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Old 02-09-2009, 06:49 AM
verytricky verytricky is offline
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AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please

Good day.

I have two AV760Z 4 DVR systems, and have had them working for sometime. I upgraded the two for an 8 camera AVTECH, and installed one 4 camera in the garage. I have caught on camera two people attempting to steal my car. I brought the DVR into the house to download the video to my computer- I had done this about 2 years ago, but I failed.

Static,, 0080

Computer:, subnet, gateway

Attempting to connect via browser: returns Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Attempting to contact gateway router works - as in brings up the router logon screen.

Video Server E:

admin, admin,, 80 -> Login procedure failed

admin,0000,,80 -> Login procedure failed

I have tried many iterations of rebooting the computer, DVR, router and hub.

I have reset the DVR to the initial status, and re-entered the ip address.

I have removed the router and just run the computer and the DVR on the HUB.

The network is a router connected to a hub. Hub has three other computers and a printer, now the DVR is plugged into the slot where my laptop was previously plugged in.

I have tried removing everything except the DVR and the computer and rebooting the hub ( pulling the plug ).

The hub lights show traffic.

I have changed the LAN cables over.

I think I have exausted the limits of my brain. and now need help. Obviously I am doing something wrong, but can not figure out what.
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:48 AM
scorpion scorpion is offline
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Re: AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please

With out being there on site I really cannot tell what is going wrong.

I would say that when you brought your DVR in from out of the garage, and you hooked it up directly to your computer then I would tell you that you cannot use a regulare internet cord. It has to be a cross over cable. This can be bought at any computer store. If you are a technical person and you have the tool to crimp on RJ45 connectors to cat 5 then it is just a matter of having "line 2" or pins 3, and 6 of one end go to "line 3", or Pins 1, and 2. What this does is it connect the "transmitter of the computer" to the "receiver of the DVR", and vice versa.

I would say that if you hooked it up to a router (the hub should not make a difference) then you need to check that the portforward has been set up for the port that the DVR is set to. In your case you need to port forward

Start 80
End 80

Also check your security tab, and uncheck "block anonymous internet request" (Linksys)

You can go to portforward dot com and you can select router by guides, and it will walk you through the port forward procedure.

You can select Gadspot IP Camera as that is the closest to the set up of an AVTech DVR.

If this does not work then your router may want to assign your DVR a specific IP address, and you have a conflict with .11 .

You can put the DVR in to DHCP mode, and it should show you what the router wants to assign to the DVR. Write this down, and then put the DVR back in to static mode, and it may remember the assigned IP address, or you may have to manually punch in the assigned IP address.

There are some routers that want your DVR to be .102, or 103, or 104.

I have seen where there is trouble, and the DVR has 192.168. "0".11 instead of ."1".11. You are savy about this DVR, and I know you do not have this issue, but I put this in this post for others who come here looking for help.

If the moderator would like I can make a sticky of the complete procedure top to bottom on networking an AVTech DVR.
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Old 02-17-2009, 10:07 PM
scorpion scorpion is offline
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Re: AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please

What kind of router do you have?
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Old 02-19-2009, 09:08 PM
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Re: AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please

Originally Posted by scorpion View Post
If the moderator would like I can make a sticky of the complete procedure top to bottom on networking an AVTech DVR.
We really respect your experience and your contribution to the community. If you think that such a sticky is needed, we only welcome that in our forum.
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Old 02-20-2009, 02:29 PM
verytricky verytricky is offline
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Re: AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please

Hi scorpion,

I got most of my knowledge from your website....

I am aware of using a crossover cable. I just did not use one. I think I said in my post I used a HUB. The router is irrelevant in this situation now, as I am not trying to connect through the internet, and have removed the router from the network and reverted to a hub.. ( in my Third set if itereations to fix the problem )

Computer with a LAN port, connected with a standard LAN cable ( cat5 ) to a HUB. Hub connected with a standard LAN cable (CAT 5 ) to the DVR

Approximately 23 months ago ie March 2006 I had the system connected as above in my office. No router at that time. I could connect using the video Server E software, and I could connect using the IE6 browser. I later ( December 2006) moved this into the garage.

Nothing changed on the machine, except I brought it from the garage into the office. The office now had a router. When nothing worked, I dug out my old HUB, ( third iteration of problem solving )and connected it like it was from March 2006 till December 2006, and still nothing....

I have HARD and soft reset the DVR and changed the IP address to several possibilities from .1.001; .1.11; .1.111; .1.200; .1.222 and these all fail.

There is definately traffic on the hub when I try connect.

I have disabled all the windows security and antivirus and firewall software as this is now a stand alone computer, no longer internet connected.
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Old 02-20-2009, 09:08 PM
scorpion scorpion is offline
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Re: AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please

You have me baffled!

I do not know what issue you are having!

You have a DVR connected to router, and your local computer connected to router.

I would check the portforward for 80. Perhaps the router was reset, and the portforward was not performed

OK! I admit it. I am grasping at straws.

I would open Video Server E, and then I would use the eye glass icon to see if it sees the DVR.

If it sees the DVR then it should give you video (assuming the port forward is correct).

If the Video Server E can see the DVR, but the wording looks "the color of grey" rather than bold black, then the DVR needs Video Viewer instead of Video Server E.

It may be that there is a conflict with the router. It may want to give out addresses such as, or

If this was the problem then set the DVR in to DHCP mode under the network options in your menu.

