nothing.

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Old 03-26-2011, 07:01 PM
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Default (4od), UK Recording Problem

Its interesting that CooJah has also stopped working with 4OD and Channel 5. I've been using StreamTransport for the last 2 months, and its worked beautifully every time, until this week. Nothing.

The TV stations have done something to stop everything working. The question is - will there be a race to get a fix out?? I hope so. I hope this isn't the end of streaming capture, but for now it is the end
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Old 03-27-2011, 04:19 AM
nonprofit nonprofit is offline
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Re: Any way to capture video from the new 4OD service?

yes, CooJah has stopped working in the last week or two.
Very disappointing. I just can't get my head around the rtmpdump method etc
and if I'm reading some of these posts right anyway, that isn't working either for what I am wanting to download - as above Channel 4 and ITV Player.

When CoolJah is open the video won't play [it gives message about technical fault].
When I close Cooljah the video plays.

Annoying - all I want to do is share a few progs. with some ex-pat online friends, not make any profit.
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Old 03-27-2011, 04:20 AM
blazegmc blazegmc is offline
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Re: Any way to capture video from the new 4OD service?

i think we all need to face the facts that its come to an end.
im suprised that StreamTransport lasted so long, when you see all the problems other people have had with adobe..

on 18th feb a site admin on the other site said that the developer had just been busy with other projects and thats why it had not been updated, but i cant imagine him wanting to rework his magic now to fix the new problems..

there is talk about them releasing the source code so someone can pick it up and try make it work again, lets just hope they continue in the spirit of the freedom and dont try and charge for something that might brake again.
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Old 03-27-2011, 09:12 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Any way to capture video from the new 4OD service?

Originally Posted by getflv View Post
Please tell us the webpage url of your video. We will check it and help you.
i've checked it.
i dont live in UK so i used a primitive proxy of type B1. then surfed to this test url (Benidorm episode):

GetFLV caught some url and downloads it all fine.

if you live in UK and GetFLV doesnt do anything useful for you, then it's because you use a demo version (or a cr***ed version). from my own experience they simply dont work. a purchased version of GFLV will work. see screenshot above. StreamTransport is very similar to GFLV, with the difference that ST is freeware and updated seldom and GFLV, in contrast, a commercial piece of software. GFLV is updated very frequently (more than 1x per month!) and that's what you pay for: a working solution. i like ST .. but it's no good if it aint work, is it? (When you place your order for GFLV, please refer to "placebo" and you'll get a discount coupon )

you're welcome. i herewith did the testing yet for the website. am glad to help (you).

just an observation, is less protected (or difficult) than With Hulu, my B1 proxies dont work shit. I dont live in the States, i cant play Hulu videos. I dont live in UK but i do can play iTV videos.

i am just saying that ST and CJB dont work here, but a purchased version of GFLV does. so everyone buy a copy of GFLV!!

(or learn how to dump the video with rtmpdump. Rtmpdump *always* works with *any* website. Including Hulu! And rtmpdump is FREE. it's just nothing to play with for softies.)

Last edited by placebo : 04-21-2011 at 08:40 AM.
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Old 03-27-2011, 10:13 AM
blazegmc blazegmc is offline
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Re: Any way to capture video from the new 4OD service?

@ placebo thanks for the info, although ima little bit reluctant to pay out for software without seeing it in action for myself.. i would have thought the whole point of a demo would be so people KNEW it did exactly what they wanted before the pay for it... even if they fixed it to say only download 3 times before running out ,atleast we could then try it on 3 different channels.

have you tried hulu using Hotspot Shield?? i never have any problems connecting with that from the uk...

as for getflv i think im just gonna hold back and wait a bit untill more people can guarantee that it works..
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