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Old 05-24-2012, 05:14 PM
drbmn drbmn is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

Originally Posted by jeffshead View Post
WMP10 gave similar results. I'll try WMP11 next and report back.
Can you please post what you did to install WMP 10 on Windows 7 (64)?

And what issues does it have.

The only reason I want it is because of the Album Art not being displayed in its original size.

I dont know how I did it, but somehow I added music to the WMP12 and it showed the Album Art in the original size. I didnt do any registry hacks or anything. All I recall was that I had both my iTunes and WMP music folder in the same location. Ive been doing system recoveries to try and figure it out. It worked once and I have no clue what I did for it to work.

Any help is appreciated.
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Old 05-25-2012, 01:32 AM
Andrea Borman Andrea Borman is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

Well as I said in an earlier post only WMP 11 works on Windows 7. I cannot install or get WMP 9 or 10 working on anything but Windows XP.

But I find that both WMP 11 and 12 falls short of the features in WMP9. The taskbar toolbar of WMP 11 does not work on Windows 7 and there are no visualisations in WMP 11. Not even on Windows Vista.

So I have installed Winamp media player which works on all versions of Windows,including Windows 8. Winamp has lots of visualisations that are very much like WMP9 and all of them are working. Also Winamp has a plug in called Tray Control which gives you the taskbar toolbar like WMP does.

So Winamp is an option if you are looking for visualisations and the taskbar toolbar not in WMP 11 or 12. Winamp also has lots of plug ins that you can add to it. It does not play all video files but is a good audio player. And a lot of the features of Winamp are similar to WMP 9 and 10. Andrea Borman.
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Old 01-15-2013, 06:25 AM
farohp farohp is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

i have windows 7 professional 64 bit( X64) but i can installa WMP10.

I must do WMP10 for XP 64 bit or WMP10 32bit work on windows 7 64 bit?

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Old 02-04-2013, 08:54 AM
farohp farohp is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

anyone help me?...
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Old 12-13-2014, 03:58 AM
Mew Mew is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

Hello, sorry to disrupt this age-old thread. But I am trying to get this to work and it won't.

Everything was fine up until I faced deleting "Installed Versions" in the registry directory, it wasn't there.

Anyway, I followed through regardless but now I am facing this error each time I try it:

I am running Windows 7 x64 Ultimate, can someone please tell me what I've done wrong?
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Old 12-13-2014, 05:14 AM
jeffshead jeffshead is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

I remember wasting countless hours searching the Internet, editing the installation files I found and the registry to get this crude hack to somewhat work.

I was never able to get WMP9-11 to work flawlessly. There was always a missing feature or issue with every version.

Sorry this is not the answer you are looking for but I'm trying to save you countless hours and frustration. I suggest you get used to WMP12, use a VM of Windows XP or use another player because the end result will be a lot of time spent getting an outdated player installed that has missing features and/or issues.
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Old 12-13-2014, 06:41 AM
Mew Mew is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

I can get any other Media Player to work flawlessly, it's just 10 that isn't working. I don't care if it has some flaws, just as long as I can use it to listen to things.
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Old 06-20-2015, 10:09 AM
Augustocba Augustocba is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

Hi guys,

1) I was able to install WMP 10 on Windows 7 32 bit, following the instructions posted by Leandrini. At the end, everything worked fine and I had WMP 10 running in Windows 7 32 bit with no issues!

2) I was not able to install WMP 10 on Windows 7 64 bit, following the same instructions. At the end, like user Mew, I was not able to find "installed versions" on the registry, and got the same error message he did.

So, it seems you can install WMP 10 on Windows 7 32 bit, but you can not install WMP 10 on Windows 7 64 bit!

Fortunately, just before trying to change WMP version on my Windows 7 64 bit, I had done a complete partition backup (I use Macrium Reflect to do it). So, when I ended with not WMP at all, I just recovered the partition backup I had made less than an hour before, and at I got my Windows exactly as before changes, and ended with my WMP 12 again.

* Some people ask why we insist on WMP 10 instead of other media players. Well, for me there is a very good reason. I have a hearing loss (in my case, it affects the frequencies above 2 kHz). In 2004 a guy made a customized DSP dll file for me, with performs a very advanced compressive equalization that makes music sound again vivid to my ears. With WMP 10 I could just go to "plugins", "DSP plugins", click in the "add plugin" button, point to the dll location, and get it working. In WMP 11 and 12, Microsoft removed the option of adding a DSP plugin directly from a dll file in the computer. And that specific dll does not work in other players, just in WMP. So in order to be able to having pleasure listen to music with my hearing problem, I think I will change Windows 7 64 bit for Windows 7 32 bit... better to have that Windows 32 bit RAM memory limit (4 GB) than not being able to listen properly to my favorite music!
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Old 11-04-2015, 05:50 AM
Augustocba Augustocba is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

How to fix if WMP 10 in Windows 7 is not able to play MP4 and some other video files.

Even after installing K-Lite Codec Pack, my Windows Media Player was not playing some of the video files I have. It did not play any mp4 files, and did not play some mpeg and avi files.

Here how to fix this:
1) In K-Lite Codec Pack program group, find and run "Codec Tweak Tool".
2) Click the button "MS Codec Tweaks"
3) Check the first option ("Disable Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder").

And that's it! After disabling Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder, all my video files play perfectly in my WMP10 under Windows 7 32 bit.
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