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Old 09-07-2010, 08:20 PM
swooshycueb swooshycueb is offline
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[Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

~~ this is a post in progress with collected uptodate info so stay tuned *snip* ~~
Download ZunePackage.exe (v4.8, 270MB, crc32: )
Download ZuneSetupPkg.exe (v4.8, 100MB, crc32: )


~~ this is a post in progress with collected uptodate info so stay tuned *snap* ~~

Last edited by placebo : 10-02-2011 at 10:12 AM.
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Old 10-17-2010, 09:59 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

zune offers the same as RHDY and NAPS: you pay a monthly fee and then can download as many DRM-protected *.wma's (192k) as you want, right?

Their free trial period is 14days, neat too. Monthly fee is USD14.95 (ouch!). I've compared the search hits and it has tons of stuff (10million tracks), even more than naps (9mill.) and rhdy (8mill.). On the other hand, the search is very slow and 15bucks per month isnt nothing.

try to include some clear info which un'DRM software (FairUse4WM, which exact version) to use.

Last edited by placebo : 10-17-2010 at 02:23 PM.
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Old 10-17-2010, 11:49 AM
swooshycueb swooshycueb is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Originally Posted by swooshycueb View Post
Note: This tutorial is made as if the user was starting with a fresh 32bit XP SP3 installation.

NOTE: This tutorial will give you IBX 11.0.5497.6285

All the files you need are here:
  • dotnetfx.exe
  • DR.7z
  • dw20shared.msi
  • MP10Setup.exe
  • windowsxp-kb915865-v11-x86-enu.exe
  • windowsxp-kb932716-v2-x86-enu.exe
  • windowsxp-kb932716-v2-x86-enu.exe
  • wmfdist11.exe
  • wmp11.exe
  • zune-x86.msi

Before beginning, individualize your system.

Install Zune 4.2
In order to strip the DRM from wmas downloaded from Zune, we must first partially install the Zune player. We cannot use the installer from the site because it will install Windows Media Format Runtime with IBX 11.0.6001.8015. Start out by installing the .NET framework using the dotnetfx.exe, then move on to KB915865-v11 and KB932716-v2.

: At this point, if you are running XP in Windows Virtual PC, you will need to copy the msi files to the VM and disable the integration features.

Next up is the Microsoft Application Error Reporting MSI. Install dw20shared.msi.
Now we're ready to install the Zune media player. Install zune-x86.msi.

NOTE: Integration features can be re-enabled now.

The Zune media player is now installed, but it does not work. In order to make it work, we must update WMP to 11 beta 2.

Install WMP
NOTE: You might want to disable any internet connection until WMP11b2 is working.

In order to make sure we're not missing any components, we will install WMP10 first. Go ahead and run MP10Setup.exe. Once setup is complete, we will update to WMP11b2. Run wmfdist11.exe and wmdbexport.exe. Now run wmp11.exe.

Try opening WMP to make sure that everything is working, then re-enable your internet. You may now open Zune, download your songs, and use your favorite method of stripping DRM.

It is IMPERATIVE that you DO NOT UPDATE ANY Windows Media components OR Zune.

As well, try to avoid any Microsoft products with the word "Driver" in the name.

MS has released Zune 4.7. Updated tutorial coming soon.

Last edited by placebo : 10-02-2011 at 09:56 AM.
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Old 10-17-2010, 12:10 PM
swooshycueb swooshycueb is offline
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UPDATE: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

I would have simply edited my previous post, but there seems to be no edit button. 'Tis life.

Note: This tutorial is made as if the user was starting with a fresh 32bit XP SP3 installation. x64 package available upon request.

NOTE: This tutorial will give you IBX 11.0.5497.6285

All the files you need are here: (244.16 MB) HUGE FILE ALERT!
  • dotnetfx.exe
  • DR.7z
  • dw20shared.msi
  • MP10Setup.exe
  • windowsxp-kb915865-v11-x86-enu.exe
  • windowsxp-kb932716-v2-x86-enu.exe
  • wmdbexport.exe
  • wmfdist11.exe
  • wmp11.exe
  • zune-firmware.msi
  • zune-x86.msi
  • zunewmdu-x86.msi

NOTE: If you are updating from my earlier 4.2 tutorial, all you need to do is install zune-x86.msi first, then zune-firmware.msi and zunewmdu-x86.msi.

