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Old 04-16-2006, 02:27 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Recording/Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos streamed through the HTTP

This thread is an add-on to the following FAQ:
FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player

To record/capture/save/rip/snag/download/catch http:// flash video .flv stream from embedded Adobe Flash Player may use the following Flash video ripper and Flash video capture software:
  • Replay Media Catcher - can find http:// stream URLs and automatically download HTTP flash video .FLV streams from embedded Adobe Flash player.
  • Freecorder Toolbar - freeware browser toolbar that allows to automatically download HTTP and HTTPS flash videos.
  • Jaksta Free Media Recorder - freeware browser toolbar that allows to automatically download HTTP and HTTPS flash videos.
  • WebVideoCap - freeware program that allows to capture packets coming to Flash Player via HTTP protocol.
  • Jaksta - automatically download and capture packets coming to your flash player.
  • WM Recorder can find http:// stream URLs and automatically download/capture HTTP flash video .FLV streams from embedded Adobe Flash player.
  • Orbit Downloader can download HTTP flash videos. Its Grab++ can find HTTP stream URLs.
  • Rip Tiger can download HTTP flash videos automatically.
  • Ask & Record Toolbar - freeware browser toolbar that allows to automatically download HTTP and HTTPS flash videos.
  • Bit Recorder - automatically captures packets coming to your flash player.
  • PIAFCTM is a network data capturing utility that provides both packet capturing and HTTP (Web) based file capturing. This can allow you to capture streams coming to your PC through the HTTP protocol.
  • Unlocker is a small freeware utility that allows you to copy and rename shared files (instead of getting one of the following error messages: "Cannot delete file: Access is denied", "There has been a sharing violation", "The source or destination file may be in use", "The file is in use by another program or user".

Please note that many web-sites use RTMP protocol for their flash video stream. The URLs of such streams start with rtmp://. They are much harder to record than HTTP streams. All RTMP flash video rippers can download HTTP flash videos. See the following thread for more:
How to record rtmp:// flash video .flv stream from embedded Adobe Flash Player

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 04-11-2009 at 02:58 AM. Reason: update
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Old 04-16-2006, 03:10 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Capture HTTP/HTTPS flash FLV and MP4 video files with free Jaksta Free Media Recorder

Jaksta Free Media Recorder is a freeware browser toolbar allowing you to capture HTTP and HTTPS streaming videos and convert them to popular audio/video formats. The Free Cache Viewer can examine and extract video from the caches of Internet Explorer, FireFox and Google Chrome.

How to capture HTTP and HTTPS streaming .FLV videos with freeware Jaksta Free Media Recorder:
  1. Install Jaksta Free Media Recorder
  2. Start your Firefox or Internet Explorer browser.
  3. Navigate to a web page with your video stream and play it in the embedded flash player.
  4. Select the Video History (History icon) on the Free Media Recorder Toolbar in your browser.

  5. Free Video History will appear and display a thumbnail image for each video you have watched previously.

  6. Click any thumbnail to extract that video. Once the video is extracted a green tick is placed

  7. To remove a video from the history click the red X that appears when hovering over a thumbnail.
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Old 04-16-2006, 03:10 AM
Stream Recorder
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Recording Flash .FLV video files with Replay A/V

Replay A/V has a built-in URL Finder (although it works on broadband connections only).

To record flash .FLV video file with Replay A/V:
1. Click the URL Finder button.
2. Play the video you want to capture. Once you start playing the video, the URL finder will show the URL of the Flash video.
3. Click Add Selection as New Show. The video's URL is placed into a new item for Replay A/V
4. Change "New Show" to whatever you want the clip to be called.
5. Click Record Now, then OK. This starts the .FLV file capture.
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Old 04-16-2006, 03:10 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Saving HTTP and HTTPS flash .FLV and .MP4 video files with free Ask & Record toolbar

Ask & Record Toolbar is a freeware browser plug-in that allows you to save HTTP and HTTPS streaming videos and convert them to popular audio/video formats.

