I speak specifically about a video that I bought called
Your Baby Can Read. Yes, your two and four years will be able to "read" after just watching this video for a week or two, but it really the way you want them to learn to read? The real title of the video should be "Your baby can read" Curiosity got the best of me with this video. He promises that your child will be able to "read" and to read after having seen several bands in the series. They are affordable and parents who do not want to give their young a good start in life and teach them to read. - I was disappointed by the biased report 20/20 on course, with their soft approach does not really surprise me. They touted how wonderful it would be for all children, and what a benefit it would be wonderful to give your child. In fact, if you want your child to "read" at an early age, do not even need these videos. Just read the same books and words to your child over and over again, and I promise that your baby can read.
Your Baby Can Read Early Language Develpment System DVD SET