Before beginning, individualize your system.
You can do this by visiting http://services.wmdrm.windowsmedia.c...en/indivit.asp in Internet Explorer.

Install Zune 4.7
In order to strip the DRM from wmas downloaded from Zune, we must first partially install the Zune player. We cannot use the installer from the site because it will install Windows Media Format Runtime with IBX 11.0.6001.8015. Start out by installing the .NET framework using the dotnetfx.exe, then move on to KB915865-v11 and KB932716-v2.

: At this point, if you are running XP in Windows Virtual PC, you will need to copy the msi files to the VM and disable the integration features.

Next up is the Microsoft Application Error Reporting MSI. Install dw20shared.msi.
Now we're ready to install the Zune media player. Install zune-x86.msi first, then zune-firmware.msi and zunewmdu-x86.msi.

NOTE: Integration features can be re-enabled now.

The Zune media player is now installed, but it does not work. In order to make it work, we must update WMP to 11 beta 2.

Install WMP
NOTE: You might want to disable any internet connection until WMP11b2 is working.

In order to make sure we're not missing any components, we will install WMP10 first. Go ahead and run MP10Setup.exe. Once setup is complete, we will update to WMP11b2. Run wmfdist11.exe and wmdbexport.exe. Now run wmp11.exe.

Try opening WMP to make sure that everything is working, then re-enable your internet. You may now open Zune, download your songs, and use your favorite method of stripping DRM.

It is IMPERATIVE that you DO NOT UPDATE ANY Windows Media components OR Zune.

As well, try to avoid any Microsoft products with the word "Driver" in the name.
If Microsoft updates Zune, I'll try to have an updated tutorial here within the month.


Last edited by swooshycueb : 10-17-2010 at 01:24 PM.
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Old 10-17-2010, 01:14 PM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

i've changed my mind. i wont do any testing of zune downloading and un'DRMing. i spent nuff time with such things for almost 2 months (with RHDY and NAPS. extremely prolific and intense) and it's time to do something else.., for example, resting and recovering

may someone else test the given instructions and report, thx!

Last edited by placebo : 10-17-2010 at 02:18 PM.
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Old 10-17-2010, 01:24 PM
swooshycueb swooshycueb is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

The two XP updates are just updates provided in the MS Zune package. I'm not sure what they do, but Zune needs them for one reason or another. The DR.7z contains FU4WM, FU4WMCommander, and a blackbox key analyzer. Just something I thought I'd sneak in there. Individualization info added.

KB932716-v2: Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package
KB915865-v11: XmlLite update package
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Old 10-18-2010, 05:58 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

thanks swooshy. the difficult part after all is to acquire a zune pass (US$14.99/month, or a zune trial pass FREE/14days) and to run a WindowsXP system (= over 11 years old!).

Many boardies dont live in the States or use modern operating systems (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 beta).

Last edited by placebo : 03-14-2011 at 04:20 PM.
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Old 10-18-2010, 07:36 PM
swooshycueb swooshycueb is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Everything included in the 7z is needed to sync to a Windows 7 phone. Additionally, I will be including another hotfix soon to get rid of an error some have in some VMs.

EDIT: Scratch that, I just forgot to install WMP11b2 in the VM.

If you need any Zune language packs, let me know.

EDIT2: That WASN'T the problem. New pack pending as soon as I figure this out.

EDIT3: No new pack needed.

Zune has encountered a critical error and needs to close
Reisntall WMF! If you still have problems, use the media collection reset tool:

As well, the security updates for multiple versions of WMF are safe, and so is the WMDRM device update.

Last edited by swooshycueb : 10-18-2010 at 08:25 PM.
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Old 10-21-2010, 03:21 PM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

the advantages of Microsoft's Zune Marketplace (Zune Pass) [from now on: MZMP] in comparison with NAPS/RHDY are:

+ the downloads (DRM-protected 192kbps *.wma) are extremely fast. 2 tracks at a time are being downloaded. with a DSL6000 line, all the 750kB/s bandwith is used up. amazing! (NAPS total speed is 220kB/s)

+ the downloads are corruptionfree. NAPS has ~10% corrupted *.wma files which need to be identified(!) with your own checking method/strategy and then re-downloaded (and re-checked) ((and re-redownloaded if corrupted again!)).