How to save HTTP and HTTPS streaming .FLV videos with freeware Ask & Record Toolbar:
  1. Install Ask & Record Toolbar
  2. Start your Firefox or Internet Explorer browser.
  3. Navigate to a web page with your video stream and play it in the embedded flash player.
  4. Hit the "Save video" button. This will bring the "Ask & Record - Videos" window.
  5. Make sure the video has played fully in your web-browser. Then highlight the video in the "Ask & Record - Videos" windows and click the "Save" button.
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Old 04-16-2006, 03:10 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Capture HTTP/HTTPS flash FLV and MP4 video files with freeware Freecorder Toolbar

Freecorder Toolbar is a freeware browser toolbar allowing you to capture HTTP and HTTPS streaming videos and convert them to popular audio/video formats. Its the Video History Tool allows you to extract video from the caches of Internet Explorer and FireFox .

How to save HTTP and HTTPS streaming .FLV videos with freeware Freecorder:

Freecorder 4 watches your "video cache" and privately keeps track of every video you've watched. If you've just viewed something you'd like to save on your PC, here's how to save it:
  1. Install Freecorder
  2. Start your Firefox or Internet Explorer browser.
  3. Navigate to a web page with your video stream and play it in the embedded flash player.
  4. Click Video History . You'll be presented with the following screen:

  5. Click the file to save, then press the Save button save button. The Save dialog appears:

  6. You can rename your file here. Click Save to save it to disk in your Storage Directory.
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Old 06-22-2006, 03:02 AM
Mr Wolf Mr Wolf is offline
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Javi Moya's blog to record from YouTube and other web-sites

Hey, look what I've just found: it works to download videos from youtube, I'm trying if it works with other sites!

To watch the videos:

Freeware Applian FLV Player
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Old 06-22-2006, 07:37 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Downloading/recording/capturing flash .FLV streaming from YouTube

Originally Posted by Mr Wolf
Hey, look what I've just found: it works to download videos from youtube, I'm trying if it works with other sites!

To watch the videos:
I've created some threads about YouTube downloading/recording/capturing techniques some time ago:
YouTube video downloaders: How to Record/Capture/Download flash videos from YouTube
YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any software?
The best web-browser plug-in for downloading YouTube videos

Javi Moya's web-site was one of the mentioned tools. I prefer Javi Moya's Firefox plug-in to the web-site. But I prefer DownloadHelper plug-in to Javi Moya's plug-in for Firefox.

There is no any problem downloading from YouTube 'coz the HTTP protocol is used.
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Old 08-01-2006, 03:53 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Capture Flash .FLV HTTP video stream with freeware Unlocker

Unlocker is a small freeware utility that allows you to copy and rename shared files (instead of getting one of the following error messages: "Cannot delete file: Access is denied", "There has been a sharing violation", "The source or destination file may be in use", "The file is in use by another program or user".

Here's how to capture .FLV HTTP stream with Unlocker:
  • Download and install Unlocker.
  • Unlocker assistant will launch automatically.
  • Navigate to a web-page and start playing your flash video stream
  • When the flash video finishes playing, Go to temp folder by the following: Start -> Run, typing %temp%.
  • Find a file with the name flaXXX.tmp, this is your flash video. Left click on it and use the Unlocker.
  • Use the Copy Action and save the file with .flv extension.
  • Now you can play the .flv video file

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 11-02-2008 at 12:45 PM.
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Old 08-01-2006, 03:53 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Capture Flash .FLV HTTP video stream with freeware PIAFCTM

PIAFCTM is a network data capturing utility that provides both packet capturing and HTTP (Web) based file capturing. This can allow you to capture streams coming to your PC through the HTTP protocol.

Here's how to capture .FLV HTTP stream with PIAFCTM:
  • Download and install PIAFCTM.
  • Launch PIAFCTM
  • Select "File mode"
  • Choose a folder to which captured files will be saved (in the "Directory and file settings" group)
  • Hit the "Start" button
  • Navigate to a web-page and start playing your flash video stream
  • When the flash video finishes playing, hit the Stop button.
  • Open the folder with recordings and find the FLV file.
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