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Old 04-21-2011, 02:21 PM
minipc minipc is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by getflv View Post
V9.0.0.6 has addressed the rickrolling issue. Please check it.
thanks for the suggestion.

downloaded and installed the trial version of if it has addressed the rickrolling issue, then i can't tell, because unfortunately, i can't seem to get it to work. which is a shame, because it's a very good looking bit of software, although i'm not a big fan of apps that make me get out the task manager in order to close them down. nor, indeed, am i a fan of apps that make me use system restore in order to uninstall them.

but thanks, all the same.
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Old 04-21-2011, 02:25 PM
stalker96 stalker96 is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

SOMFW, it's not the same thing...

I just tried out Replay Media Catcher 4.1 and works... it got better than 4.0, which was buggy as hell, never-mind it wouldn't uninstall properly. The difference to what was suggested and what you said is that RMC injects itself into the process and dumps the stream data to disk, where as in non-capture mode the connection would have been re-initiated, possibly raising some flags at MFC. *** and other screen grabbers only capture the screen that is active, so in front of you. Right now I'm running 9 shows in parallel in the background using stream capture in RMC and all work properly, except some won't load in avidemux but that's OK, they still encode fine with ffmpeg.

One downside is that v4 is not naming the files as 3.1 used to, but luckily the history database is sqlite3 and I'll make some script that renames files to mfc_10xxx... as 3.1 used to.
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Old 04-21-2011, 04:24 PM
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by stalker96 View Post
SOMFW, it's not the same thing...

I just tried out RMC 4.1 and works... it got better than 4.0, which was buggy as hell, never-mind it wouldn't uninstall properly. The difference to what was suggested and what you said is that RMC injects itself into the process and dumps the stream data to disk, where as in non-capture mode the connection would have been re-initiated, possibly raising some flags at MFC. Hypercam and other screen grabbers only capture the screen that is active, so in front of you. Right now I'm running 9 shows in parallel in the background using stream capture in RMC and all work properly, except some won't load in avidemux but that's OK, they still encode fine with ffmpeg.

One downside is that v4 is not naming the files as 3.1 used to, but luckily the history database is sqlite3 and I'll make some script that renames files to mfc_10xxx... as 3.1 used to.
You either don't understand the issue, the differences in recording and or, you are Full of it.

Let me put this to rest, so you and others like you who think RMC 4.X work will understand it

All version of RMC worked prior to two days ago. With me so far?
In fact earlier versions (3.11) worked much better then the latest, and still do on other sites, but that another issue.

All versions of RMC stopped working two days ago. I know this confuses you, but keeping the stream open and recording it is NOT the same as opening hundreds of streams, letting RMC do it's thing for a few seconds, Then Closing ALL the streams, the site, the Browser etc... Everything but RMC and the Computer! then coming back hours later to see what you got or not. That is how it used to work.

Staying in front of a PC or keeping dozens of streams open is not practical or going to happen for 99% of cappers.

The only way it works now with any program tested including all versions of RMC is to keep the stream active = not closing it. Shrinking it to the background is still keeping it open, And will eventually get your IP banned by the worthless models who hate people watching for free.

Hope you understand the difference now

And just like Minipc said, GetFLV does not open after being installed, so there is no way to check if it works as claimed by the person who keeps saying it does
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Old 04-21-2011, 04:32 PM
itsme itsme is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

It's rtmp related, they've added rtmp based checks you have to respond to before requesting the video, so the only streaming that work beside Lurk4 (which is no real stream recorder because it's only working for cam4, camfuze and MFC) are those that hook your browser and hijack the rtmp traffic, I know orbit did that 2-3 years ago.

Last edited by itsme : 04-22-2011 at 02:28 PM.
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Old 04-21-2011, 05:14 PM
thefan thefan is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Where can i download this lurk4 program? It was made to record cam4 streams right? By the way i can verify that getflv is also working.

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Old 04-21-2011, 05:17 PM
sup88 sup88 is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Gave the trial of GetFLV a try, and the method it seems to use is switching up the feed, so you'll get the rick roll in the browser window and getflv will download the actual file. But it doesn't always work, and was very buggy on my windows 7 machine.

I don't know if the full version would be less buggy, can anyone verify this?

