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Old 12-30-2011, 04:12 PM
Osuperduck Osuperduck is offline
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I Can't Download the DRM License

Not sure if you guys can help me or if this is the right place...

I joined website and payed for a monthly membership to download and watch videos.

Now that I am a member I can down load the videos with no problem but I can't seem to down load the License (DRM?). So I can download but not watch them. What could be preventing me from down loading this license? I have had the support people on the website refresh my down load licenses tries (you get 2 links/tries per month) but still nothing happens. I can't get anymore help from the websites support team. They won't answer my emails. So I have all these videos I can't watch because I can't get the License onto my computer.

Any ideas?

I have Win7 64.
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Old 12-30-2011, 06:35 PM
tomzzb tomzzb is offline
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Re: I Can't Download the DRM License

Would you like to let us know what messages you get when you're trying to play the videos?
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Old 12-30-2011, 06:51 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: I Can't Download the DRM License

It might help if you tell us the errors you're getting, Tom is right
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Old 12-30-2011, 07:23 PM
Osuperduck Osuperduck is offline
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Re: I Can't Download the DRM License

This is the error I get when opening one of the videos,...

Originally Posted by Windows Media Center
Your media usage rights have become corrupted or are no longer valid. This might happen if you have replaced hardware components in your computer.

....BUT I ALREADY KNOW THE VIDEOS WON'T PLAY, because the DRM License from the website won't install and/or unlock the DRM.

to be clear...

I have belonged to this site on my old computer with a different account and it worked.

You are suppose to clink on a link to unlock/download the License and a "SUCCESS" appears and then I know the License/DRM is downloaded/recognized. HOWEVER on my new computer I click on the unlock/download the License link and I don't get the success page. Nothing happens. So I am pretty sure this is the crux of the problem. Which is why I am wondering what could be preventing this step in getting the Licensing agreement onto my computer.

I have tried to communicate the support techs on this website but they aren't answering my emails anymore. I think they think I am just trying to steel Licenses for other computers or something.
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