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Old 04-25-2011, 11:08 AM
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

The screenshots state that the webpage (or website) itself is badly coded with lots of HTML errors and that their streams are protected. It means that you are not allowed to download their streams!
We cant blame the GetFLV product for (these days) not working with website. The fault is with Kelby's website (and its chief programmer paul) ... they dont provide flawless webpages which display perfectly in all browser versions (IE7, IE8, IE9, FF3.x, FF4.x, etc.). Once Paul fixes the HTML-code of the Kelby webpages, GetFLV will automatically work with the Kelby webpages and download the Kelby streams. Kelby streams have ever since been officially supported by GetFLV:


If you have trouble navigating their website with GetFLV or InternetExplorer, although Flash is installed and JavaScript enabled, then install the latest FireFox (FF4) and do the following:

Instructions how to download Kelby Training videos (hi paul! ):
0. let's take as example the "Adobe InDesign" courses:
>> _
>> Courses : Categories :
>> InDesign
>> Courses :
>> InDesign for Photographers
>> Lessons :
>> Basis Concepts (=day1)

1. with FF4, surf to testpage url (video link!):
2. download the video with rtmpdump.exe:

3. the command line is:
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand" -f "WIN 10,2,159,1" -W "" -p "" -y "indesign_photogs/day1" -o day1.flv
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand" -f "WIN 10,2,159,1" -W "" -p "" -y "indesign_photogs/day2" -o day2.flv
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand" -f "WIN 10,2,159,1" -W "" -p "" -y "indesign_photogs/day3" -o day3.flv
etc. etc. etc.
As you can see, the video streams dont have any unique ID, session ID or security token or whatsoever. The above command doesnt expire. Clearly, the streams are not protected the way they should be!

And even if paul programmed the video webpages to let/make the RTMPE-stream-url's expire after some time, the freeware tool rtmpdump would be able to download the streams with the above screenshot method. No problem.

rtmpdump does fail in some harder cases (Kelby is a VERY easy case), for example with; but then again the other tool, GetFLV, would come into play.

In summary, there is no viable way by which Kelby could possibly protect their streams from piracy downloading. It is so easy with rtmpdump, as you can see! But this doesnt mean that subscribed users are allowed to do it. In fact, it is prohibited, so dont do it!

This post is for educational purpose, and make sure to hide your IP address before you abuse it
The clever reader might have noticed that one doesnt need any subscription (Save the US$199 per year!!). Since the Kelby videos are not secured, you can download them just like that, as shown (day1, day2, day3, etcetcetc), for example "Lesson 10 : Sample Project (12min10sec)" is day11 such that:
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand" -f "WIN 10,2,159,1" -W "" -p "" -y "indesign_photogs/day11" -o day11.flv

If paul is the responsible for the security of Kelby streams, i would fire him right away. Today. Now.
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Old 04-25-2011, 12:08 PM
chap chap is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

If paul is the responsible for the security of Kelby streams, i would fire him right away. Today. Now.
And who's left?
With the monitor to record - no protection will help. Isn't it?
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Old 04-25-2011, 12:20 PM
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

i think i know what you mean, lol!
with screen capturing software ANYTHING visual displayed on the screen can be "saved" to file (in form of *.avi, for example).

then of course, whatever Mr. security man implements as protection (or security), EVERYTHING can be (legally) "captured" with tools such as WM Capture.

hmm.. so paul should keep his job then?

Last edited by placebo : 04-25-2011 at 01:03 PM.
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Old 04-25-2011, 12:28 PM
chap chap is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

hmm.. so paul should keep his job then?

i think i know what you mean, lol!
with screen capturing software ANYTHING visual displayed on the sreen can be "saved" to file (in form of *.avi, for example).

then of course, whatever Mr. security man implements as protection (or security), EVERYTHING can be (legally) "captured".
Although it is not so interesting, how to download from the server.
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Old 04-25-2011, 01:04 PM
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

Unlike what many content providers think, many users just like to watch streams without buffering, hence they need to download. Or they just need to watch on portable devices. Piracy is about illegal video distribution, not about downloading.

IMHO by preventing legal users from watching content the way they like it (on the go, without buffering,...) content providers lose more customers than win.
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Old 04-27-2011, 10:28 AM
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Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...

i cannot watch the testvideo in standalone IE8, on system1.
i cannot watch the testvideo in standalone IE8, on system2.
i can watch the testvideo in standalone Firefox4 (or latest 3.x), on system1 and on system2.
i cannot watch the testvideo in GetFLV, no matter which browser is the default browser (on system1 or on system2):
, , ,

i think that the bad html coding (javascript errors, etc.) of the Kelby webpages works as "protection against GetFLV" . any testpage url (video link!) results in webpage error messages, in GetFLV and in Internet Explorer 8.

system1 and system2 are identically setup windowsxp-sp3 systems (parallel boot machine).

Last edited by placebo : 04-28-2011 at 02:42 AM.
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Old 05-16-2011, 04:40 AM
cjedj cjedj is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

So... I can download from the links provided above using rtmpdump. This is great - I'm a paid subscriber, but want to be able to watch videos offline.

Question - how do you find the right URL to put in the command line, i.e. "indesign_photogs/day11"? Am I missing an obvious step here?

Go easy with me, I've no experience with URL sniffers or the like...
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Old 05-16-2011, 08:16 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

Originally Posted by cjedj View Post
Question - how do you find the right URL to put in the command line, i.e. "indesign_photogs/day11"?
in the style of SR:
no comment. just a link. rtfm. lol.
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Old 05-16-2011, 08:21 AM
cjedj cjedj is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

Originally Posted by placebo View Post

I should have mentioned I'm on OS X, which makes this a little harder. As far as I could tell most of the info on there was for Windows programs.

I noticed that rtmpsrv was being used in the screenshot posted above, but it seems to be listening on 1935. So now I guess I have to work out how to redirect rtmp traffic through 1935...
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Old 05-16-2011, 08:46 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Recording Kelby Training ( videos by Kelby Media Group

you're on mac, sweet.
let me tell you, on Windows i have serious difficulties with watching the Kelby vids in Internet Explorer 8. Firefox is more error-tolerant .. and can play the vids. In any case, in the end, on a Windows machine, rtmpdump is the most convenient and direct downloading method for Kelby stuff.

Finding rtmpe url's on a mac system?
Maybe let's first find mac users lol on a SRF system!

How about running a virtual box (Windows emulator) on your mac?
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