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View Poll Results: What do you think about the Amazon Instant Video security hole?
The instructions are fake, they ain't work! (And i am a troll. ) 1 7.14%
INSANE. From now on no more Hulu, no more torrents, thanks for telling!! 2 14.29%
Pssht! (SRF shouldnt have disclosed any of its details in public. ) 0 0%
I'd luv to join the party but cant get to the point büüäähh 0 0%
Damn it you SRF kiddos just share the f***ing password! 1 7.14%
I prefer p2p networks. Torrents are much easier 3 21.43%
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Old 04-30-2011, 11:33 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user View Post
By the way, I am not the original author of this hacking method; full credits go to several SRF members, in particular to the team who modified the Replay Media Catcher 3 plugin.
I don't know anything about RTMP plug-in modification. The official plugin_zrtmp.dll from Applian used to support RTMPE protocol before Adobe came to the spotlight.
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Old 04-30-2011, 03:57 PM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

the anonymous author explains it vaguely in the download ZIP-file..
Originally Posted by HowToDownloadFrom\HowToDownloadFrom AIV\readme.txt
quotebegin-"in particular to the team who modified the Replay Media Catcher 3 plugin"-quoteend, this phrase is used as a metaphor for "rtmpe catching and downloading tools" and their passionately working authors from all over the world.
Yeah, looks like Applian is totally innocent here. So dear Amazon, please do not sue Applian Technologies Inc. again!!
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Old 04-30-2011, 04:44 PM
boneramous lugayness boneramous lugayness is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

AWEESOOME. changed default BACK to firefox (had to go to chrome after updating windows yesterday), downloaded latest firefox to fix the connection problem, but STILL had the "Flash player out of date" problem. downloaded the new Flash IN GetFLV after disabling PeerBlock (which was probably my original problem haha), restarted GetFLV and everything worked GREAT! now i just have to save up $60

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Old 05-04-2011, 01:54 AM
xboxsold xboxsold is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

Can you elaborate what was "disabling PeerBlock" or give more details please..
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Old 06-07-2011, 04:12 AM
DumberThanPalin DumberThanPalin is offline
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Re: How to download Amazon Video on Demand (VOD) videos with freeware rtmpdump

Originally Posted by srpenn82 View Post
ive been able to download some amazon vod using this syntax:

rtmpdump --verbose --flv output.flv --protocol 2 --host --app "ondemand?ovpfv=2.1.4&auth=da.alaYdwbJbFbXdOdodHdd bhbabTdKdjce-bngs5z-iYG-KvI1Cyt-k7scjhnfm9m3qckVpXpbtWoSk5jfl3pTlRscjcn5mcmaqbjdo5 qTsen9lTj5mWpUlTtWj8oVm9m9qekSohp8&aifp=v001&slist =ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/" --playpath mp4:ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/7d43426a-fd92-4c85-a36a-09635932402e-094.mp4 --swfVfy

Anyway, I took a look at your syntax and unpacked the Amazon Flash client to extract the new swf player address. I have changed the --swfvfy URL to

Still fails, though. All versions of rtmpdump after 2.1d have trouble convincing the server to accept a type 6 handshake instead of a type 9:

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\rtmpdump-2.2d>c:

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\rtmpdump-2.2d>cd "C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\rtmp

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\rtmpdump-2.2d>rtmpdump
RTMPDump v2.2d
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
ERROR: You must specify a hostname (--host) or url (-r "rtmp://host[:port]/playp
ath") containing a hostname

