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Old 10-07-2011, 08:13 AM
bratwurst bratwurst is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

hi. i'd like to help (and i am very able to do so) but your posting doesnt contain all the details necessary to do troubleshooting and thus is frustrating, irritating and time-wasting. so i am wasting my time by writing this post with the many questions:
Originally Posted by drfsupercenter View Post
When I individualize (either from the site, or in WMP itself) using WMP9, it works but nothing will play, it just refuses my license.
works? (what works, what doesnt work, if you say "nothing" a few words later?)
nothing? (what files are you trying to play?)
refuses? (screenshot please.)
When I install WMP10, the version found on this site in upload links, as soon as I individualize it, it becomes IBX 11.0.6001.8015. Even though it's WMP10. I tried the whole iPlayer thing, had to get a proxy to do it... same thing.
It's like Microsoft forcibly updates the entire IBX structure.
this is most likely due to the high version number of wmVcore.dll. i assume that it's 11.00.00.xxxx, instead of 10.00.00.xxxx. The point is: if you have a clean WMP10 installation, *none* of your DLL's will begin with 11.xx.xx.xxxx.
So what's the version of you wmvcore.dll?
Am I doing something wrong or is this happening to everybody? I'm using VMWare and literally every time I install XP SP3 and update WMP to version 10, or 11 beta, or ANYTHING - it updates the IBX.
okay, i cant speak for Windows7 and VMWare but on WinXP sp3, microsoft will not forcibly upgrade your IBX version --- That's the whole point of this Zune thread!!!!!!!!!!
Again, what are the version numbers for all other relevant DLL's:
wmp-dll's and drm-dll's ?

They are all located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.dll, on a WinXP system.

So it can't have been something else that was installed before.
If you are really on a 100% fresh installation of WinXP-sp3, then the IBX will never get upgraded to the high IBX version; this is what i found out through numerous tests. And with just WMP10 installed on top of the 100% fresh installation of WinXP-sp3, Microsoft wont upgrade to high IBX either. But, as soon as you install full version of WMP11 (beta1, beta2, beta3, final, doesnt matter), the IBX can get forcibly upgraded to high IBX version ... and this will depend on the current history&contents of the DRM-folder (and also of registry values).

Have you ever been able to play the BBC iplayer TV wmv files?

After all, it may be VMWare as primary reason why your IBX gets forcibly upgraded... and the set of instructions were given for WinXP, and not for Win7withWinXPmode or for Win7withVMWarewithWinXP. You've seen my video. Everything works as described.

next time i will ignore posts by users who dont detail from the very beginning (their 1st post/request for help in this thread) what exactly they have been trying to do, what exactly they have already tried to do, what exact system they are on, what exact DLL-versions they are on, and other relevant details. my help/support task is to ANSWER you folks' questions and NOT TO ASK YOU questions, got it??!

Last edited by bratwurst : 10-07-2011 at 08:51 AM.
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Old 10-07-2011, 09:21 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

bratwurst is right. provide much more info and detail on your system so that all of us can examine and analyze why your system ..etc..

Thanks for the revision of your original set of instructions. The 16 steps are very helpful and work for me perfectly well! Are you working on an updated video? I havent received any link (PM) from you yet!!
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Old 10-07-2011, 03:09 PM
drfsupercenter drfsupercenter is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Alright, I'll just make a video to make this easier, so I can show you exactly what I'm doing.

Also, the problem with the iPlayer videos is that I live in America and need to use a proxy to get the licenses... and since the proxy I'm using (through FoxyProxy) requires a login, it won't let me individualize with it. Here's a file that I've had for years and usually use to individualize my systems, can somebody look at it and see if it does the same as the iPlayer files?

It's a music video that I got off of back before they used Flash videos. It has DRM, but the license is free and will always work fine provided your system is individualized. I'm asking because I don't want somebody to assume that this video is causing the problem or anything :P
(I did download one from BBC, but I have to use a proxy and it ends up just sitting there saying "storing license" for 20 minutes before I have to forcibly close it and nothing happened.)
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Old 10-07-2011, 03:32 PM
bratwurst bratwurst is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

c'mon dude, you didnt answer any of the question, especially the list of DLL-versions on your system?

your posts frustrate me!

yeah, on a Winxp with full WMP11 your WMV file upgrades to high IBX. let'see if i can use it in my set of instructions instead of the BBC crap. thanks for share. might be valuable/useful!
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Old 10-07-2011, 07:25 PM
drfsupercenter drfsupercenter is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

There you go.

Though something weird, apparently you can no longer individualize WMP9 systems anymore. It just gives an error about the service being offline...

So yeah, I don't know what, if anything, I'm doing wrong, all my DLL's were "virgin" 9.0 versions, yet my DRM mysteriously made itself 11...


I tried another VM (I have a 'virgin system' of XP SP3 that I just clone whenever I want to test things) and installed WMP10 in a way that made my wmvcore have the same version 10 as the rest of them. Still gave me the newest IndivBox.

