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Old 03-08-2008, 10:49 PM
Posts: n/a

WMV Problem: Downloaded streaming video WMV files have no sound and the video

I really don't know where else to go to ask this, but hopefully someone here can help me.

I recently downloaded a few streaming wmv files but when I open them they have no sound and the video is colored lines, like those on a TV when you go to a station that does not work. The lines move and the file seems like it wants to play but all I get are moving colors and static noise every once in a while.

I've downloaded a bunch of programs to try and re-download the files using them but nothing is working and all the files turn up the same. I have tried playing the videos in VLC and WMP11 but they are not playing. I also converted the files to .avi to see if that would fix it but it did not work.

The files do work, however, when I download the original .asx version and stream them using WMP11, but this does not work with VLC. I really would like to have workable versions of these videos downloaded and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Old 03-08-2008, 10:59 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: WMV Problem: Downloaded streaming video WMV files have no sound and the video

No sound and the video with colored lines appeared many times when I tried to record streaming videos with VLC player.

Try to download videos with other streaming video recorders like WM Recorder or freeware GetASFStream.
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Old 03-08-2008, 11:39 PM
Posts: n/a

Re: WMV Problem: Downloaded streaming video WMV files have no sound and the video

I actually originally used SDP Downloader to download the file. Right now, I just tried GetASFStream and the file downloaded and I can play it in WMP11, but when I converted it to .avi it didn't work in VLC... Eh, I guess WMP11 is good enough. Thank you!

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