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Old 01-28-2012, 10:03 AM
frankgrimes78 frankgrimes78 is offline
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Xbox Gameplay capture question/Hardware type

Wow this is the best forum I've found, okay so I'm new to this, but have been researching for a while, and all I'm looking for is some advice.
Ok so I've narrowed my options down, I have a laptop(I know 1st problem)and its not going to happen(as I'm only interested in HDMI input)so I'm, more than willing to buy a desktop, and either install the Blackmagic Intensity Pro, or another PCI card that has HDMI input, or the Blackmagic Intensity Extreme, or the blackmagic shuttle.

Now the problem is, I'm very new to computer hardware, video capture, well all this stuff, so most important thing is price, this will be the most complex thing I'll be doing with whatever PC I get for this, so like no PC gaming, or anything.

In conclusion, any advice would be much appreciated, so like minimum hardware specs one of you would use for this, oh, if I install the PCI(which I think shouldn't be too complicated )card, do I need like another graphics card(I told u I'm new to this,lol), and if any just general pointers you could offer, all of it would be very appreciated,thanks.

Last edited by Stream Ripper : 01-29-2012 at 01:54 AM. Reason: Abbreviation is your friend. :)
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