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Old 08-06-2011, 02:05 PM
Scott6 Scott6 is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Where are we at with this still working? *Running a XPVM with the complete 4.7 instructions.

-When I fir up Zune, and either download new content fomr my ZunePass, or copy ZunePass content from my host PC. It will not play. I get Error C00D11CD (C00D1063)

-However, When I use Fairuse commander+FairUse4WM from the package you made, it will rip the DRM correctly. But I have to at least attempt to paly it. It used to just play, then rip good.

Also, is there any way I can copy music form host to VM and rip the DRM without having to play (or now ,attempt to play it in the zune software on the VM)
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Old 09-10-2011, 08:12 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

the zune game has stopped working, unfortunately

A new software version (zune client v4.8) has been released and since then neither v4.7 nor v4.8 keep the inbox.key version 11.0.5497.6285.

WMP10 + Windows Media Runtime 11 Final (as suggested in the old instructions) + zune 4.7 are good for some minutes after which the key is automatically updated to 11.0.6001.8015. this is strange, and new. FairUse4WM should have problems with this high version number (and placebo's screenshots demonstrate zune undrming for 11.0.5497.6285).

I know that Windows Media Runtime 11 Beta 1 (contains fully crippled DRM-component lol), 11 Beta 2 und 11 Beta 3 do not update the key, since the individualization webpage returns a webpage error .. but my subscription month has run out so that i cant test what happens when you try to play (in zune gui) a 192 WMA song, download a 192 WMA song (from zune gui), or, if both succeeded so far, even strip off the DRM-protection.

zune 4.7 and 4.8 run both with *any* WM Runtime 11.x-version (11b1, 11b2, 11b3, 11final) and they dont run with any (high) 10.x-version (e.g. wmvcore.dll v10.00.00.4078, that's the highest you can get for Runtime 10). since wmp10+wmr11final+zune4.7, as of recent, update the key, the only possible setups left are:

wmp10+wmr11b3+zune4.7, or
wmp10+wmr11final+zune4.7+much luck with the short time (Download 2 songs and generate some blackbox keys with FU4WM!!) and or with the high version number. Once you have some FU4WM-generated keys (for the low key version), they seem to work even for songs which were downloaded at some later point (with the updated higher key version). placebo posted in the napster thread that he/she had been undrming songs without problems although the key version was high and he had Runtime11final or WMP11betaX installed. Anyway, i am just saying that the zune game has pretty much closed AFAIK.

Anyone here with a current subscription (or with current success re the DRM removal)?
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Old 09-11-2011, 10:50 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

hi, here are my tests with Zune 4.7, and with indvpage:

WMP11beta1 is: 11.0.5358.4827

WMP11beta1 with exchanged wvc => Zune 4.7 doesnt bitch => IBX 11.0.6001.8015
WMP11beta1 with exchanged wvc => Zune 4.7 doesnt bitch => IBX 11.0.6001.8015
WMP11beta1 with exchanged wvc => Zune 4.7 doesnt bitch => IBX 11.0.6001.8015

Conclusion of this post:
  • With a full installation of WMP11 (WMP11beta1, WMP11beta2, WMP11beta3, WMP11final), Zune 4.7 will generate IBX 11.0.6001.8015
  • With a full installation of WMP11 (WMP11beta1, WMP11beta2, WMP11beta3, WMP11final), you can downgrade wvc to 10.x or even 9.x, and Zune 4.7 will still not bitch. Again, IBX 11.0.6001.8015 is generated

Interesting is that Zune 4.7 does not bitch. I've checked with indvpage; the Upgrade button is available and turns to "Upgrade Complete" with an additional popup "Message from webpage: Windows Media Player is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player. < OK >".
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Old 09-11-2011, 11:38 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

And here are my tests with Zune 4.7, and with indvpage:


WMP10final with exchanged wvc 11.0.5358.4827 => Zune 4.7 doesnt bitch => IBX 11.0.6001.8015

Conclusion of this post:

