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Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videosQuote:
I've tried youtube-dl too. By default it uses internal ffmpeg for recording, so I typed "--hls-prefer-native" and received only 2-seconds video. It's such annoying and I completely went to MFC (mfc-node). |
Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videosWorking fine here
@echo off setlocal enableDelayedExpansion set USERNAME=AnonymousUser set PASSWORD=anonymous set CB_VERSION=9 set OUT_DIR=J:\captures set SECONDS=15 set /p model=Enter username: set model=%model: set model=%model:/=% if not exist %OUT_DIR% (mkdir %OUT_DIR%) for /L %%i in (1,1,99) do ( set N=!time:~9,12! set /a N=10000!N! %% 10000 set rand=!random! set /a rand=!rand!* 31/32768+1 set /a rand=!N!+!rand! set /a rand=!rand!*31/131+1 ) set server=edge%rand% :doCapture set ts=%date:/=-%_%time::=-% set ts=%ts: =% set output=%OUT_DIR%\%model%_%ts%.flv set PASSWORD=%PASSWORD:\u003D==% color 2F && title %model% @ %time% - %server% cls && echo Capturing: %model% @ %time% - %server% && echo. rtmpdump --live --timeout 20 ^ -r "rtmp://" ^ -p "" ^ -C S:%USERNAME% ^ -C S:%model% ^ -C S:%CB_VERSION% ^ -C S:%PASSWORD% ^ -y "playpath" -o %output% for %%r in (%output%) do ( if %%~zr lss 1 del %output% color 4F && title %model% - OFFLINE ) set /a rand=%random%*31/32768+1 set server=edge%rand% timeout %SECONDS% goto doCapture |
Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videosQuote:
Is this livestreamer? Is there any info available on how to set this up for CB? Can it run continuously and check when selected models come online and then record them? I heard somewhere that it will crash when a model goes private. Can you verify if that's true? |
Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videosQuote:
for livestreamer, also has the benefit of recording with the AAC audio codec instead of Speex. Code:
@echo off :loop echo livestreamer is now Recording... Chaturbate @echo off cd I:\StreamS\Chaturbate for /r %%F in (*) do if %%~zF==0 @del "%%F" set /p model=Enter model username: SET hour=%time:~0,2% IF "%hour:~0,1%" == " " SET hour=0%hour:~1,1% SET min=%time:~3,2% IF "%min:~0,1%" == " " SET min=0%min:~1,1% SET secs=%time:~6,2% IF "%secs:~0,1%" == " " SET secs=0%secs:~1,1% SET year=%date:~-4% SET month=%date:~3,2% IF "%month:~0,1%" == " " SET month=0%month:~1,1% SET day=%date:~0,2% IF "%day:~0,1%" == " " SET day=0%day:~1,1% SET _my_datetime=%day%-%month%-%year%_%hour%-%min%-%secs% SET file=%_my_datetime% livestreamer "" best --http-header "swfUrl=" --http-header "flashVer=WIN 23,0,0,162" -o "I:\StreamS\Chaturbate\%file%_%model%_Chaturbate.ts" goto loop |
Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos
This release works on Windows 7 without any problem. |
Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videosQuote:
Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videosQuote:
Thank you very much. Do I need something besides that zip on the page labeled as source code, to get this to work? Last edited by jh82 : 10-13-2016 at 07:26 AM. Reason: missed words in sentence |
Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videosQuote:
Right now It's running on Win 7 64bit. I'm going to try it on a win 10 machine in the next days or two. And it is a cb profile that doesn't have a lot of follows. Soon, I will try it with another profile that has whole lot more models followed. Is there a max to how many streams it can download at one time? I still don't know where to start for livestreamer. |
Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videosQuote: Copy my above script into notepad, click save as, save as type All Files (*.*) then put the filename as something.bat click save, then double click the new .bat / batch file, type your modelname and hit enter. Also try changing to in both the RTMPDump and Livestreamer scripts it may alter the quality / codecs used instead of flash video. |
Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videosI have no idea about the limits. Once I saw 13 streams on the old Atom PC (1.6Ghz) running Ubuntu. I know nothing about Windows.
Tags: aduly, chat, chaturbate, chaturbate com, live sex, record, web cam, webcam, www chaturbate com, xxx |
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