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Old 11-08-2010, 09:18 AM
niener niener is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4
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Default - Problem downloading RTMPE stream

Hello! I've been reading around on this forum trying to find out what to do with these problems, but cannot seem to find a solution. Maybe its better that the experts can have a look at it?

Problem 1
What am I trying?
To download a complete movie from the site

Where am I now?
I've located the rtmpe link using CooJah 6.

url: rtmpe://
app: filmarkivet
flashVer: WIN 10,1,53,64
It also allows me to download through Blader, but seem to stop some time between 7 % and 11 %. It allows me to stop and resume once, and downloads some more, but then stops again. Trying to stop and start again gives me this error:

I also tried rtmpdump, but it gives me an error after getting connected and doesn't record anything.

NOTE: The site offers a preview of 1 minute 30 seconds and if you want to see more you have to pay. Trying do download the movie without paying (you can easily figure out the rtmpe link) will only let you download 1.30. If you pay for it (which in this case I have) you seemingly get to download the whole thing, part from the fact that the download stops between 7 % and 11 %. I tried this on a short film which lasts about 7 minutes, and it downloaded completely without interruptions. I also paid for this.

My question:
Is this due to SWF verification? Is it any way to avoid this and to be able to download the complete file without interruptions? Is this "extra" field some kind of encryption that's hard to work around?

Any help solving the problem would be greatly appreciated!

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