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Old 06-10-2009, 02:40 PM
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WMV with DRM to DVD?

Hi, I am very computer literate but a complete dummy in the areas of audio and video.

Here is what I have:

A three wmv video files (total size 300 MB, about 60 minutes total playing time) on my computer to which I own a subscription. When I play the file I must be connected to the internet, enter a user name and password; something called EZDRM. I am using XP service pack 2 and WMP version

Here is what I want:

A DVD that I can play on my tv.

I understand that converting formats can cause degradation. I also understand that there is a variety of software (some free and some not). I would like to end up with fairly decent quality. Free would be nice but am not opposed to paying for the software IF IT WILL DO THE JOB. I have read the descriptions on some of the software packages and end up more confused than when I started.

Thanks for any advice. Skippy

PS Is this necessarily a two step process: remove DRM then convert format or is there a package that will do it all?

Last edited by skippy99 : 06-10-2009 at 06:10 PM. Reason: PS
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Old 06-15-2009, 12:16 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: WMV with DRM to DVD?

We only suggest DRM removal software for those who purchase video files. Please do not abuse rental licences.
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Old 06-15-2009, 09:59 PM
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Re: WMV with DRM to DVD?

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
We only suggest DRM removal software for those who purchase video files. Please do not abuse rental licences.
Sorry, I have no intention of abusing a rental license.

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Old 10-06-2010, 01:22 AM
liangmin0 liangmin0 is offline
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Re: WMV with DRM to DVD?

vso convertXtoDVD
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Old 10-06-2010, 01:23 AM
liangmin0 liangmin0 is offline
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Re: WMV with DRM to DVD?

I'd like to share my personal experience with you guys. Well, I downloaded many TV shows and movies which come as MKV files. You see my hard drive could hold 250G files only, as I keep downloading movies, I found that my hard drive is gonna explode soon.

So I was thinking how to handle with all my movies and TV shows. I spend time and money to download them, I'm not gonna just delete them from my computer. I thought about buying another external hard drive to store my media sources. Then one of my friend said no because once the hard drive is broken, everything in it, gone.

I used to buy DVDs and then I thought I could download my movies onto DVD disc. After that, I can even view them on my home DVD player through my big screen TV. However, I am not sure how to do that. Then I Googled and I learned that I cannot burn them as data disc cause it might not work on my home DVD player. Yes, I know that Nero is able to do the job. But Nero is just bloatware nowadays. I want a simple one. Then I came to ConvertXtoDVD . You know what, this is the simplest application to burn MKV movies to DVD . What's more, I can add subtitle to the movies. God, I am so happy to find a such easy-to-use yet very useful tool.

Now I owned my movies collection. Guess you guys might need it. And now you know how to backup your movies.
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