With a full installation of WMP11 (WMP11beta1, WMP11beta2, WMP11beta3, WMP11final), Zune 4.7 will generate IBX 11.0.6001.8015
With a full installation of WMP11 (WMP11beta1, WMP11beta2, WMP11beta3, WMP11final), you can downgrade wvc to 10.x or even 9.x, and Zune 4.7 will still not bitch. Again, IBX 11.0.6001.8015 is generated

Interesting is that Zune 4.7 does not bitch. I've checked with indvpage; the Upgrade button is available and turns to "Upgrade Complete" with an additional popup "Message from webpage: Windows Media Player is not installed properly. Reinstall the Player. < OK >".
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Old 09-15-2011, 04:37 PM
JSSR JSSR is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Zune wants to update again. Do you have a modified 4.8 installer by any chance?
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Old 09-15-2011, 05:14 PM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

hi, you dont have to update. you can continue to use 4.7.
but if you WANT to install 4.8, then do the following:

download the full version of 4.8 ("setup.exe") onto hdd.
then launch winrar and open the exe file with winrar.
the 4.8 installer is the *.msi file contained in the setup.exe

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Old 09-18-2011, 12:29 PM
Scott6 Scott6 is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Well crap. My XP VM running older zune software is not forcing me to upgrade to log in.
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Old 09-18-2011, 12:39 PM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Originally Posted by Scott6 View Post
Well crap.
You're not cursing are you?

The zune software (and its updates) is not the problem. The problem is that the online DRM license server updates the IBX in any case afaik. Maybe you can tell us more about your setup.. are you currently on subscription? ( i'll subscribe soon to do some real real testings. )
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Old 09-24-2011, 11:15 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

hey placebo you smart aleck

a friend of mine told me that he signed up for zune trial a day ago and tried the game and is very successful; and he delivered full proof. his setup:
+ WMP10 (updated to latest DLL's) + individualization
+ WMFR11 beta2
+ zune 4.8 (installer 10,655 only)

started zune, signed in, downloaded 1 single track (and hoped that IBX version wouldnt increase, which it didnt (to everybody's surprise!)). he played it fine in WMP10. and created a fresh blackbox-keys.txt file with FairUse4WM.exe. today he's reported that the IBX version indeed increased to the 11.0.6001.8015 (at some point in/of time) but he can still continue to download and unDRM new downloaded *.WMA-files. By the help of the old blackbox-keys.txt file.

two points to pay attention to:
+ dont overdo the individualization page thing. let zune update your IBX (on day2 of zune trial) and dont abuse indvpage for this!
+ the zune undrming game isnt over yet. if you cant reproduce this post's findings, keep trying. this is truth and a fact, the zune undrming game still works. you may need a little portion of luck and most of all: you must have a zune subscription.
+ without a zune subscription you will get those false conclusions and wrong test results.

Sign up now for a paid subscription account, placebo!!

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Old 09-26-2011, 06:01 AM
bratwurst bratwurst is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user View Post
+ WMP10 (updated to latest DLL's) + individualization
+ WMFR11 beta2
+ zune 4.8
hi everybody, i am new here but have been reading the zune threads for quite a while. My deep thanks to all who have contributed with good info. Here a video tutorial with burned in comments which shows you how the IBX is updated by zune but keeps its original low IBX number (generated from the WMP10 individualization):

ZUNE_low_IBX_Tutorial.mp4 (39min., 1 280 x 720 (16:9), high quality, 98.4 MB)

Everybody is welcome to try to reproduce the video results. Everything you need like the software (software tools, exact version numbers of the DLL's, Windows Media Format Runtime 11 Beta download links, cracked Zune software download link, etc) is shown in the video. If you have followed all the video instructions and still cant reproduce the low IBX number (with the individualization webpage or with zune), then please post here for help.

Most importantly:
By the way, as the video demonstrates, you dont need to have a current Zune Music Pass subscription!! You must install Zune Software (v4.8) to do the preliminary/preparatory testing but you dont need to have a Zune subscription!!! (so EVERYBODY can test it if he/she has a windowsXP-sp3 system, downloads the mentioned software, installs it (no virus or trojans, promised!), and does a quick check with the individualization webpage.)

Thanks again to everybody. unDRMing zune songs is too kewl!
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