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Old 01-11-2019, 04:38 AM
Syl0pt Syl0pt is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by horacio View Post
I'd love to look like your config.yml without a models
Yeah, i forgot to change the config.yml settings from rtmp to ls. It's up and running now. But I see that the .ts option for livestreamer is gone now. I'll have to get used to that lol.

And it's cool that it works with widescreen cams now, but from what I see the stream is downgraded a bit. For instance on ctbrec I'm getting a widescreen model at 1280x720 at 3568kb/s, yet on mfc-node-2 that same model is 848x476 at 1660kb/s. Still widescreen but the quality is degraded a bit. Is there a way to fix that or is that the max for your node?

Still happy to have it up and working again tho.
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Old 01-11-2019, 06:51 AM
horacio horacio is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by Syl0pt View Post
Yeah, i forgot to change the config.yml settings from rtmp to ls. It's up and running now. But I see that the .ts option for livestreamer is gone now. I'll have to get used to that lol.

And it's cool that it works with widescreen cams now, but from what I see the stream is downgraded a bit. For instance on ctbrec I'm getting a widescreen model at 1280x720 at 3568kb/s, yet on mfc-node-2 that same model is 848x476 at 1660kb/s. Still widescreen but the quality is degraded a bit. Is there a way to fix that or is that the max for your node?

Still happy to have it up and working again tho.
You can edit main.js lines 224,225,242 and 243 like this:

224   if (config.downloadProgram == 'ls') {fileFormat = 'ts'}
225   if (config.downloadProgram == 'sl') {fileFormat = 'ts'}
242         if (config.downloadProgram == 'ls') {captureProcess = childProcess.spawn('livestreamer', ['-Q','hlsvariant://' + hlsUrl,'best','--stream-sorting-excludes=>950p,>5564k','-o',path.join(captureDirectory, filename)])}
243         if (config.downloadProgram == 'sl') {captureProcess = childProcess.spawn('streamlink', ['-Q','hlsvariant://' + hlsUrl,'best','--stream-sorting-excludes=>950p,>5564k','-o',path.join(captureDirectory, filename)])}
... but then you risk getting unwanted 960p sometimes!
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Old 01-11-2019, 12:08 PM
Syl0pt Syl0pt is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by horacio View Post
You can edit main.js lines 224,225,242 and 243 like this:

224   if (config.downloadProgram == 'ls') {fileFormat = 'ts'}
225   if (config.downloadProgram == 'sl') {fileFormat = 'ts'}
242         if (config.downloadProgram == 'ls') {captureProcess = childProcess.spawn('livestreamer', ['-Q','hlsvariant://' + hlsUrl,'best','--stream-sorting-excludes=>950p,>5564k','-o',path.join(captureDirectory, filename)])}
243         if (config.downloadProgram == 'sl') {captureProcess = childProcess.spawn('streamlink', ['-Q','hlsvariant://' + hlsUrl,'best','--stream-sorting-excludes=>950p,>5564k','-o',path.join(captureDirectory, filename)])}
... but then you risk getting unwanted 960p sometimes!
Thanks. I'll test it out for a bit. If it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world.
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Old 01-11-2019, 01:47 PM
dm9452 dm9452 is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by horacio View Post
You can try change in config.yml

createModelDirectory: true

and than have individual directories for different models under naming rules "nm"
But id+name sorts the models better IMO. Some models change their handle kinda often, but they can't edit their id unless they ditch the account and create another one.

I may keep using the old version and use 3.0 only for wide-screen models.
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Old 01-11-2019, 02:22 PM
TMK TMK is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Thanks as always for everyone's work on this wonderful program.

I have a bunch of recordings that exhibit the constant pausing/stuttering problem from previous versions of MFCNode before I switched from ffmpeg to the streamlink version. Can these be salvaged by re-encoding somehow, or should I ditch them and reclaim my disk space?

Last edited by TMK : 01-11-2019 at 02:23 PM. Reason: streamlink not livestream, duh
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Old 01-11-2019, 07:43 PM
horacio horacio is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by dm9452 View Post
But id+name sorts the models better IMO. Some models change their handle kinda often, but they can't edit their id unless they ditch the account and create another one.

