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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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View Poll Results: What software do you prefer
Lossless DRM removal software (like FairUse4WM) 162 75.35%
Audio/video recorders (like SoundTaxi, freeTunes, TuneBite) 8 3.72%
I use both 45 20.93%
Voters: 215. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-05-2006, 09:20 AM
Stream Recorder
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Download FairUse4WM - strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 9,10,11 WMV,WMA

FairUse4WM is a GUI version of drmdbg.
FairUse4WM 1.3 fix-2 supports Windows Media Player 9,10, and WMP 11 Final with version 11.0.6000.6324 and lower.

We do not host or provide downloads of FairUse4WM. When downloading software from unknown sources make sure to check your downloads with a reliable antivirus software like Kaspersky Anti-Virus or Kaspersky Internet Security.

Basic requirements:
1. Only works on individualized DRM file
2. Requires Windows Media Player 9, 10 or 11 (doesn't work with WMP 11 with versions higher than 11.0.6000.6324). Works on Windows XP, Vista x32/x64
3. Works with both individualized content and some DRMv1 files
4. Does not work with Win98 or similar.

The program's functioning can be verified by stripping DRM protection from Demo files from, as well as those from other Microsoft Solution partners.

This program is ONLY designed and intended to enable fair-use rights to PURCHASED media.
- While the developer haven't been able to support license expiration/rental detection, please don't use this to abuse rental license
- This code does NOT allow import of KID/SID pairs to preclude its use for piracy

Note that some WM installations will have multiple ECC key-pairs, so you will likely have to "Extract Keys" using multiple licensed files. If you find a file that doesn't convert, try extracting keys wth it. Once your whole set of keys is extracted, you will no longer need to run WM per file.

Download 2009-01-10 FairUse4WM DRM-Remover Fix for Windows XP (by milOtis):
Instructions on using 2009-01-10 FairUse4WM DRM-Remover Fix for Windows XP (by milOtis)
Support forum thread for 2009-01-10 FairUse4WM DRM-Remover Fix for Windows XP (by milOtis)

Download Link:

Download FairUse4WM 1.3 fix-2 (0d5eaa7f8010e1293221a320943adb7e):

Download FairUse4WM 1.3 (MD5 : 12815576c78a799114025b3b266dd156):

Make sure you have individualization your system. Visit the following URL to automatically individualize your system

We've tested FairUse4WM and can confirm that it quickly and easily strip the DRM protection from online music services like Napster and Yahoo! Music Unlimited. fu4wm can strip DRM protection from PlaysForSure media services. And this lossless DRM removing allows you to make your Windows Media files playable after you're no longer paying fees on your music subscription service.
But I repeat again: Please do not abuse rental licenses. Use DRM removal software on LEGALLY purchased files only!

Please learn more about FairUse4WM 1.3.fix-2, downgrading Windows Media Player 11 Final to 11.0.6000.6324 (that is supported by FairUse4WM 1.3fix)

p.s. Please use FairUse4WM to create fair use backups only.
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Old 11-02-2006, 03:56 PM
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License/Key trouble

I recently purchased and downloaded a pack form direct song and want to convert them into an mp3 format, from what I could observe they're one time only license and I checked here after I had already accepted it. When I try to convert any of the songs to DRM free with FairUse4WM it says that they require a different private key. I wasn't sure what that meant so I checked around and found something about ECC key pairs and extracting but I'm not sure about that either, could anyone help?
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Old 11-02-2006, 08:46 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: License/Key trouble

If you get this error on a brand new license, then redownload test content from or Extract the keys.
If the key extraction fails, THEN please post the IBX version from the dialog box.

You may find more about FairUse4WM at
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Old 11-11-2006, 09:20 PM
Stream Recorder
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FairUse4WM 1.3 fix allows to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 11 Final

Someone called "monkey boy" posted a fix for FairUse4wm so now it supports Windows Media Player (WMP) 11 final. You may use it at your own risk.
I have made a determination to the effect that existing logic embedded inside fairuse4wm suffices for the individualized
components contained within microsoft's latest release of wmp11.

