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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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View Poll Results: What software do you prefer
Lossless DRM removal software (like FairUse4WM) 162 75.35%
Audio/video recorders (like SoundTaxi, freeTunes, TuneBite) 8 3.72%
I use both 45 20.93%
Voters: 215. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12-23-2006, 09:12 PM
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FairUse4WM vs. lossy converters SoundTaxi, freeTunes, TuneBite

Originally Posted by johanbar
You can re-record this by using proggies like Fraps but its so much hassle.
Besides lossless DRM removal software there are programs SoundTaxi, freeTunes, TuneBite. And they are especially useful for removing DRM from audio files if you want to save ID3 tags (artist, title, album).

I prefer to use FairUse4WM but sometimes it is useless and sometime it takes too much time to set the software up.
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Old 01-07-2007, 03:23 PM
colino colino is offline
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

I've just spotted I have the problem which FairUse4WM should resolve but I'm also supporting a version of mediaplayer beyond the version it currently caters for. Is it possible that whoever created FairUse4WM might eventually provide a later version addressing V.11 Final rather than my trying the Monkey Boy fix? If I could revert back to an earlier version of media player would this resolve the problem ? Thanks in advance
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Old 01-07-2007, 08:03 PM
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

I think i may have found a problem. I retrieved the keys and converted the file fine, but now when i go back into WMP and try to play the file that originally had DRM on it, it would not play. I tried getting a license for another file that i have, and it would not play that one. The error i get is this: "An operation was attempted on a pin that doesn't exist in the DirectShow filter graph."
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Old 01-08-2007, 02:04 AM
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

Originally Posted by colino View Post
I've just spotted I have the problem which FairUse4WM should resolve but I'm also supporting a version of mediaplayer beyond the version it currently caters for. Is it possible that whoever created FairUse4WM might eventually provide a later version addressing V.11 Final rather than my trying the Monkey Boy fix? If I could revert back to an earlier version of media player would this resolve the problem ? Thanks in advance
Here is the solution from Danj:
Originally Posted by Danj
It's the simple fact that because of all the many different configurations of Windows PCs out there, the
one-size-fits-all approach does not always work.

Since you have all the Windows Media Player updates installed, you would need to check if your Music/Video service will allow you to redownload songs, because the "roll-back" procedure that you would need to perform will destroy any existing DRM licenses you have (not just music but video too).

The reason why this roll-back procedure is needed is that the current version of FairUse4WM (1.3fix) does not support the latest version of Microsoft's "Individualized Black Box DLL" (referred to in this thread as "IBX" for short). This file is the critical system file which handles the encryption and decryption processes involved in Microsoft's DRM. A few forum posters at doom9 have discovered a method whereby they can obtain an older IBX by replacing certain Windows Media Player files with older versions. Unfortunately this seems to be a hit-and-miss process as not everyone has been able to get it to work. Also, because this file is individualized, you cannot simply download a copy of it from someone else, you have to obtain it via the proper individualization process which takes place on Microsoft's web site, otherwise it simply won't work at all.

I personally do not have any experience with the roll-back process since (so far at least) I haven't yet been forced to upgrade to Windows Media Player 11, and consequently I still have IBX version 11.0.5497.6285. If you wish to determine your own IBX version, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to Start, Control Panel, Folder Options, View tab.
2. Check "Show hidden files and folders".
3. Uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types" and "Hide protected operating system files".
4. Load Windows Explorer.
5. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM.
6. Right click Indivbox.key (may also be called Indiv001.key or Indiv002.key or something - pick the one with the highest number if so) and choose Properties.
7. Click the Version tab.

Your IBX version number will be displayed at the top. If it is 11.0.6000.6324 or higher then you will need to perform the roll-back process and hope it works for you. If not, then either FairUse4WM 1.3fix or FairUse4WM 1.3 should work for decrypting your files.

FairUse4WM itself is pretty self-explanatory... it is presented in a wizard style format and supports both dragging and dropping of files and also passing filenames on the command line. The first time you use it you will need to recover your DRM keys, but after that, unless for some reason your IBX gets upgraded or you have to reindividualize, it will remember them and go straight to the file chooser dialog.
Downloads of software and rollback instructions can be found on the following page:
FairUse4WM 1.3 - Freeware DRM removal Windows software. Strip copy-protection from .WMV, .ASF, .WMA (Windows Media Player 9, 10, 11)
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Old 01-08-2007, 02:43 AM
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An operation was attempted on a pin that doesn't exist in the DirectShow filter graph

Originally Posted by liltechdude View Post
I think i may have found a problem. I retrieved the keys and converted the file fine, but now when i go back into WMP and try to play the file that originally had DRM on it, it would not play. I tried getting a license for another file that i have, and it would not play that one. The error i get is this: "An operation was attempted on a pin that doesn't exist in the DirectShow filter graph."
The problem is discussed in the following thread
An operation was attempted on a pin that doesn't exist in the DirectShow filter graph
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Old 01-08-2007, 05:35 AM
colino colino is offline
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

Many thanks Danj for the prompt response

I have checked the version on my pC and it is 11.0.6000.6324

I think I will just leave as is but thanks anyway
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Old 01-14-2007, 01:41 AM
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

I want to know how it's possible to Open the file in the Windows Media Player and acquire the license, without clicking the Play button!
When I open a file in wmp it plays directely.
Scuse me my english, I am italian.
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Old 01-14-2007, 08:25 AM
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disable automatical license acquiring in the WMP

Originally Posted by sercat View Post
I want to know how it's possible to Open the file in the Windows Media Player and acquire the license, without clicking the Play button!
When I open a file in wmp it plays directely.
I suggest you to disable automatical license acquiring in the WMP.

In WMP 10:
1. Click "Tools"->"Options..." and select the "Privacy" tab.
2. In the "Enhanced playback and device experience" group uncheck "Acquire licenses automatically for protected content".
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Old 01-15-2007, 02:56 AM
colino colino is offline
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

Can anyone help?

I have downloaded music WMA DRM format files onto my main pC which has latest version of media player so I cant use FairUse4WM. My son has iPod and I hoped to remove DRM then convert WMA to IPOD format.

If I copy the music onto my laptop which has an older version of media player suitable for FairUse4WM will it allow me to remove DRM there?

Thanks in advance
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Old 01-16-2007, 02:06 AM
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

Originally Posted by colino View Post
I have downloaded music WMA DRM format files onto my main pC which has latest version of media player so I cant use FairUse4WM. My son has iPod and I hoped to remove DRM then convert WMA to IPOD format.

If I copy the music onto my laptop which has an older version of media player suitable for FairUse4WM will it allow me to remove DRM there?
Whether you wanna to downgrade the WMP or transfer DRM-protected content to a new PC, you should contact your service provider and ask whether it is possible to re-acquire licenses for the purchased files.
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