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Old 08-03-2011, 12:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Default How to record/capture/save/rip live online job video interview

InnovaHire is an job search web-site. It allows to interview job seekers live online using a webcam.

InnovaHire offers a live interview tool which is different than a video interview. A video interview is pre-recorded which means job seekers are given a list of questions and after having time to review the questions and practice their answers, can record the final take on a video.

InnovaHire live interview feature allows you to interview job seekers live online using a webcam. Think of it this way, you are having an in-person interview online! You ask the interview questions in real-time and you get real-time responses from job seekers.

How to record/capture/save/rip/snag/catch live online job video interview from InnovaHire

WM Capture (Windows) allows to capture / record / save / catch / snag / rip online video chat (live job video interview) from InnovaHire. It allows to record web-cams and voice of both interviewee and interviewer.

WM Capture allows to easily record webcam video from InnovaHire as well as from Skype, Windows Live Messenger, MSN Messenger, Google Talk, Google+ Hangout, Facebook chat, ICQ, AIM, Omegle, Jabber, and Yahoo Messenger.

WM Capture will save the output in MPG, WMV, MP4 or even DVD-Video formats, so you will be able to play recorded videos anytime you like and on any device you have.

WM Capture allows to record audio from any source including: microphone, line-in or speakers so that you can choose to record the sound from either side or both sides of a video chat. So you will be able to record both interviewee and interviewer.

WM Capture is free to try. And it comes with a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee.

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