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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Other discussions > Software promoted by spammers. Web-sites operated by spammers.
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View Poll Results: Are Aiseesoft programs worth downloading / buying ?
Sure 0 0%
Probably 4 0.42%
Not at all (because of low quality, no support, no refunds,...) 939 98.43%
I don't know 11 1.15%
Voters: 954. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 07-07-2009, 03:25 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

Total Video Converter - crap
DVD Ripper - crap
iPod to Computer Transfer - crap

Don't buy anything from these spammers!!!
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Old 07-14-2009, 06:19 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

What can I say? If you can't develop high quality software and/or unique software, the only way to promote it is by using spam. We get lots of spam messages in the forum from Aisee soft. We have contacted them several times explaining that they won't have any sales coming from our web-site, but they continue creating spam posts. They only prove that their software is of low quality and that we should avoid it.
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Old 07-17-2009, 04:01 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

Aiseesoft DVD Ripper for Mac - buggy crappy software
Aiseesoft Video Converter for Mac - buggy crappy software
Aiseesoft iPod Manager for Mac - buggy crappy software
Aiseesoft iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac - buggy crappy software
Aiseesoft DVD Copy for Mac - buggy crappy software

These low quality softwares are praised by spammers only. Read real reviews and do not use Aiseesoft products unless you want to be ripped off!!!
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Old 07-17-2009, 07:48 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

After asking about stopping to post spam messages on our web-site we have received the following message:
Originally Posted by Aiseesoft
Dear Webmaster,

I am from Aiseesoft Studio. We have received your letter and attached great importance to this affair. We have already made clear that the people who post these threads and restrain it. Since we have hundreds of affiliates, we cannot fully monitor all their works. We have find out the affiliate and warn them. If you notice us in time, we will deal with it earlier and more rational.

Our products are all released before strict test. We have hundreds of thousands of users all around the world. We always make appropriate arrangements for users problems and go in for continuous quality improvement.
We hope you can delete these threads about Aiseesoft from this link as soon as possible:

We will see your acts as the stimulation for us while we make sure we can deal with all problems properly. We assure that we will never annoy your forum and work hard with the improvement for users satisfaction. We also hope that we can make the further cooperation, such as pay for the valuable advertisement on your site.

Sincerely waiting for good results.
But we still continue to receive spam posts from Aiseesoft every day. And it has nothing to do with their affiliate that they "can't fully monitor and restrain", because they provide direct links to their web-site.

I will never advertise products of spammers, because they are of low quality no matter how much they are willing to pay. Besides I can't possibly advertise a brand that I don't trust. They have already told me twice that they would not make spam posts in our forum and it was a downright lie.

And I really wonder why they are so stupid. When they post in our forum, their links are replaced so they don't get any traffic and sales. May be Aiseesoft just likes wasting time instead of creating high quality products?!

It is also interesting that the message from 4videosoft, another low quality software vendor, was absolutely identical:
Originally Posted by 4videosoft
I am from 4videosoft Studio. I'm sorry to bring you such a post in your forum.

We have received your letter and attached great importance to this affair. We have already made clear that the people who post these threads and restrain it. Since we have hundreds of affiliates, we cannot fully monitor all their works. We have find out the affiliate and warn them. If you notice us in time, we will deal with it earlier and more rational.

Our products are all released before strict test. We have hundreds of thousands of users all around the world. We always make appropriate arrangements for users’ problems and go in for continuous quality improvement.
We hope you can delete these threads about 4videosoft from this link as soon as possible: We will see your acts as the stimulation for us while we make sure we can deal with all problems properly. We assure that we will never annoy your forum and work hard with the improvement for users’ satisfaction. We also hope that we can make the further cooperation, such as pay for the valuable advertisement on your site.

Sincerely waiting for good results.
What can I add? Read reviews from those people and web-sites whom you trust and always test software before buying.
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:27 PM
Posts: n/a

Re: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

Originally Posted by summertree24 View Post
I can't believe that they charge you so much for this crappy software.

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Old 09-04-2009, 02:41 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
But we still continue to receive spam posts from Aiseesoft every day. And it has nothing to do with their affiliate that they "can't fully monitor and restrain", because they provide direct links to their web-site.
They are from China. They will lie to you and will never stop sending spam. If you had ever done any business with these types of companys, you would have known that. You just can't trust them.

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Old 09-07-2009, 01:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

The quality of Aiseesoft is do damn low!!! It is just beyond my comprehension how anyone can buy this crap!
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Old 10-23-2009, 01:25 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

I was so stupid to buy Aiseesoft M4A Converter. I didn't know that it is of such a low quality, I didn't know that they don't have any support. They don't know how to develop software, how to support it, how to market it.... No wonder spam is the only way to promote their crap.

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Old 10-28-2009, 08:39 PM
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Thumbs up

Re: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

I can't stop them from spamming in my forum too. They are so stupid. They don't get any traffic fro me. Probably they don't care about ROI, they just don't know hot to sell this sit otherwise. May be I need to convert their spam to something similar?

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Old 10-29-2009, 03:26 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Reviews: Aiseesoft - low quality software that I do NOT recommend

Just deleted another spam message from Aiseesoft and Tipard programs. The screenshots of the two programs from these companies were absolutely identical!

More and more companies / web-sites are created to promote low-quality software. I wish google was banning spammers.
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