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Old 03-29-2011, 06:39 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Issues with BBC iPlayer: Can't download rtmp:// streams anymore

very current testpage url, [URL1]:
video streaming url, [URL2]:
no problems with the capturing and download (click to enlarge!):
, ,

notes, tested version GetFLV v9.0.0.0:
+ viewing BBC iplayer tv from outside UK is VERY easy. use any proxy of type A-2.
+ if GFLV doesnt capture the stream right away, simply reload/refresh the page and try again. or visit some other similar webpage and then return to the original webpage and reload it. just try, dont give up. eventually GFLV captures [URL2]. then download.
+ the download speed is VERY high, thanks to type A2-proxy.
+ dont use older GFLV versions and dont use cra*ked GFLV versions. they all dont work. the above screenshots prove that a purchased GFLV version (in Version or above) captures and downloads BBC iplayer TV stuff without errors.
+ dont use a demo or trial version. they dont work.

Any further questions?

Last edited by placebo : 03-29-2011 at 02:02 PM.
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Old 03-29-2011, 02:05 PM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Issues with BBC iPlayer: Can't download rtmp:// streams anymore

rtmpdump fails here (because rtmpsrv doesnt catch the stream).


and dont forget that you have regular download options. FREE.
so there's no real need to capture the streams!!

(click to enlarge)

From now on i am going to delete all postings going "GetFLV stopped working on BBC iPlayer website, sad days", and then update the below figures (date & version number). Goes without saying whether the updated info is verified or not .. but for sure i wont post another screenshots, updated ones. It did it once, this time, and from now on my word shall be sufficient as proof

Good luck and good-bye!

~~~~~~~INFO LAST UPDATED 2011-03-29 *snip*~~~~~~~~~
known GetFLV software version(s) to download BBC iPlayer tv streams:
+ GetFLV v9.0.0.0, last checked 2011-03-29

~~~~~~~INFO LAST UPDATED 2011-03-29 *snap*~~~~~~~~~

Last edited by placebo : 03-29-2011 at 03:30 PM.
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Old 03-30-2011, 03:49 AM
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Re: Issues with BBC iPlayer: Can't download rtmp:// streams anymore


Arent BBC iplayer downloads DRM protected? My understanding was they become non functional after a short time.
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Old 03-30-2011, 04:14 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Issues with BBC iPlayer: Can't download rtmp:// streams anymore

that may well be.
the screenshot shows 3 different download options. all FREE. 1 of them is "Windows Media Player" .. so that one is the DRM-protected movie. The others could be unprotected

In the standard case, i would always prefer to download one of the 3 download options. And if the video is DRM-protected, i would surf to SRF and find some un'DRMing solution. Good luck.

And if the un'DRMing fails (which it shouldnt), then i would consider downloading the streams with GetFLV or other good tools suggested on SRF.

I am just saying that BBC iPlayer stuff is much easier to download than the other popular ones: Hulu, iTV, 4OD (

So dont ask (please). Just try all 3 download options, check which ones are DRM-protected, then read SRF, find your un'DRMing-solution, try the solution, and be happy
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Old 06-20-2011, 11:49 AM
Skye Skye is offline
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Could someone please help me with iplayer streaming/downloads?

I know there are loads of threads relating to this, but I've never tried to do this before and I'm really confused.

Basically, there's a couple of things I would like to save permanently, but I don't understand a lot of the stuff in the other threads. I'd prefer not to record a stream as it's shown on my screen because I get a lot of buffering/pixelating (I have a reasonable broadband speed but it just seems to stutter a lot when streaming), so I'd like to know if it is possible to download something rather than record it in that way (either with a separate program or through iplayer and then stop it from deleteing)? If so, could someone please explain to me how to do that? I've seen a lot of programs mentioned, but I've no idea which would be the best to try. If anyone could help me, I'd really appreciate it.

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Old 06-26-2011, 02:43 AM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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BBC / BBC iPlayer : Can't download rtmp:// streams anymore?

For automated solutions, please read Stream Recorder's most recent post -

Alternatively, I have written a FAQ for the use of RTMPDUMP, for a more 'hands on' approach -
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Old 07-13-2011, 03:43 PM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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Re: BBC / BBC iPlayer : Can't download rtmp:// streams anymore?

On 12 July 2011, the BBC made changes to their iPlayer service for the BBC Radio 'listen again' streams.

The new server is:

The new application is: a5999/e1

The new batch file you need to write is thus -

:: Settings which do NOT change -
SET application=a5999/e1
SET as=adobe-hmac-sha256
SET av=1
SET te=connect

:: Settings from Media Selector page -
SET et=
SET fmta-token=
SET identifier=
SET mp=

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://%server%:1935/%application%?as=%as%&av=%av%&te=%te%&mp=%mp%&et=% et%&fmta-token=%fmta-token%" -a "%application%?as=%as%&av=%av%&te=%te%&mp=%mp%&et= %et%&fmta-token=%fmta-token%" -y "%identifier%" -o output.flv

Therefore if you encounter a problem with anything stated in my earlier posts in this thread, or elsewhere on this forum, the first thing to do is try making these changes -

1. Change to

2. Change a1414/e3 to a5999/e1
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