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Old 10-12-2011, 08:45 PM
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Re: How to download/capture/save/get/copy subtitles from Crunchy

Yea. How did you make it work Random? Please share
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Old 04-15-2012, 03:33 PM
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Re: How to download/capture/save/get/copy subtitles from Crunchy

Anyone know if keepvid will support other language subtitles? For example:
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Old 04-22-2012, 08:05 PM
shinji257 shinji257 is offline
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Re: How to download/capture/save/get/copy subtitles from Crunchy

Thanks very much for how to dump those subs tRon. It worked perfectly and I actually use the 3rd method to get the subtitle id. Still works to this day. The subtitle url is also good. This is getting me the original ass format subs and works fine.

The only things I had to do was make a couple of edits to First change V4 to V4+ (line 40) then change all references to ", " so it shows as ",". Basically remove the space. That will be on line 46. It will make the output file actually work. This may be a change from previously though so I don't know how well it would work from older subs but I tested it on decoded subs for Saki Episode of Side A and it worked great. Aegisubs loads it well and it renders properly in my media players.

I also compiled it using py2exe (Py2.7 x64) to remove the need to call python directly (just a convenience).

Here is the code lines original vs changed so you can see it better.

Line 40
styles = "[V4 Styles]\nFormat: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding\n";
styles = "[V4+ Styles]\nFormat: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding\n";
Line 46
styles += "Style: " + style['name'] + ", " + style['font_name'] + ", " + style['font_size'] + ", " + style['primary_colour'] + ", " + style['secondary_colour'] + ", " + style['outline_colour'] + ", " + style['back_colour'] + ", " + style['bold'] + ", " + style['italic'] + ", " + style['underline'] + ", " + style['strikeout'] + ", " + style['scale_x'] + ", " + style['scale_y'] + ", " + style['spacing'] + ", " + style['angle'] + ", " + style['border_style'] + ", " + style['outline'] + ", " + style['shadow'] + ", " + style['alignment'] + ", " + style['margin_l'] + ", " + style['margin_r'] + ", " + style['margin_v'] + ", " + style['encoding'] + "\n"
styles += "Style: " + style['name'] + "," + style['font_name'] + "," + style['font_size'] + "," + style['primary_colour'] + "," + style['secondary_colour'] + "," + style['outline_colour'] + "," + style['back_colour'] + "," + style['bold'] + "," + style['italic'] + "," + style['underline'] + "," + style['strikeout'] + "," + style['scale_x'] + "," + style['scale_y'] + "," + style['spacing'] + "," + style['angle'] + "," + style['border_style'] + "," + style['outline'] + "," + style['shadow'] + "," + style['alignment'] + "," + style['margin_l'] + "," + style['margin_r'] + "," + style['margin_v'] + "," + style['encoding'] + "\n"
If you want to build a exe file from the original script files you can do it with any python version that can run this script directly. You also need the appropriate py2exe version already installed. I'm not going to walk you through on that part as it's pretty straight forward.

Here is the file. Drop it in the same folder as where you have all the other .py files from the script.
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

Run it as: python py2exe

This should create a dist folder with the resulting files in it. It will also print out any dll dependencies that have resulted. The compiled files can be run on any computer without the need to have python running on it.
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Old 04-23-2012, 11:44 PM
shinji257 shinji257 is offline
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Re: How to download/capture/save/get/copy subtitles from Crunchy

I made a modified version of the crunchyroll subtitle decryptor on page 2. My version automatically determines the subtitle id (english subs only) and pulls it. Save file is automatically determined from the episode title (series + episode #) but if the file exists gives an opportunity to rename. It will not overwrite pre-existing files.

Use it like this:
python url

Where url is the actual streaming url. This works to grab subtitles for episodes that are member only as well without having to login (the page still gives the subtitle id).
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