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Old 03-31-2010, 12:10 PM
Apple Hammer Apple Hammer is offline
Electronics Engineer
Join Date: Mar 2010
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WM Splitter & Join Manager bugs/problems

Hi all,

I've been using WM Splitter to edit some .asf files created by my media recorder. I use this feature quite often to cut out unwanted footage from .asf files, and later join all my edited files together using the join manager to form one single, edited .asf file. I have used this application quite a bit, and can report the following problems:

WM Splitter:

When a marker is added, sometimes it does not appear exactly at the playback point as expected. Instead, it appears slightly behind the playback marker. This problem is more an annoyance than anything else, because I can correct the problem by dragging the marker to the correct position. I have occasionally noticed that the problem also occurs when dragging markers, so that when you release the mouse button the marker appears a bit further back (in time) than I wanted. Again, this is solved by repeatedly dragging it until finally the marker ends up where I wanted it.

Join Manager:

The Join manager tends to cause me quite a bit of trouble. I use this part of the application to select multiple .asf files (that have been previously edited using the splitter) and then join them altogether to form one file. Sometimes it works fine, but other times it gets stuck part way through the join process. When this happens, the program either hangs completely, at which point I have to CTRL-ALT-DELETE, select task manager and end the program, or it just stays stuck at a certain progress point before finally reporting an error. See the attached picture for the error that is reported.

When the problem occurs, sometimes I can solve it by simply trying again. Other times the problem seems more serious, and refuses to go away no matter how many times I try it. In this instance, it will normally get stuck at the same progress point each time (though the problem progress point itself varies between jobs, so it will likely be different for a different set of files).
After the program has crashed or I've forced it to close via the task manager, I've found that it has created a part finished file on the hard disk. This file will usually play, but I can't use the seek functions on the player. Sometimes I've found that the video finishes exactly where one of the files I intended to join starts, and in that case I can identify which of the files is upsetting the join manager. Armed with this knowledge I've found occasional success by loading the source file back into WM Splitter, editing it again, and then re-trying the join process in Join Manager.

But other times I've had no success at all and have been forced to abandon the process altogether. I should also note that even when I can identify a specific file that the join manager seems to be having a problem with, the file itself will play in my media player with no problems at all and the seek functions work on it as well. So the file itself seems to be sound.

Anyone else had problems with the Join Manager?

I'm using Windows 7 64-bit.


Apple Hammer
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File Type: png JoinManager_Fail.png (19.1 KB, 0 views)
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