While I disavow all authorship claims to the original code; please allow my presentation of a executable patch to
fairuse4wm enabling this support
51cceb20d7d600c6e1c982f86d968061 *fu4wm13fix.exe

fairuse4wm has been corrupted by reversing upx compression and redacting these locations, provided by me as hexa offset,
starting value and finalized result
0004238D: 75 90
0004238E: 08 90
00042395: 74 EB
00042909: 04 24
00085444: 00 66
00085446: 00 69
00085448: 00 78
Many doom9 forum members confirm that the fix works, but not with WMP v11.0.5497.6285 or higher. The latest versions of WMP 11 (such as 11.0.5497.6285, 11.0.6000.6324 ) give the following error:
Extraction in progress on "Indiv01.key" 11.0.6000.6324 -- Please wait.
Phase 0 : Blocks: 1340 Large 0 Small, Errors: 0,0 Candidates: 5,3,2
Failure - Unable to identify RC4 and AES internal keys.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 11-16-2006 at 09:50 PM.
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Old 11-18-2006, 01:13 PM
DAGR80NE DAGR80NE is offline
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Re: License/Key trouble

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder
If you get this error on a brand new license, then redownload test content from or Extract the keys.
If the key extraction fails, THEN please post the IBX version from the dialog box.

You may find more about FairUse4WM at
Using IBX: "Indiv02.key" 11.0.6000.6324 (707KB)
IBX Version 11.0.6000.6324 isn't supported yet
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Old 11-18-2006, 01:18 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Removing DRM from a "one play" license media file with FairUse4WM

Let the FairUse4WM use the license instead of Windows Media Player - by acquiring but not playing the file.

1. Set your media player to ALWAYS PROMPT before acquiring a license. You should have this as your common setting anyway, because it will save you from folks using the DRM URL to deliver I.E. exploits.
In WMP 10:
1. Click "Tools"->"Options..." and select the "Privacy" tab.
2. In the "Enhanced playback and device experience" group uncheck "Acquire licenses automatically for protected content".
2. Open the file in the Windows Media Player and acquire the license, but DON'T click the Play button!

3. While the dialog is open you should be able to use FairUse4WM on that file. You can also exit your Windows Media Player (Click the Close button) and collect licenses for multiple files.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 11-18-2006 at 11:32 PM.
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Old 11-25-2006, 08:31 AM
consultant consultant is offline
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Re: Removing DRM from a "one play" license media file with FairUse4WM

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder
Let the FairUse4WM use the license instead of Windows Media Player - by acquiring but not playing the file.

1. Set your media player to ALWAYS PROMPT before acquiring a license. You should have this as your common setting anyway, because it will save you from folks using the DRM URL to deliver I.E. exploits.

2. Open the file in the Windows Media Player and acquire the license, but DON'T click the Play button!

3. While the dialog is open you should be able to use FairUse4WM on that file. You can also exit your Windows Media Player (Click the Close button) and collect licenses for multiple files.
I wish it were that simple. I already tried that. Dowloaded the file, didn't play it, open in Windows Media PLayer, dialog box comes up, I've tried using Fairuse4wm before agreeing to get the license and after. After agreeing, a Yahoo message comes up saying you can't play the file (you can only play it in the Yahoo music player).

I've yet to see anyone post that they successfully removed DRM from a Yahoo subscription file, NOT a purchased file. I don't think it is possible. I even purchase a track from Yahoo and used it to recover the key but that didn't help.
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Old 12-18-2006, 02:40 PM
turkay76 turkay76 is offline
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV,WMA

i have a question about drm removal tools

i use FairUse4WM for unlock drm on my videos recording with wmrecorder,its a fabulous tool,he work very nice

but i would like to say if when i receive my channel by media player ,the channel have a drm protection for forbiden the stream...(football channel only work with licenses), i have full licenses, i want to say if i can unlock directly the drm protection when i read the channel,because i would like to broadcast my channel directly by sopcast, but when i do that normally he want for sopcast channel viewver acquiring license...

it is possible to strip directly drm of my channel for stream this on sopcast directly?

thanks for your responses and excuse me for language, i dont have perfect english
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Old 12-18-2006, 11:34 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

We do not support piracy

Originally Posted by turkay76
it is possible to strip directly drm of my channel for stream this on sopcast directly?
DRM removal tools are intended to be used for personal backups only. We do not support piracy.
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Old 12-23-2006, 02:26 AM
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

Hi Guys

From what I've seen in
FairUse4WM I'm very impressed. I'd like to know how to get it more fault tolerant i.e. skip over broken frames and continue. If one plays licensed DRM movies in Media player it return an error when it encounters a corrupted frame and stops. But you can move the slider past this and press play again to continue without any problem.

Is there a way to keep FairUse4WM going over these bad frames? You can re-record this by using proggies like Fraps but its so much hassle.

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