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\rtmpdump-2.2d>rtmpdump --verbose --flv output.flv -
-protocol 2 --host --app "ondemand?ovpfv=2.1.4&auth=da.alaYd
wbJbFbXdOdodHdd bhbabTdKdjce-bngs5z-iYG-KvI1Cyt-k7scjhnfm9m3qckVpXpbtWoSk5jfl3pT
lRscjcn5mcmaqbjdo5 qTsen9lTj5mWpUlTtWj8oVm9m9qekSohp8&aifp=v001&slist =ans/10753
6/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/" --playpath mp4:ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p3
9/ics/p/7d43426a-fd92-4c85-a36a-09635932402e-094.mp4 --swfVfy http://ecx.images-
RTMPDump v2.2d
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
WARNING: You haven't specified a port (--port) or rtmp url (-r), using default p
ort 1935
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMPE
DEBUG: Hostname :
DEBUG: Port     : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath : mp4:ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/7d43426a-fd92-4c85
DEBUG: tcUrl    : rtmpe://
alaYdwbJbFbXdOdodHdd bhbabTdKdjce-bngs5z-iYG-KvI1Cyt-k7scjhnfm9m3qckVpXpbtWoSk5j
fl3pTlRscjcn5mcmaqbjdo5 qTsen9lTj5mWpUlTtWj8oVm9m9qekSohp8&aifp=v001&slist =ans/
DEBUG: swfUrl   :
DEBUG: app      : ondemand?ovpfv=2.1.4&auth=da.alaYdwbJbFbXdOdodHdd bhbabTdKdjce
-bngs5z-iYG-KvI1Cyt-k7scjhnfm9m3qckVpXpbtWoSk5jfl3pTlRscjcn5mcmaqbjdo5 qTsen9lTj
5mWpUlTtWj8oVm9m9qekSohp8&aifp=v001&slist =ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics
DEBUG: live     : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 30 sec
DEBUG: 08 f5 00 95 e0 35 af 01 ac 31 1e 9d 29 b7 f8 01
DEBUG: 7a 07 eb 32 69 a5 c4 6a ef ab ea c6 2a 09 b0 d8
DEBUG: SWFSize  : 881927
DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms
Connecting ...
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking
DEBUG: HandShake: Client type: 06
DEBUG: HandShake: DH pubkey position: 166
DEBUG: HandShake: Client digest offset: 879
DEBUG: HandShake: Initial client digest:
DEBUG: 5a 19 52 77 e5 5b 4c 8a 57 21 70 96 db 22 5f 44
DEBUG: 89 47 d5 7b 00 eb 7e d2 2d 58 e1 3e 60 ba 81 f5
DEBUG: HandShake: Type Answer   : 09
WARNING: HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 9
DEBUG: HandShake: Server Uptime : 1027854980
DEBUG: HandShake: FMS Version   :
DEBUG: HandShake: Server DH public key offset: 326
DEBUG: HandShake: Secret key:
DEBUG: 9d 08 22 1f cc 7b cf 6b 5a 14 69 21 f8 1a 32 7c
DEBUG: 46 45 5f ff 33 51 4b 9d d9 1e 52 a3 ac 9b d8 a3
DEBUG: e8 15 3e ed dd 6f e0 ee c6 fb 2b 99 27 2e 07 da
DEBUG: f6 4f 53 22 46 4a fe 2b aa e7 bd 2c 29 cb 2f 7c
DEBUG: a1 56 65 3f 98 f4 a3 2a a1 ed c9 03 28 98 76 ce
DEBUG: 51 d0 34 5b 7f 51 0e 3c 45 35 98 9b 27 2e 26 8a
DEBUG: 37 e1 c0 56 d0 31 34 8e 29 44 38 86 5c 1d 82 50
DEBUG: e7 b9 f5 ec 4f ad 0c bc 30 2e c6 e9 71 55 3d ad
DEBUG: RC4 Out Key:
DEBUG: b9 b6 90 8e 1c e3 dd 92 d0 f4 3e 15 6d 71 38 d2
DEBUG: RC4 In Key:
DEBUG: 34 31 4e 0d 85 6e 00 6d 8a 0a 9a bb 25 54 a3 63
DEBUG: HandShake: Calculated digest key from secure key and server digest:
DEBUG: 27 19 95 9d cd b4 31 46 e6 9f 1d 69 98 f8 0f 3f
DEBUG: 84 9d dc ea 7a 7c 51 2a 11 b5 96 7f ff 33 df ef
DEBUG: HandShake: Client signature calculated:
DEBUG: ad 93 da 92 9b 4e 2e 70 fa 94 3e bb 9f 38 d0 0b
DEBUG: 41 a1 33 3e f7 d4 52 23 6f 83 ca 2f b3 48 58 0f
DEBUG: HandShake: Server sent signature:
DEBUG: 06 e2 40 f4 7e fc d5 b2 f6 04 6e a8 91 f6 e2 04
DEBUG: 81 f1 3c ff 74 2b 03 f3 81 3f b9 92 f6 4f 55 9a
DEBUG: HandShake: Digest key:
DEBUG: 15 5c 9f 1b 3e a0 71 1a 26 7c fa d3 c8 ea d2 82
DEBUG: fb 2e aa 5c 49 04 2d b1 77 b0 3f a8 cd e3 64 2a
DEBUG: HandShake: Signature calculated:
DEBUG: 1c 76 36 3b 31 4b 46 53 67 87 ab d4 48 1c 6d eb
DEBUG: 1b 81 d3 58 ee 26 ef 53 ad eb 7f 05 1b a4 5c af
WARNING: HandShake: Server not genuine Adobe!
ERROR: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed.
DEBUG: Closing connection.

