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Old 11-20-2011, 09:46 PM
whoisbambam whoisbambam is offline
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WMRecorder Bundl Tubedigger 2Best Programs?

I am looking for the 2 or 3 best commercial windows applications that can download almost any video

Based on the reviews and posts here, I am thinking the two best options are the WM Recorder bundle (it has WMcapture for videos it cant dowload) and Tubedigger.

In the past, I have used Replay Media Catcher 3.11, but i have heard that 4.0x has caused many problems, and thus i did not upgrade.

I have also heard problems with GetFLV requiring restarts, etc.

I do have replay video capture, but the wmv quality seems low, and te mpg quality produces huge files that i can not convert to another format, and thus WMCapture seems to be a superior product due to the additional file formats from which i can work with.

I know there are probably free alternatives, but I am not interested in those.

I have used HIDowload, but it sucked at capturing urls, but i would capture the url with replay media catcher (it could get the url but fail to complete the download) and copy that into hidownload with higher success. supposedly they have a platinum version with a sniffer that i have never tried.

Some of the sites I need to record are password protected. they are educational videos, usual subject matter is medicine related or computer related ( is one)

Some require internet explorer due to silverlight (i also use FF with downloadhelper at times)

In closing, I was hoping you all could give me advice on two or three of the best solutions to download videos behind password-protected sites that have varying video formats for streaming.

I am thinking the two best commercial applications for windowsxp/windows7 seem to be the beforementioned WMRecorder bundle and Tubedigger?

On a separate note, I am confused as to why Audials One is not reviewed here? Is it a bad application?

thanks for any help. Over the past few months i have visted these forums trying to figure out the best alternatives, and now i need to make a choice, but the amount of options are most confounding.

If there are video formats not convered by the beforementioned two, like some sort of quicktime streaming protocol, please let me know.

I am not highly technical, so it is not even always clear to me what streaming video format and method (rtmp, rtsp, mms, etc) is being used, and thus my desire to try to simply things with a couple commercial apps.

One thing to bear in mind is the sites are frequently password protected, and merely typing the urls into another application may not work as they may need a cookie, referrer, session id, or some other concept (flash script redirect, i dunno) that I am not familiar with.

I prefer programs that can download faster than realtime, rather than having to record each one, one at a time, as the sites sometimes have monthly subscriptions, and the faster i can get the videos for later review, the more money saved (and convenience for myself)
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Old 11-21-2011, 12:56 AM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: WMRecorder Bundl Tubedigger 2Best Programs?

Wow, for a non technical person that's quite a post

Check out this product comparison chart and see if this helps

Personally, i'm a fan of Replay Media Catcher 4
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Old 11-21-2011, 01:26 AM
whoisbambam whoisbambam is offline
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Re: WMRecorder Bundl Tubedigger 2Best Programs?

I used to love replay media catcher.

but, recently the 3.11 version was causing freezes and it has stopped working with many sites--and frequently it just cant finish a given download--all based on past experience.

then i was reading and have discovered that the 4 version has been causing some issues with ppl here also, and it doesnt support encryption, unlike tubedigger

thus, it seems more logical to use tubedigger and another product.

but i could be wrong

and thus my original question

yes, i have carefully reviewed your comparison chart, and thank u for creating it.

WM Recorder is also near the top of ur chart

as is tubedigger

I guess I am trying to confirm if those two products, wmrecorder and tubedigger, support all the known video formats that can be downloaded.

i remember there was some strange quicktime protocol a couple years ago that many stream recorders could not download, but i forgot the protocol or whatever it was.

and i think used that protocol, plus was hiding the real url inside parsed files of some sort

if replay media catcher wasnt having issues with ppl and if it did encryption like tubedigger, i probably would upgrade it
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