+ the downloads are fully tagged. if NAPS tracks are tagged in 5 fields, MZMP tracks are tagged in 10(!) fields, including the important "Disc#"-tag field!

+ the downloads are named such that the file name includes and is preceded by the track number (similar to RHDY downloads but unlike NAPS!)

+ restricted tracks (e.g. "Album Only" tracks) cannot be downloaded with zune.exe but can be played online (=streaming listening) in full-length. In NAPS, only 30sec-previews are possible.

+ restricted tracks (e.g. "Album Only" tracks) (or any other streaming audio track!) can be downloaded in full-length with our default method (see MZMP streams audio tracks in Windows Media Audio format, ~126kbps (i.e. not exactly 128kbps), with integrated DRM-protection. Use the default method to un'DRM these LQ-WMA tracks.

+ NAPS has badly posted albums (sloppy editorial work by TEAM NAPS) with missing tracks, wrong track numbers, all cluttered, all mixed and confused, and missing tracks (again) [sic!]. MZMP albums are all 'posting-error-free', seems like. If you can remember the NAPS-album which you didnt download because it was posted bad on NAPS, then you can get it thru a immaculate impeccable posting on/from MZMP.

+ the software is super modern, fast and efficient. and looks great. you can watch all dvd's, tv shows, movies online (but not download!), connect to Zune devices, XBOX, XBOX360, and other (future) Microsoft products and services, see wiki.

the disadvantages of MZMP are:

+ the software

+ the subscription price
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Old 10-21-2010, 06:38 PM
swooshycueb swooshycueb is offline
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Re: [Tutorial] Zune DRM removal

Originally Posted by placebo View Post
the advantages of Microsoft's Zune Marketplace (Zune Pass) [from now on: MZMP] in comparison with NAPS/RHDY are:


+ the downloads are fully tagged. if NAPS tracks are tagged in 5 fields, MZMP tracks are tagged in 10(!) fields, including the important "Disc#"-tag field!
The Zune's tagging system is not without its flaws. Once a song is marked as a podcast, it is extremely hard to get it back into the music section. Changes made to metadata within the Zune software do not immediately take effect. The 5-star rating system is replaced with the "hearts" system, which is set by default to be a per user setting, so this is never written to the file. If set to use global ratings, the ratings are written to the file, but not in any way that any other media player can deciper. MS claims that the ratings are not written to the file even in global mode, but I can say from experience that this is not true.
+ the downloads are named such that the file name includes and is preceded by the track number (similar to RHDY downloads but unlike NAPS!)
By default, these downloads are stored in [UserMusicDirectory]\Zune\[Artist]\[Album]\ if purchased, [UserMusicDirectory]\Zune\Subscription\[Artist]\[Album] if downloaded via Zune Pass, and [UserMusicDirectory]\Zune\Zune Temporary Music\[Artist]\[Album] if downloaded through a subscribed channel. This can be changed, but the "Zune Temporary Music" and "Subscription" folders will still be inside whichever folder you select as your download location. Sometimes, the Zune software will ignore the User-defined download location and save to the default one anyway. What causes this is unknown.

+ restricted tracks (e.g. "Album Only" tracks) (or any other streaming audio track!) can be downloaded in full-length with our default method (see MZMP streams audio tracks in Windows Media Audio format, ~126kbps (i.e. not exactly 128kbps), with integrated DRM-protection. Use the default method to un'DRM these LQ-WMA tracks.
I was not aware of this, thanks for shaing!

+ the software is super modern, fast and efficient. and looks great. you can watch all dvd's, tv shows, movies online (but not download!), connect to Zune devices, XBOX, XBOX360, and other (future) Microsoft products and services, see wiki.
The current Zune software can also connect to Kin phones and Windows 7 Phones. Most bugs in previous versions of the software have been worked out. (It used to SUCK) Now playing mode is still a bit heavy on the memory and graphics, but it can be disabled.
the disadvantages of MZMP are:

+ the software
Yes, the software IS required to use the Zune services and to sync a Zune, and it has no version for any OS other than Windows.
+ the subscription price
I've heard rumors that they will be lowering the price . . .
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