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Old 01-14-2008, 04:34 PM
Pennywhistler Pennywhistler is offline
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

God alone knows why you are going on and on with this.

1) The OP wants "stream capture software for Mac OS X". You posted him some stuff that is terrible and only works with MP3s. As he didn't say what he was recording that may or may not be good enough for him. I don't know.

I suggested an alternative that works splendidly and records everything. I also mentioned that the paid-for version allows you to record on a timer, so you can set it up to record when you are not at home, overnight, eating dinner, or any other time you were not going to make system noises on your computer (though why you don't just shut off the system noises is unclear to me).

He is not required to take my suggestion.

As to "software for OS X that will download an archived stream as a file, rather than having to listen to the file as it streams by in real time and is recorded realtime?" I've not heard of any. Let us know if you find one!
That too is perfectly clear. I hadn't heard of any.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 01-15-2008 at 12:24 AM. Reason: deleted flame
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Old 01-15-2008, 12:51 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Originally Posted by Pennywhistler View Post
The OP wants "stream capture software for Mac OS X". You posted him some stuff that is terrible and only works with MP3s. As he didn't say what he was recording that may or may not be good enough for him. I don't know.

I hadn't heard of any "software for OS X that will download an archived stream as a file, rather than having to listen to the file as it streams by in real time and is recorded realtime"
i don't really know what terrible MP3 software you were talking about.

Here are the links I posted:
I also clearly stated that IMHO stream rippers for mac os are crappy and that one can use Windows on Mac with Bootcamp or Parallels Desktop for Max OS X.

Originally Posted by Pennywhistler View Post
I suggested an alternative that works splendidly and records everything. I also mentioned that the paid-for version allows you to record on a timer, so you can set it up to record when you are not at home, overnight, eating dinner, or any other time you were not going to make system noises on your computer (though why you don't just shut off the system noises is unclear to me).
I can
  • shut off the system sounds
  • do not listen to the radio on my computer
  • do not use my TV Tuner
  • do not use VoIP calls
  • do not work with audio at all
but I don't want to. I wanna watch TV, listen to the radio, I wanna hear when my trading terminal disconnects from the Internet, I wanna hear when I receive a Skype call or instant message,...

And I wanna sleep well at night without hearing the noise of my PC.

The disadvantages of direct sound recording software that "works splendidly" were mentioned in my previous post.
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Old 01-15-2008, 04:37 PM
Pennywhistler Pennywhistler is offline
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

VLC is only a player, and Replay is for Windows ... and costs $50 to boot.
Not too useful for the OP, IMHO.

As you never bothered to ascertain what OS the OP was using, the other stuff probably won't work at all (depending). I can't even get most of them to open up in 10.2.

Windows on Mac with Bootcamp and Parallels Desktop for Max OS X cost a lot of money, so they hardly seem to be free solutions, do they.

I can

* shut off the system sounds
* do not listen to the radio on my computer
* do not use my TV Tuner
* do not use VoIP calls
* do not work with audio at all

but I don't want to. I wanna watch TV, listen to the radio, I wanna hear when my trading terminal disconnects from the Internet, I wanna hear when I receive a Skype call or instant message,...

And I wanna sleep well at night without hearing the noise of my PC.
Well bully for you. That has little or nothing to do with the issues and problems raised by the OP, but why should you care?

You seem determined to have the last word, so have at it.
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Old 01-16-2008, 12:49 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Originally Posted by Pennywhistler View Post
VLC is only a player, and Replay is for Windows ... and costs $50 to boot.
Not too useful for the OP, IMHO.

As you never bothered to ascertain what OS the OP was using, the other stuff probably won't work at all (depending). I can't even get most of them to open up in 10.2.
VLC is just a player - well may be for you it is so...It is funny how you describe it and other software you have no idea about.

Originally Posted by Pennywhistler View Post
Windows on Mac with Bootcamp and Parallels Desktop for Max OS X cost a lot of money, so they hardly seem to be free solutions, do they.
Nobody said it was free. Even wiretap with scheduling is not free.

And free solution is not necessarily the best one. Seemingly free offer can force you to spend time and efforts which money equivalent is times higher. It doesn't mean that you should buy Parallels Desktop immediately. On the contrary one should think twice before buying any software. Not every software vendor offers money-back guarantee...

