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Old 11-30-2017, 08:38 AM
korexaj korexaj is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

So guys, I've been doing testing for about a week to find the best solution for determining whether a model is onine or in private (streamate model). Using horacio's method, it seems like its extremely difficult to find a value which represents model status. this means the problem (creating emtpy files) still exists in this script. One approach to tackle the issues was to extract a json file and check for error 403. I have managed to achieve this by using websockets but the problem is for some models (and every now and then) the script hangs/gets stuck when connecting to the URL, which means it will fail to detect anything.

so now we're stuck between two approaches, one which offers more features but has higher fail rate and other which has higher detection rate (and more reliable) but creates shit tons of emtpy files during the time the model is in private.

Note: These two were tested on macOS so i'm not sure if it the problems exists on windows or not. So can someone confirm this please
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Old 11-30-2017, 09:05 AM
wizard wizard is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

If the issue is ton of empty (0kb) files than a solution should be pretty much easy. I know that there were some scripts that check the recording folder and automatically delete all the 0kb files. Not sure which script exactly was doing this and who wrote that part but for sure it can be done. Maybe Horacio has better memory than me as he is the one who handles them far more better.
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Old 11-30-2017, 02:46 PM
korexaj korexaj is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by wizard View Post
If the issue is ton of empty (0kb) files than a solution should be pretty much easy. I know that there were some scripts that check the recording folder and automatically delete all the 0kb files. Not sure which script exactly was doing this and who wrote that part but for sure it can be done. Maybe Horacio has better memory than me as he is the one who handles them far more better.
that is a possible solution and can be easily implemented (hopefully) but wouldnt that be bad for the hard drive in the long run since it will be doing alot of read/write
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Old 11-30-2017, 03:13 PM is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)
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Old 11-30-2017, 04:34 PM
Damianonymous Damianonymous is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

In ihryjfbd scripts, implementing this feature greatly slows down work and increases the need for computer resources. I prefer to use it in the bat script manually:
for /r %%F in (*) do if %%~zF==0 @del "%%F"
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Old 11-30-2017, 05:34 PM
korexaj korexaj is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by Damianonymous View Post
In ihryjfbd scripts, implementing this feature greatly slows down work and increases the need for computer resources. I prefer to use it in the bat script manually:
for /r %%F in (*) do if %%~zF==0 @del "%%F"
i think python script solution would be best option so that it works across different operating systems
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Old 12-03-2017, 06:14 PM
korexaj korexaj is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

i was just curious (again) about the file format when using rtmp. Doe it matter if we use say mp4 instead of the default .flv?

also are file sizes supposed to be alot larger when using rtmp?

Last edited by korexaj : 12-03-2017 at 08:04 PM.
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Old 12-03-2017, 07:54 PM
j_cool j_cool is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I can tell you that.

Save the same stream in both formats, then compare them.

I always find that I have smoother stream with flv file.
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Old 12-03-2017, 11:56 PM
maitrang7995 maitrang7995 is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Bá??t cứ khi n?*o chá»?n Việt Nam cho ká»? nghỉ của há»?, kh??ch du lịch th?°á»?ng xuy??n qu?? cá??nh th?*nh phố Hồ Ch?* Minh trong má»™t ng?*y. V?¬ vá?*y, bá??n sá?? phá??i nghÄ© rá?±ng n?? chỉ l?* má»™t ch??t thá»?i gian v?* rá??t kh?? Ä‘á»? l?*m bá??t cứ Ä‘iá»?u g?¬. Bá»?i v?¬, th?*nh phố Hồ Ch?* Minh c?? rá??t nhiá»?u Ä‘iá»?m thu h??t kh??ch du lịch nh?°: C?* ph??, kiá??n tr??c, chá»?, vietnam bike tours,..... Ná??u bá??n c?? thá»?i gian há??n chá??, t?´i khuy??n bá??n má»™t số thứ n??n l?*m á»? Hồ Ch?* Minh...,

Kiá??n tr??c
Kiá??n tr??c trong th?*nh phố l?* má»™t mash mash của t??a nh?* chá»?c trá»?i má»›i, nh?* ống c?©, má»™t thuá»™c địa Ph??p x??y dá»±ng. May má??n thay, tá??t cá?? Ä‘á»?u gá?§n nhau n??n Ä‘i bá»™ ngá??n cung cá??p cho bá??n c?? há»™i th?°á»?ng thức há?§u há??t trong số há»?. Th?* dá»? Nh?* thá»? Ä?ức B?*, B?°u Ä‘iện, Nh?* h??t Th?*nh phố Hồ Ch?* Minh, T??a thị ch?*nh ..

Nh??m nhi c?* ph??
Ng?°á»?i Việt Nam thá»±c sá»± tá»± h?*o vá»? c?* ph?? của há»? v?* kh?´ng c?? thiá??u c?* ph?? tá??i th?*nh phố Hồ Ch?* Minh.
Hồ Ch?* Minh l?* Ä‘iá»?m Ä‘á??n phổ biá??n cho du kh??ch ba l?´ bá»?i v?¬ n?? l?* t?°??ng đối rá?» Ä‘á»? Ä‘i du lịch quanh Ä‘??y. Khu vá»±c nhá»? xung quanh Phố Phá??m Ng?© L??o v?* Ä‘?°á»?ng B?°á»?i Ä‘?? trá»? th?*nh nam ch??m cho chá»— á»?, Ä‘á?§y m?*u sá??c, nh?* h?*ng v?* sinh Ä‘á»™ng.

ThÄ?m chá»?
Chá»? Bá??n Th?*nh l?* chá»? trung t??m mang t?*nh biá»?u t?°á»?ng á»? th?*nh phố Hồ Ch?* Minh. Ng?°á»?i b??n c?? thá»? kh?? hung hÄ?ng vá»›i cá?? hai địa ph?°??ng v?* kh??ch du lịch. Ngay cá?? đối vá»›i nhá»?ng ng?°á»?i sống á»? Ä‘??y, thị tr?°á»?ng b??n nhá»?ng thứ m?* há»? th?°á»?ng kh?? c?? thá»? t?¬m thá??y. Há»? b??n má»?i thứ từ qu?* l?°u niệm Ä‘á??n đồ d??ng nh?* bá??p cho h?*ng tá??p h??a v?* thịt

Du lịch bá?±ng xe Ä‘á??p (vietnam bike tours)
Hồ Ch?* Minh kh?´ng qu?? nhá»? Ä‘á»? c??c bá??n c?? thá»? Ä‘i bá»™, n??n t?´i khuy??n bá??n n??n chá»?n thu?? má»™t chiá??c xe Ä‘á»? thá»? tiện cho việc thÄ?m quan hoá?·c nhá»? Ä‘á??n c??c dịch vá»? du lịch Ä‘á»? c?? thá»? tá?*n h?°á»?ng 1 ng?*y á»? Hồ Ch?* Minh thá?*t Ä‘á??p.

Ch??ng t?´i hy vá»?ng bá??n sá?? th?*ch v?* ch??ng t?´i muốn gi??p bá??n tá?*n dá»?ng thá»?i gian của bá??n á»? th?*nh phố Hồ Ch?* Minh. Easy Indochina Travel cung cá??p c??c tour du lịch nhiá»?u ng?*y vá»›i há?§u há??t c??c dịch vá»? chuy??n nghiệp
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Old 12-04-2017, 05:10 AM
cabulo cabulo is offline
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Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Originally Posted by maitrang7995 View Post
Church in Vietnam ?

By donation from Anita Bryant or John Hagee?
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