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Old 11-13-2006, 06:31 AM
Posts: n/a

WMP 10 License problems

Hi Guys,

I am running windows xp, sp2, and have windows media player 10 installed.
I buy most of my music online from woolworths etc.
Recently, my protected music files, legally downloaded, won't play.
This is so frustrating, and I can't seem to solve the problem.
When I click on play, I get the message 'Windows cannot play or burn a
protected file as an error occured while verifiying the license'
When I click on help I get the error code C00D11DA.
This, according to the microsoft site can be caused for various reasons,
and there doesn't appear to be one 'Fix'.
I've tried a suggestion on the ms site which involved downloading and running
a napster drm reset tool. Unfortunately that didn't work.
When I go to the tools menu on wmp and click restore license, I get the
same error message!
I've found in my files a License drmv2lic.bak. But I can't play any music.
Any ideas please? I'm desperate!
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Old 11-13-2006, 11:13 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: WMP 10 License problems

That is why I hate DRM. You legally purchase music and the next day say woolworths disappears or some other problem happens and you can't play legally purchased music anymore.

First of all, Paige, you should contact the support team of the service which music you can't play anymore and describe your problem.

And next time remove DRM protection from Windows Media files. Don't rely on any service that can violate your Fair Use rights!

p.s. IMHO drmv2lic.bak is not a license. You should have a DRM folder (Usually it is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\), but it is not visible by default in Windows.
You may try to find it clicking "Start"->"Search" and searching for "DRM".

You may try to re-individualize and re-acquire licenses, but don't forget to backup you DRM folder first.

p.p.s. You may remove DRM protection only if you have valid licenses and able to play the files.
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Old 11-13-2006, 11:37 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: WMP 10 License problems

Why do I get error C00D11DA ("Windows Media Player cannot play, synchronize, or burn a protected file because an error occurred while verifying the license")?

The Microsoft Windows Media Digital Rights Management (DRM) system on your computer might be corrupted. We recommend that you contact the online store where you purchased the protected file for information about potentially repairing the DRM system and reacquiring new licenses from that store.

Before you try to repair the DRM system on your computer, always back up your existing licenses. If you don't back up your licenses, you might not be able to play, burn, or sync any of your protected files in the future. For more information about backing up licenses, see Windows Media Player Help.

Q. I can no longer access my protected files. What should I do?
There might be a problem with the media usage rights for the files. To help identify the problem, try playing a protected file and then clicking the error icon next to the file (Windows Media Player 11) or right-clicking the file and then clicking Error Details (Windows Media Player 10). Typically, a message will be displayed that gives information and instructions for resolving the problem.

If you obtained the files from an online store, check to see if the rights are missing or expired. For information about checking the rights, see How do I tell whether a file is protected and what I can do with it? If the rights are missing or expired, contact your online store to find out if the store provides the ability to restore or renew rights. Note that if the DRM system on your computer is corrupted, you must fix the corruption before downloading new rights. For more information, see Why do I get an error message that the rights (or licenses) for my files are corrupted or not valid?

If you are using Windows Media Player 10 and you have backed up your licenses, you can try to restore them. (It is not possible to back up and restore licenses in Windows Media Player 11.) For information about backing up and restoring licenses in Windows Media Player 10, see Windows Media Player 10 Help.

Q. Why do I get an error message that the rights (or licenses) for my files are corrupted or not valid?
The DRM system on your computer is corrupted. This problem may occur if you have replaced hardware components in your computer. As a result, existing media usage rights on your computer may not work correctly, or it may be impossible to download new rights. To resolve this problem, you can reset the DRM system on your computer and then try to obtain new rights for your protected files from the content provider. The procedure for doing so varies, depending on the version of the Player you are running.

Windows Media Player 11

To reset the DRM system, do the following:


This will delete all media usage rights and you will not be able to play any protected files until the new media usage rights are downloaded. Microsoft Recorded TV Shows (DVR-MS files), however, will be deleted and cannot be replaced.
Verify that Windows is configured to show hidden files and protected operating system files.

If your computer is running Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, you should also stop the Media Center receiver service by typing net stop ehrecvr at a command prompt.

Open the Windows Media DRM folder. This folder is usually at C:\public\DRM.

If you cannot find the DRM folder, do the following:
In Windows, click Start, and then click Run.

In the Open text box, type regedit, and then click OK.

In Registry Editor, click the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\DRM.

Double-click the DataPath value. The path to the DRM folder is displayed in the right column.

In the Windows Media DRM folder, select and delete all of the files, and then restart the computer.

To download new media usage rights for a file, start the Player and play the file. The Player will contact the online store and attempt to download new rights.

If you want to download rights for a lot of files, you can also contact your online store to find out if the store provides the ability to restore or renew rights for all files that you have obtained from the store.

Windows Media Player 10

For information about resetting DRM for Windows Media Player 10, in the Microsoft Knowledge Base, see article 810422, "'Licenses for your media files are corrupted' or 'License is either corrupted or not valid' error message when you try to play licensed media files."

Error message when you use Windows Media Player 10 to play online media files: "C00D11DA - Windows Media Player cannot play, synchronize, or burn a protected file because an error occurred while verifying the license"

When you use Microsoft Windows Media Player 10 to play online media files on a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer, you receive an error message that resembles the following:
C00D11DA - Windows Media Player cannot play, synchronize, or burn a protected file because an error occurred while verifying the license. Back to the top

This issue occurs if the Digital Rights Management (DRM) system is corrupted on the computer. Back to the top

To resolve this issue, download and then run the DRM_reset.exe file to automatically reset the DRM system.

To download the DRM_reset.exe file, visit the following Napster Web site:
Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.

How do I restore my media usage rights?

If you encounter an error message that indicates you are missing play, burn, or sync rights for a file and you had these rights previously, you might be able to resolve the problem by restoring your media usage rights:

If you obtained the file from an online store, the store might offer media usage rights (license) restoration (some stores refer to this procedure as computer activation, computer authorization, library restoration, or license synchronization).

The procedure for restoring your rights varies from store to store. For some stores, you can click the arrow below the Online Stores tab, point to the store name, and then click a command such as Restore My Library. For other stores, you might need to click Browse all Online Stores, click the store in the list, install the store software, and then click a customer service or account management link on that store's page.

The store might limit the number of times that you can restore your rights or limit the number of computers on which can use the songs or videos that you obtain from them. Some stores do not permit you to restore media usage rights at all. For details about the store's policies, see the store's customer support or Help links.

For more information about using protected files and online stores, see the Windows Media Player FAQ online.
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