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Old 03-06-2009, 11:34 AM
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Re: BBC iPlayer downloader: How to download .MOV/.MP4 videos from BBC iPlayer

Re get_iPlayer

I have tried to download the DEB package on the said website, but on attempting to install it, get a message that it is corrupt. I also tried installing the package with similar results.

There seems to be no way of contacting the site owner. Any ideas?

Using Ubuntu Hardy Heron LTS.

Best wishes
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Old 01-28-2010, 05:16 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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BBC / BBC iPlayer : Can't download rtmp:// streams anymore?

Your media player doesn't support video downloaded from BBC iPlayer? You don't want to use download BBC iPlayer videos with bloated BBC Download manager? Your operating system is not supported by BBC iPlayer?

Now you can download BBC iPlayer videos with freeware open-source command line utility get_iplayer. It is compatible with Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.

get_iplayer allows to download and save DRM-free videos from BBC iPlayer.

Please delete delete the downloaded videos after 30 days, as the rules of BBC iPlayer say. And NEVER share downloaded videos with others, because it is illegal!

Please note that if you want to download higher quality versions of BBC iPlayer videos, you need to wait about a day.

How to download BBC iPlayer videos with freeware get_iplayer:
  1. Open the Terminal (command line).
  2. Type
    get_iplayer -f
    to update the records.
  3. Type
    get_iplayer -g tv_program_name
    to download the select TV program

    In Linux you can also type
    get_iplayer -f | grep tv_program_name
    to get the ID of the TV program (with the name tv_program_name)
    then use the received ID to download the video. For example:
    get_iplayer -g 777
    will download TV program with ID 777.
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:21 PM
bob-flash bob-flash is offline
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Re: BBC iPlayer downloader: How to download .MOV/.MP4 videos from BBC iPlayer

A new tool can support download video from BBC, StreamTransport the freeware can do it well.
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Old 04-05-2010, 03:58 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: Recording from BBC website.

I get the following error when trying to record from BBC with Replay Media Catcher:

Internal error while trying to download RTMP stream
m_nErrType = 15
m_strDesc = "SWF Verification detected -- Sorry, these RTMP connections are not allowed to be analyzed."
m_strFile = F:\proj32\TestRTMPClient\RTMPStreamRip.cpp
m_nLineNumber = 912
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Old 04-05-2010, 04:10 AM
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Re: Recording from BBC website.

Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user View Post
I get the following error when trying to record from BBC with Replay Media Catcher:

Internal error while trying to download RTMP stream
m_nErrType = 15
m_strDesc = "SWF Verification detected -- Sorry, these RTMP connections are not allowed to be analyzed."
m_strFile = F:\proj32\TestRTMPClient\RTMPStreamRip.cpp
m_nLineNumber = 912
Replay Media Catcher can't download RTMP streams using SWF verification anymore:

Note that many streams on BBC don't use SWF verification, so you can download them with Replay Media Catcher. And Replay Media Catcher 4 allows you to capture RTMP packets (go to Tools -> Settings -> RTMP Download Tweaks and set RMC to always record RTMP streams instead of downloading), so you can capture RTMP streams from BBC in real time.

You can also use Jaksta in the recording mode, Orbit Grab Pro, RTMPdump (or software using it like get_iplayer), StreamTransport.
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Old 04-13-2010, 11:53 AM
elch elch is offline
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Re: Recording from BBC website.

BBC works fine with rtmpdump, see also
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Old 06-25-2010, 03:55 AM
jjmax jjmax is offline
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Default Recording/capturing/downloading/ripping video from BBC iPlayer


I'm trying to rip video from the BBC Learning Zone site.

An example of a video I'm trying to rip is

I've used RTMPDump before but can't figure out the parameters for the clips on this site.

Orbit doesn't work too.

There is a way to remove the DRM from clips saved in BBC iPlayer, but these clips aren't available on the standard iPlayer site.

Can anyone give me help with this? Or at least let me know if its not possible, maybe the best approach will be some type of screen recording?

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Old 06-25-2010, 12:14 PM
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Re: Recording video from BBC Learning Zone

I can't play the stream, but if you click onto video options, you will be able to get direct links to videos:

You can copy-paste such links into the address bar of your web-browser. Or you can use them with your favorite download manager.
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Old 06-25-2010, 08:21 PM
jjmax jjmax is offline
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Re: Recording video from BBC Learning Zone

Hi guys,

Thanks for these replies.

I tried GetFLV but it doesn't work for some reason. It picks up the rtmpe address and I can attempt a download but the file just sits in the download queue. There are no messages explaining why the download isn't working.

The addresses on the right work to stream the video, but when I use them with orbit they just download as a link to the video online.

GetFLV did give me the rtmpe address which I tried to use with RTMPdump. The address is:
rtmpe:// apaXbdcFb1b1dFaxaiaVdQdoaraZcl-bmju2l-c0-d0i_-InqDJozpGCqFqzD&aifp=v001&slist=secure/s_geog/s_geog_ec_01835_16x9_bbsecure/s_geog/s_geog_ec_01835_16x9_bb
When I use this in the command line I get:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\>rtmpdump -r "rtmpe:// a
ure/s_geog/s_geog_ec_01835_16x9_bbsecure/s_geog/s_geog_ec_01835_16x9_bb" -o outp
RTMPDump v2.2d
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
WARNING: HandShake: Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 8
INFO: Connected...
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
ERROR: rtmp server requested close

I looked up the error and found this -
There is a lot of info here about downloading using rtmpdump but I'm afraid I don't understand it. I know I need to get parameters for the command line but I can't figure out what they should be. Can anyone help me with that?

Also, I am using Windows 7 64bit and I have to go through a proxy server to view the videos as I am not in the UK. I am using Identity Cloaker which is working great but I'm not sure if network traffic from the command line is routing through it. Is there another parameter in rtmpdump I need to use for a proxy?

Thanks for all the help so far.

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Old 06-26-2010, 01:41 AM
jjmax jjmax is offline
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Re: Recording video from BBC Learning Zone


I've an update on this and it seems I've made progress.

I found instructions for downloading video from bbc using rtmpdump here -

This seems to work, but I'm getting disconnected when I try to download.

I think the reason is that rtmpdump is not using the uk proxy I have setup. Is there anyway to make rtmp go through this proxy?

Here's the command I am using to try and download ths particular video -

rtmpdump -r "rtmp:// bUcQdcaJcvcWdvbwbLdWcydZaabCap-bmjzMX-c0-d0i_-GorFCqynKDoGvzD&aifp=v001&slist=secure/s_geog/s_geog_ec_01835_16x9_bb" --tcUrl "rtmp:// bUcQdcaJcvcWdvbwbLdWcydZaabCap-bmjzMX-c0-d0i_-GorFCqynKDoGvzD&aifp=v001&slist=secure/s_geog/s_geog_ec_01835_16x9_bb" --app "ondemand? pbUcQdcaJcvcWdvbwbLdWcydZaabCap-bmjzMX-c0-d0i_-GorFCqynKDoGvzD&aifp=v001&slist=secure/s_geog/s_geog_ec_01835_16x9_bb" --auth "dbEdpbUcQdcaJcvcWdvbwbLdWcydZaabCap-bmjzMX-c0-d0i_-GorFCqynKDoGvzD"-W "" -o output.flv
If anyone knows a way to get rtmpdump to use the proxy then I think I'll be all set with this.

All the best,
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