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Old 08-05-2011, 02:07 AM
Sokaris Sokaris is offline
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Re: RTMPE stream recording/downloading/capturing/ripping/saving

Tried TubeDigger on KelbyTraining. Doesn't work. Probably has something to do with Kelbytraining changing their homepage so I can't even login using Tubedigger. Or anything else for that matter: GetFLV, RTMPexplorer. None of them work to login
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Old 08-05-2011, 02:34 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

Sokaris, long time no hear

Hey, i dont like Kelby's website and webpages. They are coded awfully (the html) and none of us can expect the developers of TubeDigger or GetFLV or any other standard downloader to adapt their products to the mal-coding of Kelby webpages. Fact is, and this hasnt changed, nobody NEEDS a login for Kelby Training. Just point your RTMPdump to the video (and guessing the correct URL is easy) and download it. I've just tested KSV's last post, it works.

If Kelby codes such bad webpages, i dont think that anybody should support them by paying the full subscription price. From now on Sokaris, dont pay anymore. And use the recommended tool for Kelby webpages:


You need to know that for any arbitrary SR problem (an arbitrary webpage with a test video) there is always a MORE RECOMMENDED tool which does the download task BETTER THAN the other tools. In this case, Kelby stuff, the recommended tool is rtmpdump. Stick with it, and please dont try to make OTHER tools work with it. Only when rtmpdump fails to do the job, i would begin to complain:

1. Begin with Kelby or Paul Wilder. They code bad webpages. (And their streams are NOT protected!)
2. Post in the GetFLV thread (troubleshooting) your problem. getflv support team works hard to fix such technical issues. Then we can see if getflv support team or RTMPDump support team is faster with fixing

I know that you paid much money for GFLV.. but please, in this case ("Kelby"), use something else. Not GFLV. Personally, I never had any success with GFLV and Kelby, as shown in this thread. And for sure i never recommended GFLV. Anyway, i will notify GFLV's developer now.
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Old 08-05-2011, 03:46 AM
Sokaris Sokaris is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

Hi Placebo,

Thanks. I tried RTMPdump but I just don´t get it. I´m not a technical person. RTMPexplorer worked reasonably well, but no luck now. I used that because it was easy to do.
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Old 08-05-2011, 05:53 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

Before there were introductory chapters for each course which could be viewed online for free and without registration. From these intro videos one could construct the video url's for the remaining course chapters.

With the new Kelby website i cant find a FREE way to capture any course chapter url. Sokaris, i dont have time to support you in detail.

What you could try:
1. login to your account with Firefox or Internet Explorer and play the video in your browser.
2. launch different rtmpe URL sniffing tools to see which one works best. (I've send a PM to getflv support team. They will fix the Kelby thing soon, i am confident.)
3. once you have the video streaming url, it is easy to download with rtmpdump. Dont rely on GetFLV. For Kelby, RTMPdump has always been superior to GFLV.
4. make sure that your account is safe. The Kelby responsibles are subscribed to this thread and are monitoring what we SRF kiddos are doing. If they detect that your account downloads their videos, you might receive an infringement warning email. (Using proxies or vpn's help to disguise your physical location but they dont disguise unusual account activity like downloading streams.)

I need to go. Good luck, bye!
( Let's wait until getflv support team has fixed the problem. After that, if you're still desperate , you can send me your loginass via PM, and i will look into that in detail. )
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Old 08-05-2011, 06:14 AM
TubeDigger TubeDigger is offline
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Re: RTMPE stream recording/downloading/capturing/ripping/saving

Originally Posted by Sokaris View Post
Tried TubeDigger on KelbyTraining. Doesn't work. Probably has something to do with Kelbytraining changing their homepage so I can't even login using Tubedigger.
Hi Sokaris!
The following workaround should work, please try it, sorry cannot test it because I have no login for Kelbytraining:
1. Download updated binary of TubeDigger from _ - it contains only one change - it doesn't delete IE cookies from Kelbytraining
2. Open in IE and login there - preferrable do not close IE then
3. Start updated TubeDigger (_td_.exe) - open - you should be logged already
Please give feedback how it goes.

For correct downloading TubeDigger is clearing cookies from currently browsing pages, except vkontakte, hulu, crackle,, channel4, mog.
In future version there will be possibility to add manually sites from which do not delete cookies into settings dialog and to turn off cookie cleaning.
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Old 08-07-2011, 11:41 AM
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

hei, if someone has problems with the little Login-drop down menu (top right corner of kelly homepage), then the following url is an easy work-around trick. simply login with this alternative Login:
there's no drop down menu. you can simply surf to the url (with Getflv internal browser, or with rtmpexplorer, or with Tubedigger) and then login.

Kelly videos are by no means protected, and the old rtmpdump commands from this thread all still work. Only the website's layout (style, graphical user interface) has changed. it's slicker, robuster and should work with any (old) web browser.

in fact, downloading Kelby videos is now easier than before!! I dont know how to make screenshots so maybe someone else (placebo??) can..
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Old 08-07-2011, 11:41 AM
TubeDigger TubeDigger is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

Steps for downloading videos from with TubeDigger :
1. Create account at kelbytraining and request free 24h trial (no credit card needed)
2. Open _ in TugeDigger and login
3. Navigate to required video
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Old 08-09-2011, 02:24 PM
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

I have been using RTMPexplorer with rtmpsrv version 2.4 with good success. I use it to pipe the stream through mplayer because I have a crappy cable connection. Sometimes rtmpsrv throws a handshake error. After a bit of troubleshooting, running it with the -v option shows the filename isn't correctly built. Close. I can manually enter the corrected name and it works.

The videos are now all 720p and have some creative names. One class had 3 videos names mp4_kt_something_#_lighting_720p
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Old 08-17-2011, 07:15 PM
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

I have discovered quite by accident that KMG includes a Media RSS playlist for the JWPlayer. the xml files has everything you need for RTMPdump to get the videos. The address of the file is in the head of the page source.

HTML Code:
<title>Color Happens</title>
<summary>Scott and Jay pick up where they left off the last time they met by reacquainting themselves with their last discussion.</summary>
<media:thumbnail url="" />
	<media:content url="kt_jmaisel_anotherday_1_224p.mp4" bitrate="360" />
	<media:content url="kt_jmaisel_anotherday_1_360p_low.mp4" bitrate="480" />
	<media:content url="kt_jmaisel_anotherday_1_360p.mp4" bitrate="528" />
	<media:content url="kt_jmaisel_anotherday_1_480p.mp4" bitrate="928" />
	<media:content url="kt_jmaisel_anotherday_1_720p.mp4" bitrate="1280" />
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Old 08-18-2011, 12:06 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

KMG is making your lives easy.

thanks for the info!!
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