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Old 01-11-2008, 01:56 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: How do I get FLV Recorder to work?

They have released a new version of HiDownload recently, but I haven't received any reply by e-mail from them. E-mailed them again.
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Old 01-11-2008, 12:42 PM
Rekrul Rekrul is offline
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Re: How do I get FLV Recorder to work?

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
They have released a new version of HiDownload recently, but I haven't received any reply by e-mail from them. E-mailed them again.
I tried the latest version of HiDownload. It doesn't support downloading from RTMP URLs.

Also, I tried Replay Media Catcher, just to see if it would work even though it doesn't officially support Windows 98. It runs, but doesn't do anything and while it's open, my system starts slowing down until it becomes unusable.

I also tried Orbit Downloader even though that doesn't officially support Windows 98 either. It seemed to run ok except that some of the options in the Grab++ window were invisible and no URLs ever showed up in it. Unfortunately, when I pasted in an RTMP URL from a site I'd like to download from as a new download, the message window said that the connection was refused. It kept retrying, but was never able to connect.

I was trying to download from this site;

I found the URL by viewing one of the videos in IE, then searching the files in the cache for any that contained a word from the video's title. I found a file with an RTMP url, copied that and pasted it into Orbit.
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Old 01-11-2008, 01:42 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: How do I get FLV Recorder to work?

Originally Posted by Rekrul View Post
I tried the latest version of HiDownload. It doesn't support downloading from RTMP URLs.
Sorry, I didn't mean that HiDownload supports RTMP protocol. I just wanted to say that StreamingStar continued to develop products. It is weird that their support is dead.

Originally Posted by Rekrul View Post
I also tried Orbit Downloader even though that doesn't officially support Windows 98 either. It seemed to run ok except that some of the options in the Grab++ window were invisible and no URLs ever showed up in it. Unfortunately, when I pasted in an RTMP URL from a site I'd like to download from as a new download, the message window said that the connection was refused. It kept retrying, but was never able to connect.
I still don't know any way to find RTMP stream URLs, so Orbit Downloader is useless when recording RTMP streams on any version of Windows.
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Old 03-13-2008, 02:21 AM
Rekrul Rekrul is offline
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Re: How do I get FLV Recorder to work?

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
Sorry, I didn't mean that HiDownload supports RTMP protocol. I just wanted to say that StreamingStar continued to develop products. It is weird that their support is dead.
That seems to be the way most small internet based companies operate these days. Most can't even be bothered to list the system requirements for their programs, or even include real help files.

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
I still don't know any way to find RTMP stream URLs, so Orbit Downloader is useless when recording RTMP streams on any version of Windows.
I don't see why the recording of streaming Flash videos is such a difficult feat. There are a bunch of different programs to record RTSP and MMS, but recording RTMP seems to be next to impossible, at least under Windows 98. I keep waiting for the author of Net Transport to add RTMP support, but he seems more interested in turning it into a file sharing client.

I can't even download some streaming Flash videos even when the URL is HTTP! I just get an error message telling me that the file wasn't found. Of course it works fine in the web-based player...
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