And, yes, where can this lurk4 program be acquired?
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Old 04-21-2011, 05:32 PM
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by itsme View Post
It's rtmp related, they've added rtmp based checks you have to respond to before requesting the video, so the only streaming that work beside Lurk4 (which is no real stream recorder because it's only working for cam4, camfuze and MFC) are those that hook your browser and hijack the rtmp traffic, I know orbit did that 2-3 years ago.

proof that it's still working:
click me
Nice screen shot.

Someone tell me what program this is using to capture the streams ???

Anyone pls
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Old 04-21-2011, 07:34 PM
stalker96 stalker96 is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

@SOMFW, acting bitchy doesn't help you, nor people looking for an answer.

After your reply I see that I understand more about what happens than you since I got around rick-rolling, and about 4 GB of content from 16 girls.

Second, the new Replay Media Catcher (RMC) / Jaksta (which is one and the same thing) are working now only using the recording method and not the downloading method. Since you can't get it around your head to understand how this works I'll dumb it down for you a bit.

In downloading mode, both versions 3 and 4, clone the RTMP commands that get sniffed from the browser and resend them as one command each. Now, since MFC added the RTMP checks itsme found out about it's not a simple resending of a command, more like several before the real stream gets pushed through.

In recording mode in RMC 4 only, it works by copying the buffer of the loaded media from the browser onto the disk instead of discarding it. That media is 99% the same with what is streamed, same flv encoded video content and same nellymoser audio, nothing gets reencoded.

As for the connections, those get handeled by the MFC system, the page, the js, and Flash... RMC only takes the content, which is what ALL of us actually want.

Regarding the banning it doesn't matter if you're in the chat room or not, there are operators that frequently blacklist IP's based on their activity on the system, rarely girls do that in the rooms and only if you piss them off, others not at all since most of them don't even know from where to turn down the volume before damning every premium that doesn't tip. Sometimes the ops catch you, other times they don't. Depends on your IP and what girls you like to watch.

I don't go through desperation phases like you, I got some girls and a studio admin who can un-ban my IP at request, and on top of that my ISP gives me dynamic external IP's which can be reset at request as well. Even so, I've only been blacklisted by ops once, and two or three girls from my country banned me because I was from the same country and they get uncomfortable, and not because I was a guest or other dumb things like that. As long as you keep you mouth shut they don't ban you.

Nor should you if you want to last so get some.

Regarding how connections are handled, the same way as the browser establishes connections is the same way as RMC works, there's no other magic involved, and NO, you can't leave RMC recording for hours because most of the girls reconnect, go private, group or offline (code 90) until premium members gather, and that's a tip that I got directly from one of the girls, a rated one even. When these events happen, RMC goes into timeout and if no content gets streamed, it terminate the job... plus RMC 3 always needs to get the browser pages refreshed to continue with new jobs for each model that reconnected but only after the list in RMC gets cleaned. This happens automatically in RMC 4 for timeouts that aren't in tens of minutes long or longer.

I don't need you to hope anything for me, I'm not the one with issues and if you want your MFC fix, since probably that's the reason you're uptight, I suggest you get some manners.

We're here to help one another. Understand?

@itsme, found lurk4... nice bit of info you provided us! Danke!
Edit: strike that... but still nice to see there is something that compact

Last edited by stalker96 : 04-21-2011 at 09:10 PM.
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Old 04-21-2011, 09:27 PM
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user View Post
Nice screen shot.

Someone tell me what program this is using to capture the streams ???

Anyone pls
How does that picture prove RMC still records MFC when you close the models stream or MFC?
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Old 04-21-2011, 09:53 PM
SlimPickins SlimPickins is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

stalker96 - thanks for your explanation. It was most helpful to read a clear explanation that Jaksta works for MFC in recording mode (ie records while watching stream) and not in downloading mode (ie download stream and leave the page).

Obviously downloading mode in Jaksta is preferrable, but until an alternative is found, I'm happy with the results of recording mode (ie getting the MFC model stream rather than rickroll).

itsme - thanks for your contributions also. I suspect you are the guru here. Hope to hear more of your insights.

I look forward to further constructive comments on the issues raised in this thread.
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