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Old 08-25-2016, 10:22 AM
cworsh4 cworsh4 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Yeah, it's not working for me anymore either. Same error as everyone else, using both hls and hlsvariant.

I am able to record live streams using AdobeHDS, but not luck with replays.
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Old 08-30-2016, 04:17 PM
CylonWolf CylonWolf is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

So I started playing with this after reading the other replies, had no luck using the former tried and true method. After trying only the "hls" variant as suggested to no avail, I switched back to hlsvariant, but changed my batch file to get the "worst" stream. This method worked, albeit not the actual solution, as we arent doing this to get 180p. I then changed "worst" to "720p", and Im currently downloading a 720p stream. This might not be the best quality they have (presumedly 1080p is available now?), but 720p is plenty good.
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Old 08-30-2016, 09:08 PM
votnhutrang votnhutrang is offline
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Originally Posted by BusterAvis View Post
Hello, I'm about to show you two screenshots below, shown at the bottom of this message. The top screenshot of the two images below represents the old (and current platform for most) ESPN streams. The bottom screenshot represents what ESPN is doing for some of their new streams, and all of their SEC streams for SEC+ sports programs live and on demand. We already know how to download the old (current) method, for most WatchESPN videos (RTMP Dump Helper works, as does Replay Media Catcher). However, the 2nd of the two screenshots below, does not work for either RTMP Dump Helper or Replay Media Cather, at least it doesn't work when using the same procedure (maybe a different procedure will work?). Notice the difference between the two screenshots below. One has 4 bars, the other has 7 bars of quality. Several of the newer videos and the SEC+ videos on demand have 7 bars of quality and seem to be impossible to catch the stream and download it. But maybe someone can help. I'm not interested in recording off the screen (I already have Replay Video Capture, but prefer not to use that for ESPN streams, as I like catching and downloading the stream much better). Take this video link from below for example (if you have WatchESPN, please feel free to check on this yourself) .... Here's the link to an example of an ESPN3 video that can't be downloaded?: Notice how after clicking on that link above, there are now 7 bars of quality, instead of 4 bars. Now, I know a lot of the current ESPN3 (WatchESPN) videos still use 4 bars of quality. But I have a feeling that these new videos with 7 bars of quality will be the standard going forward at some point. That means it's possible for those out there (including myself) that download videos from ESPN3, well we might no longer be able to do so in the near future, unless we can crack this code for the 7 bar ones. So far, I've had no luck with these newer ESPN3 videos, which also include all the SEC (SEC+) videos. Can anyone help? Thanks. Please reference the "blue" circle that is manually added to both screenshots below (it is hard to see at first), but you can see in the 2nd screenshot that there are 7 potential bars of quality in the blue circle. I don't even know if the quality is different, but the WatchESPN videos in which there are 7 bars of quality seem to be encrypted differently than the traditional 4 bar videos, and so far the 7 bar ones seem to be impossible to download. Maybe there's a way to download it going the m3u8 file route? I have never failed to be able to catch and download the 4 bar ones. But I have never succeeded yet in getting any of the 7 bar ones. As always, please feel free to help. Thanks. [SIZE="5"]4 bars of Quality:[/size] [SIZE="5"]7 bars of Quality:[/size] [SIZE="5"]*Link* to 7 bars of Quality (example):[/size]

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Old 08-31-2016, 06:28 AM
ronlin99 ronlin99 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Tried both versions ("hls variant" and "hls") with and without the user agent data, have tried replacing "best" with "worst" and then changing to "720p" as described above, and am receiving the same <<400 Client Error" Bad Request>

Any solution to overcome this problem is greatly appreciated.

HTML Code:
livestreamer "hlsvariant://,a19269082_1/multiple.m3u8?rn=190035690&linearv=4&ad.csid=watchespn:desktop:e3ads&ad.ulbd=1&eid=a19269082,a19269082_1&ct=a&ad.kv=_fw_ae,d51f95cd19fecba66558f490554838ee,_fw_euid,75D9D238-DC59-4410-AAC6-19C951199B74&exp=1472642236&ptid=ESPN3_Events_VDMS&tc=1&oid=d09b16c953aa40c98dd8c513526aca5a&ad=e3ads&ad.caid=a19269082&euid=ESPN3_VDMS&sig=0c7f73bdc761f17566512a2027941cff05cfcbaea22d60a9ba7810362e165ddc" best --http-header "User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0" -o video.ts

Last edited by ronlin99 : 08-31-2016 at 07:18 AM. Reason: Provide more information
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Old 09-04-2016, 10:13 AM
mopd06 mopd06 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Any updates on this?

I get the same issues as the previous user with the bad request. It worked fine up until about two-three weeks ago.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 09-05-2016, 12:44 PM
mopd06 mopd06 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

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Old 09-05-2016, 01:07 PM
ehurdler ehurdler is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Originally Posted by mopd06 View Post
Use the individual playlist/.m3u8 file. The i.m3u8 is what I've been using and it captures 720p version no issue. Either modify the multiple.m3u8 to i.m3u8, or download and open the multiple.m3u8 and copy the best version quality from within. I just choose the best version from within and it obviously selects that version, so this way I dont have to use, best, worst, 720p, etc.

This just worked for the replay of the ND vs Texas game.
livestreamer "hls://,50771cd74b5341b0bf17890c1be99d1f/i.m3u8?rn=994281524&linearv=4&ad.csid=watchespn:desktop:e3ads&ad.ulbd=1&eid=a19297822,a19297822_1&ct=a&ad.kv=_fw_ae,d449c38c8d558224de10ff15dc764568,_fw_euid,7E63A5EA-2D7A-418F-BC5B-186C6300ED4C&exp=1473098387&ptid=ESPN3_Events_VDMS&tc=1&oid=d09b16c953aa40c98dd8c513526aca5a&ad=e3ads&ad.caid=a19297822&euid=ESPN3_VDMS&sig=8160ae91c8e55c8c4069eb4af268d6c18eef267dc47f31746823fc6bba94a577&pbs=6850135c021a4edeb594c83902f815ad" -o video.ts
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Old 09-05-2016, 01:45 PM
mopd06 mopd06 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

What are you using to get that link? When I use URLSnooper, I don't get anything like that.

I'm trying to download the Pitt/Villanova game from Saturday and when I bring up URLsnooper and the stream and go through what I've done in the past it keeps giving me a 400 Client Error: Bad Request

I was using "hlsvariant:// ----etc----"

I'm either missing a step or the way I was doing it before is not going to work and if you could, I would love some help.

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Old 09-05-2016, 03:47 PM
ehurdler ehurdler is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Originally Posted by mopd06 View Post
What are you using to get that link? When I use URLSnooper, I don't get anything like that.

I'm trying to download the Pitt/Villanova game from Saturday and when I bring up URLsnooper and the stream and go through what I've done in the past it keeps giving me a 400 Client Error: Bad Request

I was using "hlsvariant:// ----etc----"

I'm either missing a step or the way I was doing it before is not going to work and if you could, I would love some help.

Im using AdBlock Plus addon for Firefox to get the link. I use it, search for .m3u8. It gives me the link with "multiple.m3u8" in it. I take that link, paste it into a new browser window. SO it then pops up to download the file "multiple.m3u8". Open that file in a text editor, and copy the resolution url I want. Paste it in the code i showed before and it works.
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Old 09-05-2016, 06:14 PM
mopd06 mopd06 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Okay this is what I get, but it doesn't download anything.

Sorry -- the way that worked on this thread before I never had issues but all of a sudden I do so I'd appreciate any help.
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