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Old 01-20-2015, 04:24 AM
freez freez is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file

@ksv & experts , plez latest rtmpdump needs a -k command? , what is -k command for latest sites such ucaster,janjua,ezcast,liveflash..etc & all same clones coz none of them playing only keeps connecting only & no incoming streaming start ?!!! plez help
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Old 01-20-2015, 02:20 PM
nomi nomi is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file

can you help me to found the rtmpdump command for following
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Old 01-30-2015, 07:57 AM
TEOL TEOL is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file

At the moment there is a bug in the 2015 version where the same file starts dumping a million times at once for example on ROH Wrestling TV their free show when you rapidly switch from the auto to high quality tab to get the highest quality version.

It dumps the auto and high versions at the same time which is expected but a million files of the high version isn't expected and it slows the downloading down only for all those multiple versions to dump over each other and merge into the one file at the end of downloading anyway.

Yeah, it's a multiplying bug where when they are all finished they merge together anyway as they are the same file name.

Will this be fixed next version so it only grabs the one stream with the same file name at once like the older versions of your RTMPDump where this didn't happen?

There is also this bug where mp3s and m4as from stuff like spotify free (which does work) and deezer free (although this doesn't work yet) ect. saves into a flv when it should save in it's own format but thats just me being picky but RTMPDump should have support for dumping stuff in it's native file extensions rather than flv only as it does have support for downloading some non flv stuff already so it should download to the right name as downloading to the right extension should be a proity for the future of this software as it does catch other stuff so it should put the correct name at the end rather than flv for stuff that isn't.

It's probably not a bug that one but it does bug me as I have to change extensions and everything if I download a Spotify music from flv to mp3.

Other than those and the lack of support for every YouTube format flv, mp4, webm, split audio/video mp4 ect I'm very happy using the RTMPDump and RTMPDumpHelper software and think that when progress improves getting all the setups and real file extensions included and starts dumping without the clone downloading and merging thing then I think rtmpdump would be the best thing going although it's already the best for FLV already it just needs to move forward and include the other major flv style streaming formats rather than having support for them but having to change file extensions yourself.

FLV style streaming media isn't only with the FLV extension anymore rtmpdump is great but it needs the other extensions for streams as well. What you are seeing is still a Flash Video File on these websites but the extensions of the video themselves now are often MP4 dispite being embedded within a FLV Player cleverlly now because the way flash embedded media is done has changed and allows even webm to display in a flash player window.

This probably has been talked about before but just wanted to put my thoughts out there. KSV keep up the good work as this is a great software which can grab most streams already from the flv players and with support for the other file types that get embedded into a flv player now with the real extension being the dumped file I can see this flv player ripper being bigger and better.

This is everything I could find which could help get the Network running in it as well seeing as loads of people are interested including myself in it running.

Last edited by TEOL : 01-30-2015 at 09:12 AM.
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Old 02-09-2015, 10:33 AM
KSV KSV is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file

first post is updated with new release.
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Old 02-10-2015, 10:12 AM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file

Thank you KSV for the new compiled Windows set.

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Old 02-16-2015, 12:43 AM
invisibleuser30 invisibleuser30 is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file

1- Thank you for the latest libtmp files

2- I have Kodi on my PC and iPhone. I downloaded the librtmp for my PC from this site and all the channels that I want to watch are working fine. As for my iphone, I have searched all over google and couldn't find a librtmp that was uploaded or updated 2015 for iphone. So I downloaded the librtmp provided in this link BUT the channels that work on my PC don't work on my iphone!!

So, I need help with updating my librtmp file on my iphone to the latest one so that the channels that work on my PC work on my iphone as well. If the one provided on here can be coded for iphone then can someone do it for me and give me a link to download?
I would really appreciate any help, thank you!
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Old 02-19-2015, 08:32 AM
freez freez is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file

@KSV what is the use of latest patched rtmp mips clone unless it do open & clear those mips clone server (ucaster,mips,liveflash,janjua,ezcast ...etc) , i cannot get any of these stream links server working with VLC player & it i just keep connected , do we have to enter a -k command & what is it? or what
the hill is wrong with playing these links of mips shit clone server
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Old 02-22-2015, 10:06 AM
Velcro Velcro is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file


I came across a problem in resume feature. I'm using last version of librtmp.dll with my own C# program which can download rtmp stream the same way rtmpdump.exe does.

So, to resume a stream, I search last keyframe in the already downloaded file and when it's found, I update m_read (timestamp, nResumeTS, flags, and so on) in Rtmp structure, and "Checked keyframe successfully!" appears in log.

I understand that I should also read "Found keyframe with resume-keyframe timestamp!" when the resume phase is completed, but sometimes I don't get it (librtmp don't find the right RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO). Instead of that others packets are received like the ones on this post:

In reality there are onMetaData packet (~500 bytes) and notification packet, and librtmp loops on every following packets until the end of the stream.

If I try to force RTMP_ConnectStream to play from previous keyframe or even from 200 or 500 millisecond back from last found keyframe, librtmp catches the good RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_FLASH_VIDEO and resume works.

How can you explain this?

Resume timestamp: 21292 ms

Resume timestamp: 21292 ms (with Rtmp seekTime=20792)

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Old 02-24-2015, 12:06 PM
TEOL TEOL is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file

Originally Posted by KSV View Post
first post is updated with new release.
Is bambastic one of the new players for this revision?
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Old 03-09-2015, 06:09 AM
TEOL TEOL is offline
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Re: Customized rtmpdump binaries with patch file

Heres a couple of handshake bugs coming out of a Hula/Hola combination which it says in the bug text that a patch could be made and is welcome.



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