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![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)despite its limitations--the worst being typing "resume" every few seconds to continue downloading--this little program is the only one out of many that's been able to download rtmpe streams.
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![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)Batch file using rtmpdump 1.4 or 1.5 for downloading from ABC iView (by sge)
@ECHO OFF setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ::Change to 1.5 if you have problems SET RTMPVER=1.4 SET USEPROXY=OFF ::Much better than other methods of downloading though. ::Connects to ABC servers to retrieve a authentication token (which is part of the streams URI) ::Select a channel, then retrieves possible episodes from it. ::Follow the prompts and it should download. CLS ECHO. ECHO ABC iView Downloader by sge ECHO This script simplifies the process of downloading streams off ABC iView. ECHO. ECHO Removing any existing temp files... old authentication tokens... old channel list... ECHO. :Start If exist authenticationtoken.xml del authenticationtoken.xml If exist channel.xml del channel.xml SET TOKEN= SET HOST= SET ISP= SET FREE= SET DOWNLOADER= SET Choice= SET DLPATH= SET TEMPFILENAME= SET FILENAME= set LINE= set LINEOFSHOW= set SHOW= set ANSWER= :RetrieveToken ECHO. ::No more IP geoblocking now even our friends from overseas can download videos/watch ABC iView. Just enter a proxy in Australia. Uses a Akamai token, but it makes no difference here. ::There isn't much point, but someone will use it.... I bet there is a aussie expat somewhere, that need their fix of Gardening Australia and will thank me :P) if /i {%USEPROXY%}=={ON} ( ECHO BEWARE OF POTENTIAL PROXY set http_proxy= ) ECHO Using wget to retrieve an XML file from ABC's servers... ECHO. ::wget.exe -O authenticationtoken.xml ::Fixed IP. wget.exe -O authenticationtoken.xml ECHO. ECHO Parsing XML... Retrieving Authentication Token... for /f "tokens=3 delims=<>" %%a in ('type authenticationtoken.xml ^| find "<token>"') do set TOKEN=%%a for /f "tokens=3 delims=<>" %%a in ('type authenticationtoken.xml ^| find "<host>"') do set HOST=%%a for /f "tokens=3 delims=<>" %%a in ('type authenticationtoken.xml ^| find "<isp>"') do set ISP=%%a for /f "tokens=3 delims=<>" %%a in ('type authenticationtoken.xml ^| find "<free>"') do set FREE=%%a if /i {%HOST%}=={Akamai} (set DOWNLOADER=alt) ECHO. ECHO Authentication token recived from ABC: "%TOKEN%" ECHO You are using iView host: "%host%" through ISP: "%ISP%" ECHO. if /i {%FREE%}=={no} ( ECHO iView is NOT unmetered on your connection. Beware. ) if /i {%DOWNLOADER%}=={alt} goto :AkamaiToken IF NOT {%DOWNLOADER%}=={alt} goto :RegularToken :AkamaiToken ECHO. ECHO Your host: %host% uses a different style authentication token. ECHO You need to do another step. ECHO. ECHO Attempting to parse Akamai authentication token... ECHO. for /f "usebackq tokens=3 delims=<>" %%a in (`type authenticationtoken.xml ^| find "<token>"`) do echo %%a>token.tmp for /f "usebackq tokens=1,3 delims=&;" %%a in (`more token.tmp`) do set token=%%a^&%%b del /q token.tmp ECHO Parsed authentication token: "%token%" ECHO. pause goto :ChannelPick :RegularToken ECHO Your host: "%host%" with authentication: "%TOKEN%" uses the regular downloading command. ECHO. pause goto :ChannelPick :ChannelPick CLS ECHO Which channel do you wish to browse: ECHO. ECHO A. Catchup (Recent ABC TV) ECHO. ECHO B. News ECHO. ECHO C. Arts ECHO. ECHO D. Shop (Preview ABC shows) ECHO. ECHO E. Docs ECHO. ECHO F. The Australia Network (English educational materials) ECHO. ECHO G. New Stuff (Recent Kids Shows) ECHO. ECHO H. Kazam (Action animation for all ages) ECHO. ECHO I. Faves (Great Australian drama series) ECHO. ECHO Z. Manually enter path ECHO. ECHO. SET /P Choice=Type the letter and press Enter: :: The syntax in the next line extracts the substring starting at 0 (the beginning) and 1 character long IF NOT '%Choice%'=='' SET Choice=%Choice:~0,1% ECHO. IF /I '%Choice%'=='A' SET URL= IF /I '%Choice%'=='B' SET URL= IF /I '%Choice%'=='C' SET URL= IF /I '%Choice%'=='D' SET URL= IF /I '%Choice%'=='E' SET URL= IF /I '%Choice%'=='F' SET URL= IF /I '%Choice%'=='G' SET URL= IF /I '%Choice%'=='H' SET URL= IF /I '%Choice%'=='I' SET URL= IF /I '%Choice%'=='Z' GOTO ManualDLPATH ECHO. ECHO. If exist PossibleShowsTEMP del PossibleShowsTEMP wget.exe -O channel.xml %URL% ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Possible Shows to download are: ECHO. ::Parsing channel.xml... Echoing shows on screen in format "LINE. SHOW"... Outputting batch friendly show list... for /f "tokens=3 delims=<>" %%a in ('type channel.xml ^| find "<url>"') do ( set /A LINE=!LINE! + 1 echo !line!. %%a echo [!LINE!]