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Old 09-01-2009, 01:26 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

How to play TVUPlayer, TVAnts, SopCast video on Xbox 360

To watch TVUPlayer, TVAnts, SopCast video on Xbox 360 you will need the console to be connected to a wired or wireless network (with a proper Wi-Fi router, not just an access point).

You will also need TVersity and freeware VLC player installed onto your PC.
  1. First of all you need to re-stream video from p2p player using VLC player:
  2. Then add a video feed to TVersity for sharing
  3. Then get into the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console and
    1. Under My Xbox, navigate to the Video Library option and press A on your controller (or OK on your Remote Control).
    2. If you have played video before from CD or USB, you will automatically see the content of an inserted CD, USB device or the console HDD. If this is the case, then press the blue X button to get to the Select Source screen.
    3. On the Select Source screen select TVersity (if it hasn't, you have problems with your network, so please re-read the full guide) and press A on your controller.
    4. Select Internet.
    5. Select "TVUPlayer Feed", or "Sopcast Feed", or "TVants Feed"
    6. Press A and the Xbox 360 will start playing the feed.
If you see the "Unplayable Content" error on the last step, but your p2p TV player (TVUplayer, Sopcast, TVAnts) plays just fine and VLC doesn't show any errors, then simply press the red B button to go back to the list of Internet feeds and try to play the feed again. In most cases the buffering begins from the 2nd or 3rd attempt.

If the buffering never stops, you need to stop the TVersity Media Server, clear its temporary files and start it again (including starting the channel again and VLC settings).
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