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Old 12-13-2007, 02:12 PM
DHK DHK is offline
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Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

I'm in the same position. I used Replay A/V on Windows but have now switched to a Mac. Is there ANY software for OS X that will download an archived stream as a file, rather than having to listen to the file as it streams by in real time and is recorded realtime?
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Old 12-13-2007, 10:04 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Stream capture software for all platforms including Mac OS X
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Old 12-14-2007, 10:17 AM
DHK DHK is offline
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

I appreciate the reply, but I've looked at that chart before, and it doesn't say (or I can't interpret) whether the recording is in real time, or as a download which would only be a minute or two. There's quite a difference in that, obviously. I only know of Replay which does that in the Windows world. I'm trying to find the equivalent in Mac.


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Old 12-14-2007, 05:56 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Obviously VLC player and MPlayer just dump streams while playing them, so they provide real time recording only.

Other choice is very very limited. ASFRecorder like software can record Windows Media streams through the rather obsolete MMS protocol. They should work faster than in real time... but it doesn't really help a lot.

Capturing/ripping/downloading media streams on Mac OS is a real headache. One is lucky if he/she can capture/rip/download in real time. IMHO Mac users are doomed to use Windows with bootcamp or Parallels Desktop for Max OS X.

This is not that bad. Parallels Desktop allows you to run Windows applications from Mac OS X smoothly. Replay AV is one of the programs that was tested on Parallels.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 01-13-2008 at 06:27 PM. Reason: changed recording to capturing to avoid ambiguity
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Old 12-14-2007, 09:17 PM
DHK DHK is offline
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Thanks very much for elaborating... you confirmed my fears. I've used Replay AV with Parallels, but have had some problems with Parallels in general, so have switched to the more native boot camp. I don't get the seamlessness, but have purer and faster XP.

Take care,

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Old 12-15-2007, 12:48 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Originally Posted by DHK View Post
I've used Replay A/V with Parallels, but have had some problems with Parallels in general, so have switched to the more native boot camp. I don't get the seamlessness, but have purer and faster XP.
I saw many very positive responses about Parallels Desktop, but there seems to be a problem with Leopard, the latest version of Mac OS X. Hopefully this is temporary.

Besides Parallels Desktop is a virtual machine. Even though you can launch Windows applications from your Mac OS X, as you said, they will work slower than with pure Windows XP. How much slower? It really depends on your hardware.
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Old 01-13-2008, 08:00 AM
Pennywhistler Pennywhistler is offline
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

As to
Recording media streams on Mac OS is a real headache. One is lucky if he/she can record in real time. IMHO Mac users are doomed to use Windows with bootcamp or Parallels Desktop for Max OS X.
, that is just bosh. What you are looking for is WireTap and WireTap Pro. The free version records in real time and the one you pay for has a timer-record feature.

As to "software for OS X that will download an archived stream as a file, rather than having to listen to the file as it streams by in real time and is recorded realtime?" I've not heard of any. Let us know if you find one!

Last edited by Pennywhistler : 01-13-2008 at 08:06 AM. Reason: more info
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Old 01-13-2008, 12:43 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Originally Posted by Pennywhistler View Post
that is just bosh. What you are looking for is WireTap and WireTap Pro. The free version records in real time and the one you pay for has a timer-record feature.
WireTap is a direct sound recording sofware and the question was about capturing/ripping/downloading streams.

Originally Posted by Pennywhistler View Post
As to "software for OS X that will download an archived stream as a file, rather than having to listen to the file as it streams by in real time and is recorded realtime?" I've not heard of any. Let us know if you find one!
There are several audio stream rippers for Mac OS X and several audio/video stream rippers, but they have very limited functionality.
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Old 01-13-2008, 05:48 PM
Pennywhistler Pennywhistler is offline
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X


YOU said "Recording media streams on Mac OS is a real headache. One is lucky if he/she can record in real time."

And THAT is just bosh. WireTap records in real time with one click, and WireTap Pro that you pay for has a timer-record feature.

I made it quite clear that I was NOT referring to "software for OS X that will download an archived stream as a file", so you don't have to tell me what the original question was.

My point is that the timer-record function is the next best thing. And you don't have to deal with those crappy limited-function rippers. That ShoutCast thing ONLY records mp3 files, so good luck recording BBC radio plays or NPR programs or anything else. WireTap records everything.
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Old 01-13-2008, 06:25 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Need stream capture software for Mac OS X

Originally Posted by Pennywhistler View Post
YOU said "Recording media streams on Mac OS is a real headache. One is lucky if he/she can record in real time."

And THAT is just bosh. WireTap records in real time with one click, and WireTap Pro that you pay for has a timer-record feature.

I made it quite clear that I was NOT referring to "software for OS X that will download an archived stream as a file", so you don't have to tell me what the original question was.
Stream recording has a very ambiguos meaning. It is used in whatever way the software vendor likes it to be used.
In my statement by stream recording on Mac OS I obviously meant stream capturing/ripping/downloading on Mac OS.

Originally Posted by Pennywhistler View Post
My point is that the timer-record function is the next best thing. And you don't have to deal with those crappy limited-function rippers. That ShoutCast thing ONLY records mp3 files, so good luck recording BBC radio plays or NPR programs or anything else. WireTap records everything.
Direct sound recording has many disadvantages which many experienced users know well. Here are some of them:
  • You get bigger files or lower quality.
  • You can end up with system sounds or any other sounds in your recordings
  • You can't do many things on your computer that involve sound card usage, when something is recorded.
  • You can't record multiple streams at the same time (unless you have multiple sound cards)
  • You can't split and tag recorded songs (unless you use Replay Music for Windows that can record anything from your sound card automaticaly splitting and tagging songs)

So obviously it is better to capture/rip/download streams in most cases. And you can use many applications for that, but most of them work on Windows only.

The main advantage of direct sound recording is that you can record any sound produced by your sound card.

p.s. Both types of programs can have or have no scheduling feature.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 01-15-2008 at 12:21 AM.
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