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Old 09-30-2009, 07:56 AM
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)


i cant download rtmpdump here is it possible to have a link for windows???
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Old 09-30-2009, 08:05 AM
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)

Originally Posted by filou View Post
i cant download rtmpdump here is it possible to have a link for windows???
Where can I download rtmpdump.exe 1.6 (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) with source code
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Old 11-17-2009, 08:08 AM
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)

rtmpdump 1.9 is available. And it is hosted by mplayer. I wonder whether it has any RTMPE support or not.
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Old 11-21-2009, 02:49 PM
tdselgas tdselgas is offline
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)

To compile rtmpdump v 1.9 on Mac OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard you will need to do the following:
1) Install Xcode 3.2 from the Snow Leopard Installation DVD
2) Edit the "streams.cpp" file in the "rtmpdump-1.9" folder by replacing all (two) occurrences of "MSG_NOSIGNAL" with "SO_NOSIGPIPE".

You can now run the command: "make osx" and successfully compile the rtmpdump file
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Old 12-01-2009, 04:28 AM
DJGreenleaf DJGreenleaf is offline
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)

I've been ripping RTMPE .mp4s/.flvs with RTMPdump for a couple of days, since I've figured out how. I ripped the Ray J. video that was mentioned by rookie earlier in the thread. If you need any proof of the skills, PM me. I can help, just let me know what you need.
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Old 12-02-2009, 07:24 AM
compn compn is offline
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)

here is a simple rtmpdump howto for Ubuntu 9.10:
Compiling rtmpdump and downloading RTMP Flash media with rtmpdump (Ubuntu 9.10)
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Old 12-02-2009, 07:58 AM
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)

Originally Posted by compn View Post
Great tutorial!

Originally Posted by
Today I attended a lecture/demo session on "hacking" various media sites like YouTube, Hulu, Essentially it was a practical demonstration of the cat and mouse game hackers play with content pedlars on the internet....

One of the tools mentioned was rtmpdump ...

I decided to compile it myself from the most recent development version. If you're lazy and brave enough to trust compiled binaries and packages from third parties, go to LinuxCentre and install flvstreamer for your operating system. These programs were once one and so far they use the same commands. Read: they work the same.
(Editor's note: flvstreamer doesn't support RTMPE secure streams)

These instrucitons work on Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic) but please be aware things change rapidly so the following might not work forever.

First of all install the tools needed for accessing the code and compilation.
sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc make subversion libssl0.9.8 libssl-dev libssl0.9.8
Now check out the latest code from the Subversion repository:
svn co svn:// rtmpdump
If you prefer a stable version, run this instead:
tar xfz rtmpdump-1.9.tgz
mv rtmpdump-1.9 rtmpdump
I'm sure the impatient are looking forward to completing this ASAP so here's the final step in setting up rtmpdump on your computer:
cd rtmpdump
make linux
The program now lies in the same folder and you can only run it by telling your shell (like bash) exactly where it is. If you're in the same folder, running it is as simple as ./rtmpdump but ./ is only short for the current folder and it gets expanded to (in my case) /home/jasa/rtmpdump/rtmpdump.

Great! Now we need a media site which uses a Adobe's RTMP server. I think I won't get in trouble if I use as an example.

Lets say I'm interested in probability and statistics. And I want to watch these lectures offline, on a train or wherever.

Unfortunately this isn't a straightforward process and quite a bit of work is required. It is derived from a mailing list thread.

I need to see the source code of the web page above, not the rendered output of the web browser. In Firefox press Ctrl+U. Now I need some hard data to pass to rtmpdump. Search for a javascript section which launches the flash video player. For the statistics video this is the interesting section:
var flashvars = {
streamer: "rtmp://",
file: "2007/pascal/bootcamp07_vilanova/keller_mikaela/bootcamp07_keller_bss_01.flv",
height: '288',
autostart: "true",
bufferlength: '5',

image: "",
id: "FlvPlayer" // last line, no colon ',' !
swfobject.embedSWF("", "video_embed", "384", "307", "9.0.0", "", flashvars, params, attributes);
Generally searching (Ctrl+F) for flashvars should get you near the required data. The line swfobject.embedSWF(...) causes the video player to load inside your browser and display the correct media. This media rests on a different server than the webpage and I will use rtmpdump to connect to that server instead of the flash player. Now Adobe has put some roadblocks into the process but lucky for me I have a flying car.

I'll just give you the final command now and explain later!
./rtmpdump -r rtmp:// -y 2007/pascal/bootcamp07_vilanova/keller_mikaela/bootcamp07_keller_bss_01 -a video -s -w ffa4f0c469cfbe1f449ec42462e8c3ba16600f5a4b311980bb626893ca81f388 -x 53910 -o test.flv
The -r switch requires an argument which is the URL of the media server and is found in the variable streamer in the JavaScript source code above.

The -y switch needs the playpath and that is found in the JavaScript variable file, (minus the extension .flv or .mp4).

The -a switch is the name of the used player and usually automatically inferred from the URL. Defining it manually works by copying the part after the server name in the streamer.

The -s switch defines the flash video player which normally connects to the media server. In the example it is the first argument of the function embedSWF.

Here's where things get even more complicated. The media server wants some extra data about this player, specifically its sha256 hash-sum and size in bytes. So lets get them:
sha256sum player.swf
ls -l player.swf
Supply the sha356sum to switch -w and the file size to the -x switch.

Anything else? Yeah, I need to specify where to save the video with -o.

Run the longest command ever and get yourself a beer (you've earned it)!

I admit that doing this for every video gets time consuming but unfortunately it is a procedure specific to every site. Look at the mailing list thread link again to see different javascript:
For anyone curious, I found that wisevid is using plain RTMP with SWF

This invocation works for me:

rtmpdump -r rtmp:// -s -y 82330 -a flvs -z -o xxx -w e09b300f1f1e2cc75878ab11258ba4c17f28a315ea9df26f67b37c7f59332737 -x 110543
Starting from this web page
The relevant information from that page is in this bit of javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
var player = null;
function playerReady(thePlayer) { player = window.document[]; }
var so = new SWFObject('player.swf','mpl','570','340','9');
But for the same site there's very little extra work.

Hope you lasted this long, be seeing ya!
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:57 PM
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)

In simple cases you should not need to use the -a option; rtmpdump ought to parse the application name out of the rtmp url itself. Sometimes it gets it wrong though, especially with the more obfuscated sites.
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Old 12-25-2009, 12:17 AM
helpdeskdan helpdeskdan is offline
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)

Thanks for the guide, the referenced blog is already taken down. Too bad there are not more guides and scripts.
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Old 12-25-2009, 05:31 AM
compn compn is offline
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Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)

it moved here:
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