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Old 01-11-2008, 04:58 AM
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Default record flash videos from CBS news: 60 minutes site video capture

How can I capture or save a stream from the CBS news website 60 minutes? What do I need to capture the stream from its site?

Thank you....
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Old 01-11-2008, 05:43 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: record flash videos from CBC news: 60 minutes site video capture

How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player
How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video RTMP stream from embedded player
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Old 01-11-2008, 02:17 PM
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Re: record flash videos from CBC news: 60 minutes site video capture

I have tubehunter ultra...and, it works on almost every stream I have tried, but does not work on the CBS 60 minutes streams. I also tried Replay A/V with no luck. Does anyone know how to capture and/or save the 60 minutes streams from CBS news site? I see a few on youtube...I wonder how they were captured...
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Old 01-11-2008, 03:39 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: record flash videos from CBC news: 60 minutes site video capture

I tried Replay Media Catcher only (the first program I try when I see a flash video stream) and it showed me the HTTP URL.

If it is an RTMP stream, then it can be recorded with two flash stream recorders only: Replay Media Catcher and FLV Recorder.
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Old 04-01-2008, 12:08 AM
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find video in firefox cache

I just tried the following method
Originally Posted by squash
The video is at:
I got the location out of Firefox's cache. Since you appear to be using Firefox, here's how to do it in case you need to in the future:

Click on the URL you gave, let the video play. Open a new tab; in the address bar type in: "about:cache" (no quotes). Hit "enter". Under "Disk Cache Device", click on the "List Cache Entries" hyperlink.

You'll see a huge list of links. I searched on "roll" (from the webpage). The 1st hit was an mp3 file from The next was an html file from rollwithit. The 3rd was a 4 meg swf file. This looks like what we're after, but DO NOT try to download from here. Click on the link and this will open another page, with only one link on it. This is where your file is. Right-click the link and "Save link as..." and you will be all set.

Hope this helps.

Edit: just wanted to add, the file is already there in your cache, so you don't really need to download it, you just have to find it. It will have a random looking name and no extension. I just now sorted my cache by size and looked for one the same size as that given by the info on the "disk cache device" page, found a match, copied it to the desktop, tacked a ".swf" on to the end of it and it played fine (FF had named it "F80A8847d01"). Might save you some time to do it this way if it's a big file or if you're on dialup
and it worked! Just found the file in firefox cache and added .swf extension.

It worked on
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Old 04-01-2008, 12:48 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: find video in firefox cache

It might be a better idea to use URL Snooper to find stream URLs. It is a simple HTTP .FLV video so you don't need to add ".SWF" or anything to the URL.

And you can even download this video with your browser as well as by many other methods:
How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player
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Old 12-27-2010, 04:35 AM
cz48b1 cz48b1 is offline
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Default record flash videos from CBS news: 60 minutes site video capture

Hi all,

I need some help here....

I'm using Orbit Downloader (latest version).

I'm trying to download videos from CBS 60 minutes (RTMP).

Thing is that the video has an advertising first (30 seconds or so) and after that, the actual program.

I'm able to download only the advertising video, not the main one.

Any ideas will be welcome. Thanks in advance!!!

P.S.: See the link below as an example.

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Old 12-27-2010, 05:03 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: record flash videos from CBS news: 60 minutes site video capture

Just use some good RTMP recorder like Replay Media Catcher 4 instead of Orbit Downloader:

You can download RTMP streams with freeware StreamTransport, CooJah + Blader, shareware Replay Media Catcher,...

And you can capture RTMP streams in real time while you watch them using freeware CooJah (without Blader), Orbit Grab Pro, shareware Replay Media Catcher 4.

FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Adobe Flash .FLV video RTMP stream from embedded player
How to record rtmp:// flash video .flv stream from embedded Adobe Flash Player
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