Look to see what IP address it assigns the DVR, and write it down. Switch to static mode. If it retains the IP address that was assigned by the router then we are good, or you will have to manually change it to the IP address that the router wants to assign to the DVR.

Set the port forward on the router, and you should be good to go!

__________________________________________________ _
For others who come to this post from a search engine then I will give you some common issues.....

For those of you who are having issues where the Video Server E works, but connecting with a browser gives you the message "URL not on server". This may be an active X issue. IE 7 will not run Active X where the certificate has expired, or if the signer is unknowned.

Go in to tools > Internet Options > Security Tab. Change the Active X to give you a prompt.

Go to the general tab and delete Temporary Internet Files. Open a new browser (or refresh the page) to connect to your DVR. This should give you the active x prompt (the yellow bar at the top of the screen asking you to allow an Active X to run).

Allow the Active X to run. If you get a message:

"Windows has blocked this software because it can't verify the publisher."

"Publisher Unknown"

Go ahead, and allow it to run anyways!


There is a possiblilty that the DVR's internal server may have gone in to failure.

This can be verified with a crossover cable, and setting ip address of the DVR to, and the computer to a static IP address of . Now see if you can ping the DVR. Does it time out? Do you get a response?

If you get a good ping then the DVR is good to go. If you do not get a good ping, and it times out, then see if there is an internet chip on the DVR board that needs to be replaced. you will have to use an Oscilloscope to test the chip. It may be a RTL6201CP. Do not replace the chip if the DVR is under warranty. Call your dealer for replacement.

Start with a small step, and get verification, then go to the next step.
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Old 02-21-2009, 04:50 AM
verytricky verytricky is offline
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Re: AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please


No router connected at all, so no port forwarding issues.

Got a crossover cable from next door.

Ping fails.

Video server E finds DVR on port .1.10 Video Server E connects using admin as password. Browser can not connect to DVR. See's DVR but fails to connect.

Plug back into HUB, Video server E finds DVR on port .1.10. Browser can not connect to DVR. See's DVR but fails to connect.

DVR is 100% definately setup to access as a STATIC ip and at .1.11!!!

Connect to router and other computers, and DVR is still at IP .1.10

Power cycle all equipment, and retest - DVR at ip .1.10

DVR still shows IP as STATIC and at .1.11

Browser can not connect to DVR. See's DVR but fails to connect. to first page.

Video E software runs perfectly on the wrong IP address through the full network.

Actual problem solved - ie I can download the video.

I changed the static IP address to .1.100 and Video E fails to connect to new IP and fails to connect to .1.10. Change to .1.10 and failure to connect. Change back to .1.11 in desperation and connection made to .1.10 with video E. Browser connection simply does not work in any case.

Why on earth this works like this - I do not know.

Browser failure - Shows logon screen, when logon complete displays message "The requested URL was not found on this server " - The new URL was which it changed to when I pressed enter.

No logon screen at Which is the actual set IP address for the DVR
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Old 02-21-2009, 06:25 AM
scorpion scorpion is offline
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Re: AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please

I did not know that you

Now I am not confused anymore from your original post.
Now I see the real issue.

Now I am even more baffled!!

Very interesting problem!!

A dual IP scenerio! Never heard of this one.

There is a problem that we are not aware of that is creating this scenerio. What that issue is I do not know.

A wild guess may be a character generator in the DVR that is "producing" the wrong character in your network page menu.

The DVR has one ip address, and we are fooled by a character generator error.

OK! I am stabbing in the dark again.

If you can connect to your DVR (flawed IP address of .11) using Video Server E using IP address of .10, then your browser should connect to your DVR using


Do you get the ANYWHERE ANYTIME page?

If no: HMMMMM! More problems!

If yes:
When you enter the user name, and password, and port number do you get a message

"URL not found on this server"

If yes then this is an active x issue.

or do you get "webpage cannot be found"
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Old 02-21-2009, 06:38 AM
scorpion scorpion is offline
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Re: AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please

Going back to your last post you were saying that the computer could see the DVR, but the browser would not connect up.

The DVR IP address is
Video Server E connects on

What ip address did the computer see?
The browser cannot connect to .11, but can it connect to because of the character flaw?

If you had a router hooked up, then I would go in to its home page, and look to see what devices it could see, and I wonder if it would show you the DVR's IP address?
Assuming we have a character generator error.

Here is how I would test for this issue.

I would put the DVR in to DHCP mode, and I would let the router assign the DVR an address. I would write this down, and switch the DVR in to static mode.

If it retained the assigned IP then good, or I would manually put the IP address in.

I would use Video Server E (as we know it can connect), and connect to the DVR using the listed IP address. If it connects then I would say weird. If it fails then this is what I would expect.

Go down one digit, and put that IP address in to your Video Server E, and it should connect.

When you were inputing then I am wondering if you were able to connect with Video Server E using ??

Now with the computer I would go down one digit, and see if the browser would connect.

What do you think?
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Old 09-25-2009, 07:11 AM
verytricky verytricky is offline
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Re: AV760Z(uk) - Cannot connect via IP: Login procedure failed. Help please

DHCP gives the DVR an ip address of

Video Server E connects on and works 100%
Internet explorer on gets the anytime anywhere screen, and after logon states "The requested URL was not found on this server " the URL it is looking for is :
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