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Old 08-01-2006, 04:53 AM
Stream Recorder
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Recording Flash .FLV HTTP video stream with WM Recorder

WM Recorder is one of a few stream recorders that can record Flash .FLV streaming video broadcasted through HTTP protocol automatically.

Here's how to record .FLV HTTP stream in real time with AUTO recording mode enabled (AUTO ON):
  • Download and install WM Recorder.
  • Open WM Recorder.
  • Click the MODE button. The Recording Modes dialog appears.
  • Choose the ADA Mode. WM Recorder will automatically choose the best Adapter for you. It is always the default adapter that Windows uses.
  • Select Auto recording so that you no longer need to click the Record button to start a recording. Every supported audio or video stream you play is automatically recorded in this mode.
  • Using your browser or your media player, play the .FLV video you want to record.
  • Recording starts automatically. The RECORD button turns to STOP. Once the recording begins you can start playing and recording another video / audio clip. There is no need to wait until the play is finished.
  • To end one or more recordings click STOP and select the desired action from the pop-up menu.

Please note that WM Recorder also supports other recording modes. The above mentioned method is the easiest one because it doesn't even require you to hit the RECORD button. Please refer to the user guide for more.

Video Tutorial: How to Capture Streaming Video from online sources with WM Recorder

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 11-01-2008 at 09:58 PM.
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Old 08-30-2007, 02:31 PM
Mr Wolf Mr Wolf is offline
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Use freeware extensions for the Firefox browser: Videodownloader and DownloadHelper

Ok, you can save .flv file from Youtube and other sites with the extensions "Fast Video Download", "Videodownloader" and "DownloadHelper" for Firefox and for free!
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Old 12-22-2007, 02:57 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos streamed through the http protoco

Originally Posted by marion View Post
tks for ur helping anyway , how can WM recoder download.flv video stream , by links catcher ?

and how to record multilpe stream at once with WM Recorder ?
WM Recorder can download flv videos in two modes:

Downloading HTTP flash videos with WM Recorder in the ADA mode
  1. Launch WM Recorder
  2. Switch to ADA mode and check Auto recording
  3. Open your web browser and navigate to a web-page with an embedded flash player
  4. Play flash streaming video
  5. The recording will be done automatically.
  6. Stop or pause the flash streaming video on the web-page. Or just close the web-page with the embedded flash player.
If you play several HTTP flash videos, they will be captured automatically.

If you know the URL of some HTTP flash video, you can download it WM Recorder in the URL mode:
  1. Launch WM Recorder
  2. Switch to the URL mode
  3. Copy the URL of your flash video and paste it into the URL editbox of WM Recorder
  4. Type the filename of your flash video into the File editbox of WM Recorder
  5. Hit the record button.
If you know the URLs you can download flash HTTP videos with any download manager, so I don't think that you will need to record multiple URLs in the URL mode.
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Old 12-26-2007, 08:17 PM
streamnovice streamnovice is offline
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Re: Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos streamed through the http protoco

Hey, thanks for the tip. I may have to adjust my need to take the entire video and then split it later - much more work. I find that my Replay ScreenCast allows recording of any small region where I draw an outline. However, it now all of a sudden does not record audio - and I don't know how to fix it. It worked most satisfactorily until recently. I believe this s/w failed to function immediately I let my WMP receive an "update" by a movie site that sounds like internet flics (get it?).

I believe Replay sells the WM Recorder (WMR) you mentioned. I trialed it, works great. Just don't want entire films (too many are too long).

If you have any pull with Replay or Applian, please encourage the feature I want.
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Old 02-19-2008, 09:45 AM
Stream Recorder
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How to download/capture rtmp:// flash video .flv stream from Flash Player with Jaksta

Jaksta (editor's choice) can download and capture packets coming to your Adobe Flash Player. To download or capture RTMP streams with Jaksta:
  • Run Jaksta
  • Click the Record button
  • Navigate to a web page with your video stream and play it in the embedded flash player.
  • All .FLV flash video streams broadcasted through the HTTP or RTMP protocol will be downloaded/captured automatically.
Please note that when Jaksta captures packets from flash player (rather than downloads RTMP streams), you need to play an audio/video stream fully to capture it.
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Old 05-17-2012, 09:37 AM
picaritointak picaritointak is offline
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Old 06-28-2012, 06:42 AM
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Old 12-05-2012, 03:36 AM
omani33 omani33 is offline
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Re: Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos streamed through the HTTP protoco

I prefer Javi Moya's Firefox plug-in to the web-site. But I prefer DownloadHelper plug-in to Javi Moya's plug-in for Firefox.
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Old 06-17-2013, 08:02 AM
pbaggens pbaggens is offline
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Re: Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos streamed through the HTTP protoco

Tried everything.... There's a web site that has links to many live streams (in German). I need to save them so we can watch them 6 hours delayed, otherwise, we just see the late-night stuff. When you click on the stream icons, the video starts in an embedded player on a new page. I have found that I can "snip" out a couple of lines from the web page source, save the simple web page to a .html file on my disk, and launch it with Firefox and get the video to play in a blank page. These html lines to embed the player are even provided once the flash player starts, so it's a no-brainer. Digging deeper, I found that the player starts by downloading a small java script file that launches the player with the right parameters. I tried many of the suggested rippers and nothing worked. rtmpdump, as well. But it appears not to use rtmp protocol. Digging deeper using tcpdump on Linux, I found that it does not use port 1935. Rather, it sends a stream of UDP packets with port numbers like 53170, but the port is different each time, although the port stays the same once the video starts (this is at least one good thing). I found this out by dumping all traffic with tcpdump (and the -w outputfile option) , and looking for the port that is being used for 99 percent of the data, and that it was indeed an internet address in Germany. I can then use tcmpdump with the -r option to read in the dumped packets from the file and filter out the desired port only, and re-write it to a new filtered dump file that only has the port 53170 packets, or whatever port, the next time it will be 48552 or something. I then tied to use the perl script that is available online to create .flv files from tcpdump output files to no avail. Clearly, this is a new kind of steam since it is clearly not rtmp protocol. I hope this is enough information for someone to point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance!
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Old 06-19-2013, 12:34 PM
pbaggens pbaggens is offline
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Re: Getting/Capturing/Downloading .FLV flash videos streamed through the HTTP protoco

Here's some more information about this site that I want to record. I was able to isolate just the neccessary HTML lines. If you take this HTML snippet below and save it as a .html file and open it in your browser, the video will play in an embedded flask player in an otherwise blank page. If you change the "id=" variable, you get different programs. I'm a newbie at this and I was hoping someone can tell me what kind of stream it is and how it can be recorded. Not even sure this is the right forum.

-------------- CUT HERE ---------------
<title>Live ZDF stream online TV |</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
width=640, height=360, id="G:0101010c040e7a646600";
</script><script src="" type="text/javascript">
</script> <br />

--------------------- CUT HERE ---------------
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