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Old 12-11-2008, 06:58 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a
Default and similar web-sites is an online store and community that focuses on selling cool stuff cheap. It started as an employee-store slash market-testing type of place for an electronics distributor, but it's taken on a life of its own.

Woot was the pioneer of the "one deal a day" business model on the internet. Woot's main website generally offers only one discounted product each day, often a piece of computer hardware or an electronic gadget. Other Woot sites offer one original t-shirt per day, two selections of wine per week, and one closeout deal per day in cooperation with Yahoo! Shopping.

Woot's tagline is "One Day, One Deal". Generally, Woot offers one product per day until its stock of that item is sold out or the product is replaced at midnight Central Time with the next offering. If a product sells out during its run, the next item still does not appear until midnight, except during Woot-Offs. Products are never announced beforehand.

Customers normally may buy up to three of the day's item, although occasionally the site has limited product quantity to one per customer. Woot does not reveal sales figures unless the item sells out.

Woot mainly uses FedEx and normally ships only to addresses within the continental United States.

Woot entered into a partnership with Yahoo! and created a new site,
All product offers and fulfillment are managed by Woot, but users must enter the Woot Sellout site through Yahoo! Shopping's front page. New products appear at the same time as other Woot sites, seven days a week. On August 14, 2008, sellout.woot experienced its first "Sell-Off," similar to a Woot-Off. The first ever "sell-off" was selling only HDTVs.
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