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View Poll Results: What do you think about the Amazon Instant Video security hole?
The instructions are fake, they ain't work! (And i am a troll. ) 1 7.14%
INSANE. From now on no more Hulu, no more torrents, thanks for telling!! 2 14.29%
Pssht! (SRF shouldnt have disclosed any of its details in public. ) 0 0%
I'd luv to join the party but cant get to the point büüäähh 0 0%
Damn it you SRF kiddos just share the f***ing password! 1 7.14%
I prefer p2p networks. Torrents are much easier 3 21.43%
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Old 12-27-2010, 06:52 PM
srpenn82 srpenn82 is offline
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Re: How to download Amazon Video on Demand (VOD) videos with freeware rtmpdump

ive been able to download some amazon vod using this syntax:

rtmpdump --verbose --flv output.flv --protocol 2 --host --app "ondemand?ovpfv=2.1.4&auth=da.alaYdwbJbFbXdOdodHdd bhbabTdKdjce-bngs5z-iYG-KvI1Cyt-k7scjhnfm9m3qckVpXpbtWoSk5jfl3pTlRscjcn5mcmaqbjdo5 qTsen9lTj5mWpUlTtWj8oVm9m9qekSohp8&aifp=v001&slist =ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/" --playpath mp4:ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/7d43426a-fd92-4c85-a36a-09635932402e-094.mp4 --swfVfy
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Old 02-19-2011, 06:44 AM
getflv getflv is offline
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Re: How to download Amazon Video on Demand (VOD) videos with freeware rtmpdump

Originally Posted by srpenn82 View Post
ive been able to download some amazon vod using this syntax:

rtmpdump --verbose --flv output.flv --protocol 2 --host --app "ondemand?ovpfv=2.1.4&auth=da.alaYdwbJbFbXdOdodHdd bhbabTdKdjce-bngs5z-iYG-KvI1Cyt-k7scjhnfm9m3qckVpXpbtWoSk5jfl3pTlRscjcn5mcmaqbjdo5 qTsen9lTj5mWpUlTtWj8oVm9m9qekSohp8&aifp=v001&slist =ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/" --playpath mp4:ans/107536/h264/HBO/2/-ep/452/p39/ics/p/7d43426a-fd92-4c85-a36a-09635932402e-094.mp4 --swfVfy
Amazon has changed it's protect method. Latest GetFLV can download Amazon Video on Demand for you. Please check it.
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Old 03-08-2011, 10:24 PM
srpenn82 srpenn82 is offline
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Re: How to download Amazon Video on Demand (VOD) videos with freeware rtmpdump

beside the fact that GetFLV might actually work, it is a terrible program.

1. even at $59.95 that is overpriced considering open source rtmpsrv will do much of it for free
2. your GUI is HORRIBLE. for god sakes get the Qt framework. it is open source and free. VLC media player use it as an example.

also as of 2011-1-27 Amazon changed to using an IP based RTMP host instead of URL. so windows users are basically out of luck. for some reason i cant even get rtmpsrv to work on linux with amazon since then
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Old 04-25-2011, 05:36 PM
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Re: Recording videos from Amazon VOD (video on demand) [RTMPE encrypted protocol]

Anyone knows how to download Amazon Video on Demand
they call it now Amazon Instant Video:

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Old 04-26-2011, 08:50 AM
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD) : Amazon Instant Video (AIV), formerly: Amazon VOD, Amazon Video On Demand
  • Registration, Login, Amazon account, Amazon Prime, Free Trial, Subscription?
    No, nothing needed. No money, no credit card, no U.S. bank, no login, no account, nothing. Well, except for a proxy and some tool(s). By the way, I am not the original author of this hacking method; full credits go to several SRF members, in particular to the team who modified the Replay Media Catcher 3 plugin. And it is safe to assume that the whole video release scene must have been abusing the procedure for years without telling.
  • Full length.
    AIV's have at least 1 of the following most common attributes:
    "?? hours/days rental", "Buy this ??", "Buy TV Pass", "HD", "Video currently unavailable", "Play free preview", "Play trailer", "(no play button whatsoever)", "Prime members".
    Bad news: Only those AIV's the attributes of which include "Play free preview" can be downloaded in full length. A large group of AIV's which have a "Play trailer"-button instead are costly Hollywood blockbuster movie productions, for which official trailers were explicitly produced. Whenever such an official trailer video clip replaces the free preview, the AIV cannot be downloaded in full-length because it is blocked by the existence of that very trailer.
    Good news: Whenever it says "Play free preview", the full-length downloadability is guaranteed! And most AIV's do have this button, e.g. low budget films (for theater/TV/cinema), TV shows, TV series, TV series in HD, documentaries and other Movie Genres.
    Bottom line: There exists no rule by which you could possibly predict whether an AIV comes with a free preview- or with a trailer-button, for example do a search on < harry potter and the chamber of secrets > and you get 5 results: 2 movies with a free preview-button, 3 movies with a trailer-button!
  • Localization.
    Amazon videographic material (and MP3 downloads) is meant exclusively for U.S. residents. However you can easily fool the website with proxies if you live outside the United States. For this, try different proxy types, clear the browser cache (Temporary Internet Files) in between and reload the AIV webpage. Once you're in, feel free to shut down your proxy servers and continue the piracy downloading with your normal IP address (issued from your local ISP). As you can see, you only need to fool the website once, at the very beginning (say, of your day). Well, if you're paranoid, continue to hide your identity with proxies: safety comes first, huh?
  • Streaming quality, bitrates.
    When you play the free preview stream in non-HD mode, the Flash Player automatically examines your connection speed (bandwidth) and decides for 1 fixed streaming quality. Once the video has started streaming, you cannot change its quality anymore. The streaming quality is indicated at the bottom of the Flash Player:

    Connection speed / Video quality: Very Low / Very Low (348 kbits/sec) |
    Connection speed / Video quality: Low / Low (664 kbits/sec 480p) ||
    Connection speed / Video quality: Medium / Medium (996 kbits/sec 480p) |||
    Connection speed / Video quality: High / High (1328 kbits/sec 480p) ||||

    the max. is 4 green bars, which means a resolution of 480p at a high bitrate of ~1328kbps *.FLV (1200kbps for the AVC video + 128kbps for the AAC audio). With a DSL 6000 line, it is easy to maintain such a stream. If you have difficulties achieving the 4 green bars, you can "reset" your connection speed by running the online speed test once. Also close unnessary windows, kill unnessary background processes. This ensures that your system is again fresh and fast. Then repeatedly reload the AIV webpage until you get the 4 green bars.
  • HD (High Definition, 720p).
    The existence of the HD streaming option is coupled with the offered AIV item itself and absolutely independent from you, your internet connection or your system. Every amazon surfer on the globe confronts identically the same picture: Either a particular AIV item does have an additional HD streaming option or it doesnt; it is nothing which you (or your system) could determine, control or influence! As a general rule, old Hollywood movies dont come with a HD streaming option whereas all recent popular U.S. TV series do have a "HD-button" to switch between standard streaming vs. high definition streaming. Anyway, when you play the free preview, look for button(s) which let you switch to streaming the free preview in HD. Typically some button in the embedded Flash Player is labelled "HD".
  • Download transfer speed and parallel downloads.
    You can download several AIV's at the same time. The download speed (per stream) is typically faster than the actual playing time of the video, and it may range from 90KB/s to 250KB/s (depending on the number of green bars). A HD stream's typical download speed may range from 450KB/s to 0.6MB/s. The situation is comparable to downloading multiple RTMPE-streams from or; nothing special to note.
  • Resumability.
    This property tops it all off! You can pause/halt/stop/interrupt your download, shut down your PC, and get up next morning with a new (local) IP address, and then resume your download. Very fascinating to see that resuming works! And why or how does it work? I dont know. Maybe the RMTPE-url's are (in a certain way) static url's which dont expire. Maybe we can run some tests and compare, for example for Grey's Anatomy [HD]: Season 7, Episode 18 "Song Beneath the Song [HD]": Instant Video
    i get:
    The original untouched *.FLV-downloaded file (i.e. with unfixed duration):
    Complete name                    : C:\pirating amazon\ Grey's Anatomy [HD] Season 7 Episode 18 Song Beneath the Song [HD] Instant Video.flv
    Format                           : Flash Video
    File size                        : 839 MiB
    Format                           : AVC
    Format/Info                      : Advanced Video Codec
    Format profile                   : High@L4.0
    Format settings, CABAC           : Yes
    Format settings, ReFrames        : 2 frames
    Format settings, GOP             : M=3, N=46
    Codec ID                         : 7
    Bit rate mode                    : Variable
    Maximum bit rate                 : 3 750 Kbps
    Width                            : 1 280 pixels
    Height                           : 720 pixels
    Display aspect ratio             : 16:9
    Frame rate mode                  : Variable
    Frame rate                       : 23.976 fps
    Color space                      : YUV
    Chroma subsampling               : 4:2:0
    Bit depth                        : 8 bits
    Scan type                        : Progressive
    Color primaries                  : BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4, SMPTE RP177
    Transfer characteristics         : BT.709-5, BT.1361
    Matrix coefficients              : BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4 709, SMPTE RP177
    Format                           : AAC
    Format/Info                      : Advanced Audio Codec
    Format profile                   : LC
    Codec ID                         : 10
    Channel(s)                       : 2 channels
    Channel positions                : Front: L R
    Sampling rate                    : 48.0 KHz
    Compression mode                 : Lossy

The above was the introductory outline of what the method does for you. All further details and screenshots of how you apply the method are included in the following *.ZIP-archive, your download link:

Code: (last updated: 2011-04-28)

Last edited by placebo : 06-15-2011 at 03:23 PM.
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Old 04-26-2011, 09:34 AM
chap chap is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

Thank you for your post.
At least no one was fired at Amazon?
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Old 04-28-2011, 05:53 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

a funny (and friendly) chap you are!
let's see how amazon reacts to the post. well.. if they dont read and dont do anything about it, the better!!
and please dont abuse the amazon servers; it is probably illegal to suck their videos without paying. this thread is for educational purpose only!


Last edited by placebo : 04-30-2011 at 07:35 AM.
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Old 04-30-2011, 01:26 AM
boneramous lugayness boneramous lugayness is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)


something with the new version?

Last edited by boneramous lugayness : 04-30-2011 at 01:29 AM. Reason: 'new version' addition
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Old 04-30-2011, 07:33 AM
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

your screenshot reveals that your standard browser (default browser) is Google Chrome. switch it to Firefox (if you have the latest Flash on FF) or to InternetExplorer (if you have the latest Flash on IE). with IE8 set as standard browser, i am downloading the HD stream (~400MB for a ~20mins. video! ) with full DSL6000 bandwith, i.e. ~750KB/s. all the numbers (elapsed time, final file size, speed, etc.) in the GUI are dynamic numbers and quite inexact, except for the current file size. AIV rocks, doesnt it?
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Old 04-30-2011, 09:45 AM
Sarge Sarge is offline
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Re: Recording Amazon Instant Video On Demand (VOD)

Amazon will only accept Flash 10 or higher
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