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Old 03-09-2012, 04:01 AM
Ethan Ethan is offline
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WM Recorder Scheduler Bug

Hi all!
Been testing latest Wm Recorder, and there seems to be a problem with scheduler with flv/RTMP stream..
Record starts well and ends on time,
BUT it gives the same flie name to every recording, resulting in overwriting the previous scheduled record, when scheduling one stream multiple times (some programs per day on live tv).
It completely ignores file name given in scheduler window (i give another_program_name.flv (different each time) to each recodring in scheduler window, where date and time is set). But when record starts in status windows it gives the same name to the record each time, this name originates from streamname.ini file which has the captured RTMP link. So if using MyLiveTV.ini file in "VIEW->Menu->Saved Links->RTMP->MyLiveTV.ini->(right button)->Schedule Recording-> (And in that window i can set time, date and file name)
Then i can copy items in Menu->'Scheduler' list to give them new time and date and name, or do it as above, through 'Saved Links' it gives no difference. The Scheduler item's name is ignored and each recording would have MyLiveTV.flv name, resulting in overwriting previously recorded program with a new one. Seems that this problem occurs only with RTMP/flv recordings.
If someone could check please check the same issue.
My best wishes to program developers, really hope your program would be better. I'm ready to help if something in my possibilites
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Old 03-11-2012, 11:32 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: WM Recorder Scheduler Bug

Can you please provide me with the URL of the audio or video you're trying to record, so I can trouble shoot the issue?
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Old 03-16-2012, 02:14 AM
Ethan Ethan is offline
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Re: WM Recorder Scheduler Bug

Sure, let's try this:
Here's the issue:
Getting link in WMX mode:

Here it's captured:

Then going to Saved links->RTMP

Adding a schedule

Giving file name and setting time

It appears in "Scheduler" window with right name given.

On time record starts and we get this:

The name given is ignored.

If i'll schedule the same stream on another time with another name, it will ignore the name again and as the result the first record would be overwritten.
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Old 03-25-2012, 02:29 AM
Ethan Ethan is offline
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Re: WM Recorder Scheduler Bug

So have you experienced the same issue?
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Old 03-26-2012, 11:32 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: WM Recorder Scheduler Bug

Actually, I have not experienced this issue unfortunately

I will, however, forward this to the programmer for WMR in hopes he can assist with the issue :-)

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Old 05-11-2012, 12:43 AM
Ethan Ethan is offline
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Re: WM Recorder Scheduler Bug

Strange, so there sould be interaction with some third-party software in this function or the OS issue, i'm using w7 x64, maybe this helps.
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Old 08-21-2012, 03:37 AM
saxonytv saxonytv is offline
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Re: WM Recorder Scheduler Bug

Hi @ll,

we experience the same issue here.
Could you already check Ethans bug report?

We use WMR14 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 x64.

The file name is always set to the name of the URL recording.

And we cannot directly record rtmp URLs, we have to reference a web page with an embedded player in order to record a stream directly. But this seems to be a known issue, at least WMR14 showed a warning message at program startup that flv recording on x64 machines can cause problems and that we have to use WMX Mode and WM Browser to record a stream.

Greetings from Germany

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