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Old 09-01-2009, 01:26 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

How to play TVUPlayer, TVAnts, SopCast video on iPod, iPhone

To watch TVUPlayer, TVAnts, SopCast video on iPod, iPhone you will need your iPhone or iPod to be connected to a wireless network (with a proper Wi-Fi router, not just an access point).

You will also need TVersity and freeware VLC player installed onto your PC.
  1. First of all you need to re-stream video from p2p player using VLC player:
  2. Then add a video feed to TVersity for sharing
  3. After that you need to get an IP address of your PC:
    1. Click "Start".
    2. Click "Run..." if you use Windows XP.
      In the Run box type "cmd" (without quotes) and press "Enter".

      In Windows Vista type "cmd" in the small Search Box in the Start Menu , then select the "Command Prompt" and run it.
    3. In the command prompt type
      ipconfig /all
      Look through the results for your Wireless Connection and find your IP Address. If your IP Address starts with something other than 192.168. then you may have configured your router to act as an Access Point, so may need to change this.
    4. Write down your IP Address.
    Then open Safari browser in your iPhone / iPod and
  4. Navigate to
    where your_ip_address is the IP address your wrote down.
    The address should look like
Then start playing the stream using TVersity Media Server:
  1. In TVersity Media Server from "Audio", "Photos" and "Video" select "Video".
  2. Then from "My Video", "Internet Video" and "Featured" select "Internet Video".
  3. The "Internet Video" page allows you to filter URL using several methods. In this case you can select "Video URLs".
  4. In the "Video URLs" find the feed you shared with TVersity (like "TVUPlayer Feed", "Sopcast Feed", "TVants Feed"), select it and play.
In a few seconds the video will start playing.

If you want to access your media when you are away from home, can simply use the
URL as before. But if you are behind a router, you will need to substitute your external IP address instead.

If you don't have a static IP address (your IP address changes on a regular basis), you can uses services like DynDNS. Then if your IP address changes, the DynDNS Update Client software sends the data to and updates it. This allows to access your computer from remote location by using not a weird IP address, but a user-friendly hostname.

Using with your computer
  • Create an account with a username and password.
  • Login
  • "Account" -> "My Service" -> "Add Host Services" -> "Add Dynamic DNS Host"
  • Enter and select hostname
  • Enter IP address of your computer
  • Click "Add host"

In your DynDNS Update Client software:
  • Enter username, password and hostname from
  • Apply the settings
After that you will be able to access your computer using a URL like
Please note that you need to run client software in the background to ensure that your IP address is always updated when it changes.

Some routers (like D-Link) can update your IP address at DynDNS, so you don't need to run any client software. You may need to enable port forwarding for port 41952 if you have more than one computer on your network.
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