I may keep using the old version and use 3.0 only for wide-screen models.
OK I returned the directoryFormat option to config.yml and I've increased the streaming quality for livestreamer and streamlink.

Look at:
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Old 01-11-2019, 07:51 PM
horacio horacio is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by TMK View Post
Thanks as always for everyone's work on this wonderful program.

I have a bunch of recordings that exhibit the constant pausing/stuttering problem from previous versions of MFCNode before I switched from ffmpeg to the streamlink version. Can these be salvaged by re-encoding somehow, or should I ditch them and reclaim my disk space?
Unfortunately, ffmpeg records can't be fixed
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Old 01-13-2019, 02:05 AM
horacio horacio is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Last version of win-x86 EXE version of the program who is originally on the link:
can be downloaded from:
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Old 01-14-2019, 05:37 PM
Syl0pt Syl0pt is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Has anyone noticed a skipping of sorts in some of their MFC caps lately? Like a quick freeze every few seconds then it resumes fine and freezes again. Started Friday for me and it's only happened to a few models I record but none of those models that it occurred with have cammed again so I can't tell if it continues with the same model or if it's more random.

Here are 2 examples:!eL5GhapI!qBiqGSgB4...Jztutv1k-x741o!uLhAGALJ!eHhHJD_fw...PvohnRaJ N6UU

None of the recordings start out with the skip but it starts happening at some point in the show. Sometimes more near the beginning. Other times it starts near the last 3/4ths of the cap.

To see if it was just me or not I found the same model's session that I had the problem on and downloaded it from camvault. The skipping was also on the camvault cap at the same place I was having my problem. So it doesn't seem to be just me. I'm thinking it's something to do with MFC's stream because it happened using both mfc-node and ctbrec.

Is anyone else having this problem?

On a different note, I have a very noob question. Is it ok to have different mfc-nodes installed on the same system? Not all running at the same time, just installed. Over the past few months or so i've collected and installed a few different mfc-nodes and programs from different people. For instance I have horacio9a's 'mfc-node-master' installed from before the DMCA thing happened. I have 'StreamDVR' installed. I use horacio9a's 'mfc-node-2' most of all when I do use node to cap.

I'm wondering if doing all that unpacking and installing libraries could be bad for my system. Or when I download an updated version of an mfc-node I'm already using, should I delete or uninstall the previous version? Do I have to uninstall previous packages that were installed during 'npm install'? Could that be done with like: npm uninstall? I just don't want packages interfering or contradicting each other from different versions of mfc-node.
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Old 01-15-2019, 03:24 PM
supersonic80 supersonic80 is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by Syl0pt View Post
Has anyone noticed a skipping of sorts in some of their MFC caps lately? Like a quick freeze every few seconds then it resumes fine and freezes again. Started Friday for me and it's only happened to a few models I record but none of those models that it occurred with have cammed again so I can't tell if it continues with the same model or if it's more random.
rtmp stream is a "raw" stream if it has problems all other streams (HLS) will have problems. Try to record rtmp streams, if you get problems then there is nothing you can do to solve this.

Originally Posted by Syl0pt View Post
On a different note, I have a very noob question. Is it ok to have different mfc-nodes installed on the same system? Not all running at the same time, just installed. Over the past few months or so i've collected and installed a few different mfc-nodes and programs from different people. For instance I have horacio9a's 'mfc-node-master' installed from before the DMCA thing happened. I have 'StreamDVR' installed. I use horacio9a's 'mfc-node-2' most of all when I do use node to cap.

I'm wondering if doing all that unpacking and installing libraries could be bad for my system. Or when I download an updated version of an mfc-node I'm already using, should I delete or uninstall the previous version? Do I have to uninstall previous packages that were installed during 'npm install'? Could that be done with like: npm uninstall? I just don't want packages interfering or contradicting each other from different versions of mfc-node.
The main function of these scripts is to control recording program (rtmpdump, ffmpeg, streamlink etc.), they have nothing to do with skips (unless a script passes wrong arguments).
Each script independent from each other and store everything within its directory. 'npm install' creates node_modules directory within the script's directory and has nothing to do with any other scripts installed anywhere else. You can run multiple scripts if your PC has enough resources (only port number should be different in config.yml).
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