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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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View Poll Results: What software do you prefer
Lossless DRM removal software (like FairUse4WM) 162 75.35%
Audio/video recorders (like SoundTaxi, freeTunes, TuneBite) 8 3.72%
I use both 45 20.93%
Voters: 215. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-07-2007, 12:53 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

Originally Posted by derektheking View Post
so any updates? any idea if the creator will create a new version?
Nobody knows whether there will be any new updates or not.

Originally Posted by derektheking View Post
is there any information about an update to the fairuse4wm?

since that update to WMP11 this no longer works...and for me personally i can't seem to remove it.

I've tried everything to remove WMP 11 but no i'm out of luck using fairuse4wm.
You may try a virtual machine (either VMWare or Microsoft Virtual PC). Just install Windows XP (assuming you have your Windows XP install/upgrade disc) on it and run the beta version of WMP 11 if your purchase requires it.

Alternatively you can:You can also try lossy DRM removal software like Soundtaxi
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Old 05-08-2007, 12:46 AM
derektheking derektheking is offline
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

Stream Recorder?

How does Microsoft Virtual PC work? if you don't mind sharing such info or guiding me to the right place to find such info...

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Old 05-08-2007, 03:54 AM
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Why using Windows XP on Virtual PC or WM Ware?

Originally Posted by derektheking View Post
How does Microsoft Virtual PC work? if you don't mind sharing such info or guiding me to the right place to find such info...
Virtual PC is like having a virtual computer. It runs on a virtual harddrive on your main harddrive. You can set up a shared folder to share files beween your main OS and the virtual one.

With Virtual PC you can run one or even multiple other operating systems from your Windows XP or Windows Vista. Here we're interested in running Windows XP that fullfills the requirements of Fairuse4wm as a virtual OS.

In this virtual OS you log in onto your media content provider's web-site and download DRM protected files. Then use Fairuse4wm to remove DRM protection and put the unDRMed files into shared folder. You will immediately get access to the DRM-free files from your main OS.

It's much easier compared to having one more copy of Windows XP on your PC, 'coz you don't have to reboot and boot under different OS each time you wanna use another OS. You just run Virtual PC or WM Ware, hit the play button on the virtual OS to run it. Then use it as long as you need, then stop it and you're again in the main OS. It's like a snap!

Just don't update your virtual Windows XP. Or at least make sure to apply updates selectively.
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Old 05-08-2007, 11:02 AM
derektheking derektheking is offline
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Re: Why using Windows XP on Virtual PC or WM Ware?

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
Virtual PC is like having a virtual computer. It runs on a virtual harddrive on your main harddrive. You can set up a shared folder to share files beween your main OS and the virtual one.

With Virtual PC you can run one or even multiple other operating systems from your Windows XP or Windows Vista. Here we're interested in running Windows XP that fullfills the requirements of Fairuse4wm as a virtual OS.

In this virtual OS you log in onto your media content provider's web-site and download DRM protected files. Then use Fairuse4wm to remove DRM protection and put the unDRMed files into shared folder. You will immediately get access to the DRM-free files from your main OS.

It's much easier compared to having one more copy of Windows XP on your PC, 'coz you don't have to reboot and boot under different OS each time you wanna use another OS. You just run Virtual PC or WM Ware, hit the play button on the virtual OS to run it. Then use it as long as you need, then stop it and you're again in the main OS. It's like a snap!

Just don't update your virtual Windows XP. Or at least make sure to apply updates selectively.
thank you very much...i will play around with it..sounds easy enough, again thank you
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Old 05-24-2007, 04:55 PM
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 9,10,11 WMV,


FairUse4WM does not work on my laptop (Windows XP) provided by my company. When I doubleclick on the FairUse4WM.exe file, nothing happens but when I go check the processes in the Windows Task Manager, I see the a process "FairUse4WM.exe" that uses exactly 50% of the CPU. I never get a chance to see the window appear but the process stays until I end it by myself.

The laptop I have gets frequent updates from the IT department. FairUse4WM used to work 2 months ago on the same laptop.

- Has anyone experienced the same problem?
- Could the problem be caused by a security update introduced by Microsoft? a virus on my laptop? files missing needed to run FairUse4WM?

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Old 05-24-2007, 11:47 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 9,10,11 WMV,

Originally Posted by jfa99 View Post
FairUse4WM does not work on my laptop (Windows XP) provided by my company. When I doubleclick on the FairUse4WM.exe file, nothing happens but when I go check the processes in the Windows Task Manager, I see the a process "FairUse4WM.exe" that uses exactly 50% of the CPU. I never get a chance to see the window appear but the process stays until I end it by myself.

The laptop I have gets frequent updates from the IT department. FairUse4WM used to work 2 months ago on the same laptop.

- Has anyone experienced the same problem?
- Could the problem be caused by a security update introduced by Microsoft? a virus on my laptop? files missing needed to run FairUse4WM?
FairUse4WM doesn't work with Windows Media Player (WMP) v11.0.5497.6285 or higher. You should do selective updates to avoid updating your Windows Media Player.

Alternatively you may use other DRM removal software or install FairUse4WM onto Virtual PC / VMWare.

What kind of error did you have when trying to use Fairuse4WM?
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Old 05-25-2007, 03:51 PM
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 9,10,11 WMV,

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
FairUse4WM doesn't work with Windows Media Player (WMP) v11.0.5497.6285 or higher. You should do selective updates to avoid updating your Windows Media Player.

Alternatively you may use other DRM removal software or install FairUse4WM onto Virtual PC / VMWare.

What kind of error did you have when trying to use Fairuse4WM?
This is what is installed on my laptop:

- Windows XP SP2 (+ many security updates done by the IT department)
- Windows Media Player version
- IBX version 11.0.5497.6285
- DRM Client DLL

The problem starts at the moment I want to launch "FairUse4MW.exe". I do not even get the first window (the one with the Recover Keys button). I see a process called "fairuse4wm.exe" being started when I look at the processes in Windows Task Manager but that process takes up 50% of the CPU. I have to end it myself because it never terminates.

How can I solve this problem?

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Old 05-25-2007, 11:21 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 9,10,11 WMV,

Originally Posted by jfa99 View Post
This is what is installed on my laptop:

- Windows XP SP2 (+ many security updates done by the IT department)
- Windows Media Player version
- IBX version 11.0.5497.6285
- DRM Client DLL

The problem starts at the moment I want to launch "FairUse4MW.exe". I do not even get the first window (the one with the Recover Keys button). I see a process called "fairuse4wm.exe" being started when I look at the processes in Windows Task Manager but that process takes up 50% of the CPU. I have to end it myself because it never terminates.

How can I solve this problem?
Fairuse4wm doesn't work with IBX 11.0.5497.6285 and higher. However your error is very weird. You may try to remove Fairuse4wm and install one more time.
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Old 06-05-2007, 04:44 AM
Stream Recorder
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drmdbg 2007/06/04 00:15 for "IndivBox.key v11.0.6000.6324"

drmdbg 2007/06/04 00:15 for "IndivBox.key v11.0.6000.6324"
by taku & inoyan
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Old 07-04-2007, 03:11 AM
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Re: Download FairUse4WM - to strip DRM protection from Windows Media Player 10,11 WMV

Dear Gods of streaming, etc.
I am in deep need of your help.

Though I have followed the instruction I got from FairUse4WM for "FairUse4WM 1.3 fix downgrading Windows Media Player 11 Final to 11.0.5705.5043" to bring my IBX version down.
I did exactly, word by word written by the author.
Still the IBX version remains 11.0.6

My media player is version 9.
Help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much sirs.
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