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Old 10-18-2011, 12:37 PM
jondoe666 jondoe666 is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

oh before i forget, you can also try to do the following:

open "run" type in msconfig, press enter
go to stratup and remove all ticks except your anti-virus prog
restart and see if the processes are still there

good luck
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Old 10-28-2011, 08:50 PM
Andrea Borman Andrea Borman is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

I have got several netbooks,2 are Windows XP and my others are Windows 7. And I have tried many times to install both Windows Media player 9 and 10 on my Windows 7.

But there is just no way I can do it. Because what happens is this-I download WMP 9 or WMP 10 from the web( I downloaded from old or old web browser saves the installer file in downloads on my computer. But when I try to install WMP 9 I get a message saying,program blocked due to compatibility issues. And when I try to install WMP 10 I get a message saying, sorry Windows Media player 10 is only for Windows XP.

And I also tried uploading the WMP 9 and WMP10 program files from my Windows XP netbook onto Mediafire. And then installing them from there on my Windows 7 laptop. But when I try to open either the WMP 9 or 10 program file,I get the same message as before.

So there is no way Windows will let you install or run WMP 9 or 10 on Windows 7. As it has blocked both the whole installation and the program. So WMP 9 and 10 only run on Windows XP I have found. But I cannot install or run WMP 9 or 10 on my Windows 7.

The lowest version of WMP you can run on Windows 7 is WMP 11 for Windows 7. But that is only because some one created an adapted version of WMP11 adapted for Windows 7. Maybe they will also make a WMP 9 or 10 for Windows 7, like they did with WMP 11 for windows 7.

But I recently saw a You Tube video and it showed WMP 9 installed and running on Windows 7,with the help of a software called Resource Hacker. But the video was not in English,so I could not understand it. And I don't know how they got WMP 9 running. As I cannot even get past the installation as Windows blocks the download on Windows 7. So I cannot even install WMP 9 or 10 on Windows 7. Andrea Borman.

Last edited by Andrea Borman : 10-29-2011 at 05:23 AM.
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Old 11-10-2011, 04:03 AM
Hayden27 Hayden27 is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

I'm going a bit bonkers. Every time I try to play a CD or watch a DVD on my WinXP system in Windows Media Player, the sound fades out and I'm left without any audio track. I've tried jiggling my speaker cables, reseating my sound card, restarting Windows Media Player (or even my PC), and even sacrificing an old Abba CD to the Microsoft Gods, but nothing helps. How do I fix this sort of sound device problems?
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Old 11-11-2011, 04:00 PM
Andrea Borman Andrea Borman is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

Hayden 27.

What version of WMP have you got in Windows XP,WMP 9,10 or 11?

You should be able to find out what version you have got by opening WMP and clicking on help, and where it says about WMP.

But I have found on all versions of WMP, even on WMP 12 on Windows 7, that it does not play all formats. Even WMP 12 won't play FLV or MPG3 files. And none of the codecs I have installed work with any version of Windows Media Player.

WMP is all right for playing AVI and WMV files including video files recorded with desktop web cam software. But it does not play some other formats.

So it is a good idea to install another media player,such as VLC Player or Gom Player. As these media players will play any video or audio format. And you can run Gom Player,VLC or another player of your choice alongside Windows Media Player.

If you have got Windows XP there is also an earlier version of WMP,WMP 6.4,mplayer 2. And also WMP 5.1,mplayer 32. As well as your latest version of Windows Media Player,WMP 9,10 or 11.

But these 2 earlier versions do not play advanced formats either. So you could try the other 2 players I mentioned. They should work. Andrea Borman.
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Old 01-07-2012, 12:33 PM
amin_farah amin_farah is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

works well on 32 bit ultimate
thanks to all of you!
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Old 03-26-2012, 05:43 AM
pierdkk pierdkk is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

As far as I know, if your operating system is not original, windows takes down your account while you are installing windows media player. It happened to me some while ago when I was upgrading my windows media player

I didn't try this method and my win 7 is original so I can't test it...
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Old 04-13-2012, 12:40 PM
justicenzy justicenzy is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

I just thank you very much , i've already got it installed with Win7 32bit


1 - Uninstall wmp12


2 - Install WMP 10 - Download


Install .inf file , reserve wmp10.dll for last

Skip all warning , do not restart until install all .inf file


3 - Continue



Try to run mp3 file --> still not working like this

4 - Finalize in Safe mode

Restart , press F8 to enter Safe mode , run mp3 file again

Excellent ,it worked

Restart ---> Enjoy

Advanced Tag Editor is realy comeback with wmp10

Someone can run on X64 please share your exp to me
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Old 04-16-2012, 07:40 AM
leandrini leandrini is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

Originally Posted by justicenzy View Post
I just thank you very much , i've already got it installed with Win7 32bit

Someone can run on X64 please share your exp to me

Dude, exactly like this, very good explanation....
well done, with pictures and everything
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Old 05-14-2012, 01:13 PM
jeffshead jeffshead is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

Has anyone tried installing WMP9 on Windows 7 64 bit? I want WMP9 because the speed settings are always visible.

I can't stand WMP12. I have tried all of the other players I could find onthe Internet but none of them work as well as WMP when listening to streamingaudio via a slow Internet connection. All of the other players start, stop orshutter.

I would stick with WMP12 if you didn't have to jump through hoops to accessthe speed setting each time the player gets minimized.
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Old 05-14-2012, 09:47 PM
jeffshead jeffshead is offline
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Re: Guide: How to install Windows Media Player 10 in Windows 7

I just installed WMP9 on Win7x64. I decompressed the installer exe and edited some files to get around the incompatibility issue. The install went just fine and WMP9 works for the most part but there is a problem with file associations. Even though WMP9 is the default program for all audio and video formats, Windows still asks which program should be used to open the files and when clicking on a link to a stream.

Also, there are no context menu items such as Play or Que it up.

I will install WMP10 and report back.
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