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\rtmpdump-2.2d>pause
Press any key to continue . . .
Anybody with older rtmpdump wanna give it a shot? Once again, the updated URL for swfVfy instruction is: --swfVfy http://ecx.images-
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Old 06-07-2011, 05:47 AM
DumberThanPalin DumberThanPalin is offline
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Re: How to download Amazon Video on Demand (VOD) videos with freeware rtmpdump

Anyhoo, I don't think RTMPdump is gonna work until Howard figures out Handshake-9. The server will accept type 3 or type 6 handshakes for RTMP but not for RTMPE, it looks like.

I got the server to accept my handshake, but I guess that's not much of an accomplishment for protocol 1 or protocol 0.

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\rtmpdump-2.2d>rtmpdump
RTMPDump v2.2d
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
ERROR: You must specify a hostname (--host) or url (-r "rtmp://host[:port]/playp
ath") containing a hostname

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\rtmpdump-2.2d>rtmpdump --verbose --flv output.flv -
-protocol 0 --host --app "ondemand?ovpfv=2.1.4&auth=da.alaYd
wbJbFbXdOdodHdd bhbabTdKdjce-bngs5z-iYG-KvI1Cyt-k7scjhnfm9m3qckVpXpbtWoSk5jfl3pT
lRscjcn5mcmaqbjdo5 qTsen9lTj5mWpUlTtWj8oVm9m9qekSohp8&aifp=v001&slist =ans/10753
6/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/" --playpath mp4:ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p3
9/ics/p/7d43426a-fd92-4c85-a36a-09635932402e-094.mp4 --swfVfy http://ecx.images-
RTMPDump v2.2d
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
WARNING: You haven't specified a port (--port) or rtmp url (-r), using default p
ort 1935
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP
DEBUG: Hostname :
DEBUG: Port     : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath : mp4:ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/7d43426a-fd92-4c85
DEBUG: tcUrl    : rtmp://
laYdwbJbFbXdOdodHdd bhbabTdKdjce-bngs5z-iYG-KvI1Cyt-k7scjhnfm9m3qckVpXpbtWoSk5jf
l3pTlRscjcn5mcmaqbjdo5 qTsen9lTj5mWpUlTtWj8oVm9m9qekSohp8&aifp=v001&slist =ans/1
DEBUG: swfUrl   :
DEBUG: app      : ondemand?ovpfv=2.1.4&auth=da.alaYdwbJbFbXdOdodHdd bhbabTdKdjce
-bngs5z-iYG-KvI1Cyt-k7scjhnfm9m3qckVpXpbtWoSk5jfl3pTlRscjcn5mcmaqbjdo5 qTsen9lTj
5mWpUlTtWj8oVm9m9qekSohp8&aifp=v001&slist =ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics
DEBUG: live     : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 30 sec
DEBUG: 08 f5 00 95 e0 35 af 01 ac 31 1e 9d 29 b7 f8 01
DEBUG: 7a 07 eb 32 69 a5 c4 6a ef ab ea c6 2a 09 b0 d8
DEBUG: SWFSize  : 881927
DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms
Connecting ...
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, ... connected, handshaking
DEBUG: HandShake: Client type: 03
DEBUG: HandShake: Client digest offset: 53
DEBUG: HandShake: Initial client digest:
DEBUG: ee 3b 32 eb d6 51 97 30 b2 2f 77 b6 da bc ec 46
DEBUG: 73 a9 01 57 50 48 7f b8 8d 01 bb e6 63 54 31 71
DEBUG: HandShake: Type Answer   : 03
DEBUG: HandShake: Server Uptime : 1616061430
DEBUG: HandShake: FMS Version   :
DEBUG: HandShake: Calculated digest key from secure key and server digest:
DEBUG: 13 1b cc 45 ec 01 12 00 fa 00 0b 8d be 8a b4 b8