Originally Posted by Pennywhistler View Post
Well bully for you. That has little or nothing to do with the issues and problems raised by the OP, but why should you care?

You seem determined to have the last word, so have at it.
Yes, you offered a direct sound recorder instead of stream capture software and everything else is because I don't care!

The thread is not intended to solve the raised problem of a single user, instead it should help many Mac fans. And obviously their demands are different.

This is definitely not a problem of the last word. May be some people can leave their computers when recording, and turn the system sounds off, and record only one stream at a time, and don't care that the quality will be worse or filesize will be larger,... there are so many ANDs that they should know about alternatives.
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Old 01-17-2008, 04:56 PM
keyboard samurai
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Some of these disadvantages you are pointing out are not true of Audio Hijack Pro. I much prefer it to Wiretap and others for direct audio recording.

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
Stream recording has a very ambiguos meaning. It is used in whatever way the software vendor likes it to be used.
In my statement by stream recording on Mac OS I obviously meant stream capturing/ripping/downloading on Mac OS.

Direct sound recording has many disadvantages which many experienced users know well. Here are some of them:
  • You get bigger files or lower quality.
  • You can end up with system sounds or any other sounds in your recordings
  • You can't do many things on your computer that involve sound card usage, when something is recorded.
  • You can't record multiple streams at the same time (unless you have multiple sound cards)
  • You can't split and tag recorded songs (unless you use Replay Music for Windows that can record anything from your sound card automaticaly splitting and tagging songs)
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Old 01-17-2008, 05:11 PM
keyboard samurai
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

For Audio/Video stream rippers native to Mac OS X,
I have seen no mention of my two favorites that are also both free.
The links posted in this thread so far seem to be tables with really out of date stuff.

I would suggest the original poster check out these programs.

CocoaJT 5.2.2 and MPEG Streamclip 1.9

with CocaoJT it is real easy to download a windows media or real media video/audio stream in background using it's recorder option while doing other stuff. I just downloaded a 30 MB windows media stream today and it definitely took less time to download it than to watch it. The interface is a little funky but it works beautifully.

I should note that I am still using Tiger (10.4.11) and have not yet switched to Leopard (probably won't for a while till at least till several more updates and bug fixes occur, everything works on Tiger, no reason to break anything).
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Old 01-17-2008, 10:12 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Originally Posted by keyboard samurai View Post
For Audio/Video stream rippers native to Mac OS X,
I have seen no mention of my two favorites that are also both free.
The links posted in this thread so far seem to be tables with really out of date stuff.

I would suggest the original poster check out these programs.

CocoaJT 5.2.2 and MPEG Streamclip 1.9
CocoaJT uses MPlayer to dump streams and MPlayer is mentioned in the All streaming media recording software chart.

MPEG Streamclip can download HTTP streams only from youtube and google video. Any download manager can do that if you have the video URL. And there are dozens of youtube recorders so they are not mentioned in the chart.
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Old 03-26-2008, 03:10 AM
ferido ferido is offline
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Get here,
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Old 03-31-2009, 05:55 AM
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

I was reading the above posts with some interest as I too wanted to record some video footage off of an online Flash Player (not Youtube).

I know nothing really about streaming & such but I was surprised that nobody has mentioned Rogue Amoeba's brilliant bits of software for audio on Macs.

Check it out here: ""

They do decent demos for free but to get the full use out of it I really suggest you pay for the full editions as they generally aren't to expensive & the uses are endless.

For recording audio use 'Audio Hijack Pro'. This brilliant software intercepts audio between the running software & your computers audio output. It WON'T record system sounds etc as it only records the audio that has been 'hijacked' by the software. You can save in virtually any format you desire & can even add your own effects if you like.

Its not exactly a 'stream recorder' but it basically will do the same job no problem.

They also do another excellent piece of software called "Radioshift". This is specifically for radio (Internet & AM/FM) & allows you to schedule radio broadcasts & record them even if you are not there & even if your computer is asleep! It handles multiple recordings no problem & works in the background unnoticed.
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Old 03-15-2010, 12:37 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

You can run Replay Media Catcher on Mac OS using freeware WINE or WineBottler:
How to install and run Replay Media Catcher on Mac OS X (Snow Leopard)
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