--EDIT 2--

I tried installing those three Windows Updates (again, on a fresh system) before individualizing. Still gives me the newest IBX. It seems that the wmvcore.dll only stays at version 9 if I attempt (and fail) to individualize the system while still on 9 - if I install 10 without playing anything DRM on 9, it updates on first go.

Last edited by drfsupercenter : 10-07-2011 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 10-07-2011, 09:31 PM
bratwurst bratwurst is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

ok dude, THANKS A LOT FOR THE VIDEO (your time and efforts), appreciated, great job!
ok here some points:

1. install WMP10 again (=just double-click on the setup.exe again!!) and then reboot. then wmvcore.dll will be 10.00.00.xxxx version.

2. you did NOT do any DRM-resetting. There are at least 3 DRM-resetting tools available (see a few posts above in this zune thread). fire them off all! and AGAIN delete the contents of the DRM-folder.

3. then, when you visit ALT1 and or ALT2 of the indvpage, your system will produce the low IBX version (= 11.0.5497.6285).

4. the keypoint failure in your video then has to be your video (because my set of instructions specifically refer to BBC, and not MTV), but let me keep you posted on this. i will test it with my HDD images tomorrow, no problem.

Several components of the DRM environment influence the generation of the IBX version: it's your installed DRM-dll's and most notably the wmvcore.dll file, but also the EXISTING contents of the DRM-folder (that's why "the history", 16 steps!!!, is important), and of course the DRM license server itself, plus the wma/wmv media you're trying to play (offline).

Zune server is trimmed to upgrade your IBX to the high IBX, and apparently the MTV-video connects to a server which tries to upgrade to high IBX as well.

okay, while i am asleep, you can try the following proxy for the BBC WMV files: (install the client and launch it. set UK ip address!)

With it, download the BBC file from this thread:

Then start anew (with HDD image, in your VMware) with FRESH winxp-sp3 installation (with its original wmp9). and try again (for the last time) the 16 steps; step1 and step2 fall flat, thanks God.

Being able to play the BBC video offline (with wmp9, then wmp10) is the crucial step in my set of instructions. Just let us know how it goes. (and forget your MTV video!!!)

my video should be uploaded within a few days (sorry for the delay. i've been busy watching the full series of Breaking Bad, all seasons).

Thanks again for the youtube video. Great job.

Originally Posted by drfsupercenter View Post
--EDIT 2--

I tried installing those three Windows Updates (again, on a fresh system) before individualizing. Still gives me the newest IBX. It seems that the wmvcore.dll only stays at version 9 if I attempt (and fail) to individualize the system while still on 9 - if I install 10 without playing anything DRM on 9, it updates on first go.
Wrong observation/conclusion. the wmvcore.dll file is an installed file (and sometimes WMP10 has to be installed twice to make sure that it is installed) and will not be changed or exchanged by use of indvpage or playing files. OKAY, STOP. Forget your MTV video. Use only ALT1 and ALT2 (not ALT3!) of the indvpages.
Your video shows that on your system the two indvpages DO NOT work. THEY SHOULD WORK!! (Try to use the drmreset.exe's and delete the DRM-folder. CLOSE ALL INSTANCES OF WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. Then launch ie8 (not ie6 or ie7. you need ie8!!!) and visit ALT1 of indvpage. THIS WILL WORK!

Maybe i forgot to mention that you need Internet Explorer 8 (and not the original IE7, IE6 or lower!).
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Old 10-07-2011, 10:18 PM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Originally Posted by drfsupercenter View Post
It just gives an error about the service being offline...
Confirmed. "The security upgrade cannot be performed because the server is not available. Try again later."-error message. I hope this is a temporary problem with the Microsoft indvpages and the other DRM license servers (BBC, MTV, ..). As long as the DRM servers are down, we cant do any kind of testing.

Maybe Microsoft is reading this thread and acting accordingly?
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Old 10-07-2011, 10:34 PM
drfsupercenter drfsupercenter is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Personally I think there's just something weird going on, somewhat like a forced upgrade - that makes it so you either can't play DRM protected videos or you'll have the newest IBX version.

iTunes did something similar back in the days of JHymn, you needed version 4.9 for the program to work, so they basically forced you to upgrade to version 6. If you were on 4.9, it would "mysteriously" error until they changed it to a message saying "you need to upgrade".
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Old 10-08-2011, 01:34 AM
drfsupercenter drfsupercenter is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

So I just tried an entirely new installation (I installed XP SP3 in a brand new VM, installed IE8 and nothing else, then installed WMP10 twice)

Went to alt1 of that indivbox site... still gives me 11.0.6001.8015. I think MS is now forcibly upgrading everybody to that version, because no matter what I do I cannot get an older IBX...
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Old 10-08-2011, 08:13 AM
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Originally Posted by placebo View Post
Maybe Microsoft is reading this thread and acting accordingly?
(yes, we are)

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