DEBUG: e6 cf ea 74 84 a1 12 83 95 d8 aa 4f 94 57 57 43
DEBUG: HandShake: Client signature calculated:
DEBUG: ee 64 ec 05 47 d1 af 31 e7 e3 0d e6 49 10 6e e7
DEBUG: bf e5 cb 55 93 87 80 12 6d 04 1f c6 15 bb 95 30
DEBUG: HandShake: Server sent signature:
DEBUG: 2e d2 58 87 d0 1c a3 70 9f 5e 88 5c f1 47 78 44
DEBUG: 5f 03 f4 4b 0f 7c 2a 76 cb df e4 db fc b7 7a 6b
DEBUG: HandShake: Digest key:
DEBUG: a2 38 40 bf f4 9b c0 e2 bd b6 84 e7 0c 36 6a 6e
DEBUG: 9f db eb 16 7e 8d d7 43 48 2b 4c 6d 58 84 f5 fe
DEBUG: HandShake: Signature calculated:
DEBUG: 2e d2 58 87 d0 1c a3 70 9f 5e 88 5c f1 47 78 44
DEBUG: 5f 03 f4 4b 0f 7c 2a 76 cb df e4 db fc b7 7a 6b
DEBUG: HandShake: Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server
DEBUG: HandShake: Handshaking finished....
DEBUG: RTMP_Connect1, handshaked
DEBUG: Invoking connect
INFO: Connected...
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 163 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: NULL
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name:              level, STRING:     error>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:               code, STRING:     NetConnection.Connect.Re
DEBUG: Property: <Name:        description, STRING:     [ AccessManager.Reject ]
 : Must use RTMPE or RTMPTE on this connection>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_error>
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 18 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: NULL
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <close>
ERROR: rtmp server requested close
DEBUG: Closing connection.

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\rtmpdump-2.2d>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 06-07-2011 at 01:08 PM. Reason: deleted off topic jargon
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:20 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

hehe. this thread is about HOW TO DOWNLOAD and not about HOW TO FAIL TO DOWNLOAD amazon clap nor about rtmpdump or handshakes. if you continue to post your long failure logs, all related to RTMPDUMP, then i will transfer you to the rtmpdump section of SRF.

havent deleted users or posts for a long time. 'm feeling itchy and scratchy

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Old 06-07-2011, 08:38 AM
svnpenn svnpenn is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

I agree with placebo

you have posted nothing more than RTMPdump failures and old information. The type 9 RTMPE handshake has been an issue since AT LEAST march of this year. Drop it unless you have new information.
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Old 06-07-2011, 01:02 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

Originally Posted by placebo View Post
havent deleted users or posts for a long time. 'm feeling itchy and scratchy
I will delete you just for not using plain english Understood?
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Old 06-23-2011, 06:31 PM
chap chap is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

chap, have you tried Russian rtmp explorer on AIV's?
no not working.

And has anyone tried TubeDigger?
i cant test it. i have uninstalled it!!
just download the trailer,unlike GetFLV
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