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Old 09-15-2015, 10:23 PM
ronlin99 ronlin99 is offline
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Made several attempts to capture a stream:

1.) Downloaded livestreamer
2.) Downloaded URL Snooper
3.) Manually entered http://content.uplynk in the “Must Contain” field in URL Snooper
4.) Played the video—stopped the video immediately when the URL Snooper collected the various URLs.
5.) Manually wrote the code: livestreamer “hlsvariant:// followed by the URL and ending with best -o espn.mp4
I created the code using the example in the entry #10 in the forum
Received the following errors—see attached

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Old 09-16-2015, 12:28 PM
joejones15 joejones15 is offline
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Re: Made several attempts to capture a stream:

Originally Posted by ronlin99 View Post
1.) Downloaded livestreamer
2.) Downloaded URL Snooper
3.) Manually entered http://content.uplynk in the “Must Contain” field in URL Snooper
4.) Played the video—stopped the video immediately when the URL Snooper collected the various URLs.
5.) Manually wrote the code: livestreamer “hlsvariant:// followed by the URL and ending with best -o espn.mp4
I created the code using the example in the entry #10 in the forum
Received the following errors—see attached

which event replay is this? so i can replicate
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Old 09-16-2015, 04:11 PM
ronlin99 ronlin99 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Sorry about that--still scratching the surface and will make some errors due to inexperience.

Fairly certain the stream is probably the 2015 LSU vs Mississippi State game or the 2015 Alabama vs Middle Tennessee State game.

Thanks for looking into this--I have a weird feeling I'm doing something wrong or did something wrong when I downloaded livestreamer. Also, how (aside from looking at earlier posts in this thread) do we know or determine which particular entry in URL Snooper to use for the URL section when we create the code in livestreamer?

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Old 09-16-2015, 07:21 PM
joejones15 joejones15 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

ok here is LSU v MSU

something looks wrong with your m3u8 code, see how yours is different than this one {looks like you grabbed line 423 in your urlsnooper image when you should have grabbed line 430}:


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Old 09-16-2015, 09:37 PM
ronlin99 ronlin99 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Thanks Joe--I see the error and difference between the 2 lines (423 and 430) in URL Snooper.

I take it when we are creating the code, we use the URL for the line that identifies as m3u8 file in the Protocol Column in URL Snooper?

Will try again the morning--will let you know and thanks for the help.
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Old 09-17-2015, 09:58 AM
ronlin99 ronlin99 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Had more bad luck--before I go on, I appreciate your help with this:

Game: 2015 LSU vs Mississippi State

WatchESPN link:

I created the code using Notepad--I was using Word, but don't know if this makes a difference.

Received a number of errors—see below

livestreamer "hlsvariant://w,d51f95cd19fecba66558f490554838ee&exp=1442499136&rn=51714058&tc=1&oid=d09b16c953aa40c98dd8c513526aca5a&linearv=4&ad=e3ads&ad.ulbd=1&ad.csid=watchespn:null:e3ads&ad.caid=a18564829&eid=a18564829&euid=ESPN3_VDMS&ct=a&sig=17ff82536be106c99143884b0f900abb0990de391a4f8b662de0144654bebe16” best –o lsu.ts
In URL Snooper I only received one entry for an m3u8--line 000050, protocol starts with whttp I don't know if this is one of the problems.

Browser--notice the 6 bars of video quality

URL Snooper:

CMD Prompt results:
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Old 09-17-2015, 10:52 AM
joejones15 joejones15 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

do same, but erase the 'w' at start of url and it will work
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Old 09-17-2015, 11:49 AM
ronlin99 ronlin99 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Thanks Joe--
I have to leave very shortly--so will try later and will continue with the same LSU @ Miss State game until I get it. I tried another game last night (Oregon @ Mich St) and I got URLs that began with xhttp or phttp--if I see something like that should I remove those characters as well?

Also, I make my code in notepad using the protocol below (I was afraid MS powerpoint or word might have put in some unseen character or changed something).

Should I continue using notepad for this or is their a better or faster method?

My protocol I'm following is:
1.) Bring up your video you want to capture
2.) Bring up URL Snooper
3.) Ensure the Must Contain field in URL Snooper states http://content.uplynk
4.) Play the video—stop the video (close the viewer browser window) immediately when the URL Snooper collected the various URLs.
5.) Bring up livestreamer in the CMD prompt
6.) Create and enter the code:
livestreamer “hlsvariant://enter the URL from URL Snooper here” best –o name.ts
--No space between the //and the URL
--End the URL with “
--Go over one space and best –o name.ts (could be lsu, vatech, etc—some term you can remember or find easily)
--For the URL, ensure you enter the URL that in the Protocol column, states:
http m3u8 file
(remove the x, p, or w in front of http should their be one)

Anyway, thanks again Joe--really appreciate your help. Will try again later and keep you all posted. if you see anything else I'm forgetting or doing incorrectly, please don't hesitate to correct me.

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Old 09-17-2015, 03:54 PM
joejones15 joejones15 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

looks good, just swap 1 & 2, open snooper first, then your video
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Old 09-18-2015, 01:51 PM
ronlin99 ronlin99 is offline
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Re: Anybody want to crack the new code of WatchESPN streams (with 7 bars of quality)?

Still having problems--

Game: LSU @ Mississippi State
WatchESPN link:

Remarks 6 video quality bars still. Ensured I opened URL Snooper first, then video. Tried three separate code entries from URL Snooper
Highlighted TypeError in CMD Prompt--could this be causing the problem and what does it mean? Is there some way I should convert my code text to unicode?

livestreamer “hlsvariant://,d51f95cd19fecba66558f490554838ee&exp=1442599085&rn=797149638&tc=1&oid=d09b16c953aa40c98dd8c513526aca5a&linearv=4&ad=e3ads&ad.ulbd=1&ad.csid=watchespn:null:e3ads&ad.caid=a18564829&eid=a18564829&euid=ESPN3_VDMS&ct=a&sig=c13957dbe8487e90403473849a94ed594026fb182d7964be8acba47f067542a7” best –o tiger.ts

Tried entering URLs from three separate lines: line 000188--removed the x, line 000191, and 000196--removed the p.
Same errors--see below CMD prompt image:

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