%%a[/!LINE!] >> PossibleShowsTEMP ) if /i {%CHOICE%}=={Z} goto :ManualDLPATH IF NOT {%CHOICE%}=={Z} goto :AutoDLPATH :ManualDLPATH ECHO. ECHO Manually enter download path ECHO. ECHO You must get the paths from iView XML (links in the batch file) or from PossibleShowsTEMP ECHO. set /p DLPATH=Enter path to download. For Example: catch_up/chaser_09_03_01 (WITHOUT the .flv part): ECHO. ECHO You entered: "%DLPATH%" ECHO. :ChooseOutput set /p FILENAME=Enter Filename to Output: ECHO You typed: "%FILENAME%" ECHO. pause goto :WhichDownloader :AutoDLPATH ECHO. set /p LINEOFSHOW=Which show do you wish to download (Enter number ONLY) for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]." %%a in ('type PossibleShowsTEMP ^| find "[%LINEOFSHOW%]"') do set DLPATH=%%a ECHO. ECHO Episode Found: %DLPATH% ECHO. ::Gets a filename from the download path set TEMPFILENAME=%DLPATH%.flv for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%I in ('echo %TEMPFILENAME% ^| find "/"') do ( set FILENAME=%%I ) ECHO Output Filename: %FILENAME% ECHO. pause :WhichDownloader if /i {%DOWNLOADER%}=={alt} goto :AlternativeDownloadCommand IF NOT {%DOWNLOADER%}=={alt} goto :RegularDownloadCommand :AlternativeDownloadCommand CLS ECHO You are using the alternative downloader: ECHO. ECHO Ok, you will be requesting "%DLPATH%" using the authentication token "%TOKEN%" from ABC iView servers and saving the stream with the filename "%FILENAME%" using the alternative download command with RTMPdump%RTMPver%. ECHO. pause ECHO. rtmpdump-WIN32-%RTMPVER%.exe -r rtmp:// -t rtmp://"%TOKEN%" -o "%FILENAME%" goto EndMessage :RegularDownloadCommand CLS ECHO You are using the regular downloader: ECHO. ECHO Ok, you will be requesting "%DLPATH%" using the authentication token "%TOKEN%" ECHO from ABC iView servers and saving the stream with the filename "%FILENAME%" ECHO Using the regular download command with RTMPdump%RTMPver%. ECHO. pause ECHO. rtmpdump-WIN32-%RTMPVER%.exe -r rtmp://"%TOKEN%" -y %DLPATH% -o "%FILENAME%" goto :EndMessage :EndMessage ECHO If all went well, "%DLPATH%.flv" should have been downloaded as "%FILENAME%" ECHO It can be played with VLC ECHO You must force 16:9 aspect or it looks squished ECHO. ECHO If the download didn't begin, try another stream. ECHO. SET /P ANSWER=Do you wish to download another file? (Y/N)? echo You chose: %ANSWER% if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} (goto :Start) if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} (goto :Start) goto :CleanUp :CleanUp ECHO. ECHO Removing temp files... If exist authenticationtoken.xml del authenticationtoken.xml If exist channel.xml del channel.xml ECHO. ECHO Done! Quitting... pause |
![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)Quote:
![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)You need a software called flasm flasm -x file.swf |
![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)Thanks for the info, I have Flasm and OpenSSL applications installed. Now, My problem is with RTMPE downloads from Hulu. All the sniffers I use are not detecting any RTMP and RTMPE links to be used by RTMPDUMP.It tseems they went to a Hulu version 3, I see lots of http entries and xml tags. Any help is appreciated.
![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)Quote:
![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)can someone please help me? I get the error:
problem accessing the DNS. (addr: Failed to connect! I'm trying to download the following url using this command: Code:
rtmpdump\1.6.exe rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -o 9pt1.flv Code: ![]() ps - I tried the resume fuction as well and same error yet again occured.. |
![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)rtmpdump seems to be a very good program, but for whatever reason I haven't seen any decent tutorials for it. It so hard to use it.
Also there are other RTMPE recorders. Some of them are GUI applications, so they may be much easier to use. |
![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)Hey guys,
it seems like I've got what I wanted and tried the rtmpe url I was trying to dump. No luck there -- it's not surprising because Adobe has been working hard to get rtmpdump erased from history. |
![]() Re: - freeware RTMP stream downloader (MacOS X, Linux, Windows)Quote:
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Tags: dump rtmp, linux, macos, rtmp, rtmp dump, rtmp stream recorders, rtmpdump, rtmpdump exe, rtmpe, swf verification, windows |
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